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Sarah D. Bunting

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Everything posted by Sarah D. Bunting

  1. VA link works fine for me. Try clearing your cache?
  2. Thanks, @invis! Also: revoltingsnacks.tumblr.com -- "enjoy"!
  3. "Rollins' baby fighting pimp daddys, shooting at playgrounds, measels" Now I'm picturing Noah firing a semi-auto at a cartoon representation of measles and giggling at my desk. I didn't think this episode was bad, but whoever said upthread that it feels sometimes like SVU feels obligated to rip certain capital-I Issues headlines and have a hot take on them is dead on. It's okay to be a procedural and not lecture the audience, show.
  4. I think she wasn't happy that they focused so much on her boob job. Which is one of the best I've ever seen, btw.
  5. Li'l von Strucker is the kid from Gladiator and is the "bad guy" (ish?) in a notorious SVU episode. His sister looks just like him, though I don't believe they're twins, and I've already bet Monty Ashley a buck she turns up on SHIELD this season. ["the more you knooooowwww"]
  6. I had a sequinned vest. Don't make it right. (hee)
  7. HA HA HA, that is amazing. (That is such a try-hard dealer name, too.)
  8. Or cast an American? Even if Stapleton's better in other things, I doubt he's SO special that another actor from the States couldn't do the job. Not sure why he has to be a Caucasian or a guy, either, but I'm so over the "girl-genius agent and her bro handler fall in love" story, I'm under it.
  9. The Pete Jason wanted to help him with the script is Jones, not Farrelly.
  10. I would start with John Douglas's "The Cases That Haunt Us," which is also excellent on Jack the Ripper, Laurie Bembenek, the Black Dahlia, and others. Then Jim Fisher's books, although "The Ghosts of Hopewell" was a bit of a slog in my opinion. I've just taken delivery of the TV movie starring Anthony Hopkins as Hauptmann so I'll report back if that's worthwhile (spoiler: reeeeeally doubt it). ("The Case That Never Dies," by Gardner, is also good. Haven't read the Falzini yet.)
  11. "Give credit where it's due: Mrs. Parker was not played by Tracy Middleton, but by Rebecca Luker who, IRL, is married to Danny Burstein (who played Mr. Parker)." Middendorf -- but holy crap, you're right. In my defense, they could be twins. Editing now; thanks for the catch.
  12. We have enough other epithets for that fuckknuckle (see?) that we can easily let "dink" go. ...That reminds me, I have to get my brother to do a basso profundo "kick rocks, SHITBOX" sound drop. We'll get a lot of use out of it.
  13. Thanks, Everleigh -- not sure why that case didn't come up during my search.
  14. ...I JUST got it out of my head and now it's back! "Stingraaaaaaaay...Stingray!" DAMN YOU JOHN POTTS (hee)
  15. ...I'd already gotten into college and lost the ability to GAF. (see also: sending a stripper to the headmistress's office)
  16. Probably suing Brandon for taking credit for curing racism with yet another Roundfile-Gazette editorial on his "generation."
  17. I am already practicing a Michael McD rendition of "you are so precious to meeeeeee."
  18. HA HA HA HA this will totally happen. In the span of, like, a week because that's how justice moves in NYC: swiftly! (Not really! Jury selection when you're NOT picked takes longer than these cases!)
  19. Me too. And then hummed the ABC "brrraaahhm" right after.
  20. I don't know if this is legal, but if you're looking to watch The Deliberate Stranger: http://www.veoh.com/watch/v70682832hC7G9hSX?h1=The+Deliberate+Stranger
  21. I'd have to go with Kev as the Jets based on relative historical ineptitude (I love you, Jets fans! but you know I'm right).
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