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Sarah D. Bunting

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Everything posted by Sarah D. Bunting

  1. HA HA HA God bless Baffleck sometimes. And don't worry, I'm-a do them all, I'm stubborn like that.
  2. In case you missed it, here's Chris's post on the episode!
  3. ICYMI, here's Lilit's post on the episode!
  4. ICYMI, here's Previously.TV's post on the episode!
  5. Aw, you. Happy birthday! ("Nice hole" is becoming a permanent sound drop if I'm not mistaken.)
  6. Thanks for the love, everyone! @Lisin, that is a weird connection. People's ties to true crimes are fascinating to me (I'm not saying my dad referred to his schoolmate John DuPont as "that nutter" one time? But I'm not saying he didn't, heh).
  7. @Snide, then it's not a real season victory for me. (Also T-Bone is too competitive to do that, even for me.) But I appreciate your support! @Mary, she doesn't.
  8. There's a memorial fund, if you'd like to donate. (h/t to Adrienne -- yes, that one -- for the heads-up.) https://www.gofundme.com/tristen-scott-scholly-memorial-fund
  9. And also, Jesse and Ohhhhhndrea dump the baby with the Walshes like every other episode. Maybe spend five minutes during drop-off downloading some tips? ...Right, they raised Brandon. Scratch that.
  10. You're right; I've updated the piece. Thanks.
  11. Please stop posting photos of golden raisins where I can see them or we will have to fight with knives.
  12. And Kelly were the shieldee, how'd she get burned on her back? And, speaking as someone who has 100+ stitches' worth of scarring on her back and shoulders (thanks, sketchy moles!), seriously, who cares. Life isn't a disfigurement. It's just life. Get over it.
  13. @Jeeves (or anyone else in this thread), is there a better book than others on the abdication/their life together? I'm getting the sense there's the one book, from the '90s, about King Edward/the Duke, and "That Woman," which is about them as a couple, but I'm not sure either/both is worthwhile.
  14. Not that your cheerless correspondent's DVR figured it out, but according to IMDb, 11/9 will be "Bad Rap," which has nothing to do with anything Trumpy AFAIK. But there's another ep about a hockey player ALSO listed for that date, with "Totes Not Trump No Way Don't Sue Us" set for 11/16. Sorry we won't all be kvetching about an ep this week together! Maybe USA or ION will do us a solid and re-air the Vixy Platinum ep I so love to hate.
  15. I am 43 but somehow three years ahead of them in school?
  16. Twins! Well, that was my age before LAST March 22, but speaking of "no one cares," hee.
  17. @Tee I thought that plotline was imminent, but I got it confused with Professor Culto (if I had a nickel). I believe you're right and that's S6. Only 194 episodes to go! #killus
  18. "a girl wearing an enormous shaker-knit sweater and Hunter Boots while standing pigeon-toed in a pile of crimson leaves" A+
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