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Sarah D. Bunting

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Everything posted by Sarah D. Bunting

  1. We're covering Casey Anthony: AMM"M" on The Blotter Presents this week (my guest is Toby Ball of the Crime Writers on pod). Any specifics you want us to discuss in our hate-watch, let us know!
  2. She paired them with Ohhhhhndrea's white tights, that wasn't helping.
  3. Hmm. I don't think it's too controversial, but I hesitate to expand the mandate to include terrorism. However: there are some documentaries/properties about crimes adjacent/related to 9/11, like identity fraud, that might suit. I'll revisit it when the anniversary gets closer. Looks like 006 will be looking at the L.A. riots; lots of docs coming out to commemorate the 25th anniversary.
  4. Oh God, this actor. Her pronunciations are so affected and weird, and she was even more kickable as Veruca on Buffy. Awful. Plus she looks like someone dropped an Olsen twin out a high window.
  5. ^ I was happier not knowing that genus of scum existed.
  6. I tried to tell myself that he just agreed with her in this ep to get her out of his office, but...that's not the reality. As I say every week, I know the show means well. I'm just not here for a social-hygiene film on a concept, closure, that I don't even believe in.
  7. ^ I assumed it was the new baby but then my husband pointed out that the child is, like, in seventh grade already. Hee. Write-up in an hour or two.
  8. ^ just felt an actual, physical twinge of annoyance at that line, well done
  9. I was left alone with my brother for the evening regularly starting at age 9. He was 4. Granted, it was a small town and my parents could have been home in five minutes, plus we lived within sight of the hospital we were both born in, but still. Donna's welcome to hit us with some retroactive free pizza, however.
  10. "Doctor Who Wants To Marry Harry"
  11. Cousin Bobby is about to reappear on the podcast; the actor shows up as Kelly's drug dealer.
  12. Man, we'll definitely have to revisit that one at some point. Such a well-built series.
  13. Maybe! Although the world has simply got to stop agreeing with James Renner that he's an expert on anything. (hee)
  14. If you can find me links to stream those eps, I'd be all over it! Looks like we'll be digging into the Showtime docu, "Disgraced," next time.
  15. Gotta be better than the current one.
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