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Sarah D. Bunting

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Everything posted by Sarah D. Bunting

  1. Am now imagining my mother as a P.I. and it...doesn't NOT work? (I bet John sees it.)
  2. Thanks, Keeks! ...omg, the wine-colored ones. Okay, I'll be in my bunk, carry on. :)
  3. I don't think those will ever get worked out tbh but I appreciate everyone's patience.
  4. And I don't begrudge Swank her Oscars, but she was BAAAAAD here.
  5. There was a "Cam-WRONG" joke just sitting there the whole time and we both just walked past it.
  6. @Stowaway, I wondered about that too; something about their constant use of it rang false to me. It's like if a show insisted Ted Bundy was known as The Butcher Of Boulder -- "cute," but he...wasn't.
  7. Each episode is about an episode of the show -- so we'll definitely cover it whenever it comes up.
  8. ^ Agree. Surprisingly charming, though my floor-height expectations may have had something to do with my response to it.
  9. We're on it! Brief plot synopses will kick off each episode starting with Episode 5. (Apologies for our rather Queen-Mary-ish pivot speed there; we record these weeks in advance sometimes due to travel schedules.) I'll try to remember to drop the IMDb/VM Wikia's summaries into the forum topics as well.
  10. https://princetoniana.princeton.edu/traditions/past/nude-olympics I agree with you, but that shit hung on for a while.
  11. Not sure who we can hate on in GIF form here! We'll work on it.
  12. Watching ahead and got a societal issue, continuity error, or props punctuation nightmare John and Sarah NEED to discuss in a future GP ep? Leave it here! We're happy to add it to our list of 09 things. (You can also tweet it at us, @GoPiratesPod, or email us: sarah at previously dot tv or couchbaron at gmail dot com.)
  13. thanks, guys! As I've noted, sometimes it can take a while for us to get to your notes because we record ahead, but like Backup 2.0, our ears are always perked up. (Aw.) I may start a dedicated thread, in fact.
  14. Thanks, Shell! swimmy, I think the key to Jones's success is that it started out the truth -- or true *enough*. He wanted to help people and form his own rainbow coalition. And then when he saw the power that that settled on him...well, we know the rest. txhorns, I am reminded of Scientology, to the extent that members are gotten in the door with the promise of understanding and help that isn't coming from anywhere else -- and kept there with arcane lingo and the implication that, y'know, help isn't coming from anywhere else.
  15. Dammit, I was thinking when I was mentioning Rees, "I think he might have passed away also." MISTER RACIIIIIINE! And thanks for the intel, @pigs-in-space. I don't know why I found that the unbelievable part, when basically it...all is.
  16. Thus my asking! Let me walk you through the "logic" here: my SIL Gen and I are both from Jersey, where a French mani is the state bird*, and it's associated with a certain kind of style -- a high-maintenance, Carmela Soprano kind of style held over from the '80s that, when VM was originally airing, was not really on trend and definitely was not our thing. In the intervening years, OTT nail art and "neck parties" -- i.e., that Carm style, with the long claws, jewels embedded at the cuticle line, and all your necklaces on at once -- got pretty mainstream and chic, but prior to that, a French was for 1) lady realtors of a certain age, and 2) your wedding, so if one of us got one, we'd get the Frenchiest, most obviously fake tips possible (or a reverse French in Jets colors). The French seen here doesn't exactly "go." Like, a HS student in SoCal who's wearing probably all American Eagle, and then that kinda porny nail narrative? Doesn't line up. So I was wondering if it was ironic. * state bird is actually a goldfinch of some sort
  17. My Pirates sweatshirt was lent and not returned. Not surprising; that thing was rad. I'll ask the merch jefe about re-upping those designs.
  18. Oh my hell, I didn't even see that. James Earl Jones is seriously in it for three minutes, too. And this is such a dumb thing, but: those aren't the cups they actually use in The Scene, but does anyone else who was a kid in the late '70s/early '80s remember that seriously every household had those acrylic ridgey cups in every size? Usually green, like those?
  19. I've always loved Veronica's room, actually. Every time there's a scene of her flopping down on her overpillowed twin bed to mourn/speculate, I'm like, "HMMMMMM" and my husband's like, "I live here too: no."
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