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Sarah D. Bunting

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Everything posted by Sarah D. Bunting

  1. ...hmm. Well, DM me next Wednesday and let me know if Ep 20 works; if it doesn't we can try to troubleshoot it from there. More topically: I'm prepping for our next episode on The Murder Of Laci Peterson and Dan Abrams and his ungrey-yet hair are all over the archival footage from early 2003.
  2. Jesus, I can't believe we forgot that godforsaken Baja either.
  3. hmm. I don't think so, but we have been pulling the files onto a new system (thus the re-download dump from a couple weeks back). Can you get other TBP eps to play? (Feel free to email me so I remember to ping Dave about this if you're still having problems.)
  4. Most of my intel prior to the Fincher movie came from John Douglas's The Cases That Haunt Us, which just assumes Cheri Jo Bates is part of the series, but now I'm not sure about that either. But once we've finished our Buntsy On Batey pilot :) Eve will definitely come back on to talk about Zodiac theories and other stuff.
  5. (Here's a link out to our thread on crime podcasts -- in case anyone wants to get into it about RCP generally, versus just the Keepers episodes.)
  6. I was just coming in here to see if you'd posted about it. I was pre-annoyed by the subhed in my podcast app so thanks for the heads-up!
  7. That was my favorite song when I was 4, so I guess I should have known that. On the other hand, God was also a child when I was 4, so.
  8. Tweets or no tweets, this young lady and her late father was our most popular piece of the ENTIRE YEAR last year: http://previously.tv/catfish/will-the-lady-claiming-to-know-kaylas-late-father-get-ghost-busted-on-catfish/
  9. ...Adam told Malia he loved her?! I guess she could have made that up, but her game is so weak, it doesn't seem likely. All three of them are pathehhhhhhtic.
  10. I think I JUST learned those weren't the same guy, like, last year.
  11. here you go!: http://previously.tv/shows/the-inner-circle/
  12. I think it's underrated -- nobody serves NYC sweltering in the summer like Spike Lee -- but also self-indulgent (the Who sequence with the dummy). I also think it's hard to put together a portrayal of that period that acknowledges the state of things without yawing too far into apocalyptic hellscape.
  13. We've seen her invite him in for sex and him turn her down, what, three times now? At least twice. The actor is really trying but between her pale-copy-of-Susan-ness and the ongoing "Kelly and Brandon still wuv each other" undercurrents, it's like, just give up.
  14. B.A. Baracus would have made you do the test in class, I know that. (hee)
  15. Agree re: outrage-to-process ratio, but I'll check that ep out this weekend anyway.
  16. I took a break from that one because the self-righteousness was getting a bit thick for me, even though I was really into their chosen topics (i.e., the Robin Hood Hills/WM3 stuff). Should I go back to it? I respect Clemente's experience, but if he's going to be getting in Twitter fights with Rebecca Lavoie I'm not sure I have time for that narrishkeit.
  17. I think it's Marie? But I don't know what a Marie is either tbh. :/
  18. PS randomly, Lani and I both show up on These Are Their Stories's wrap-up of their first season of L&O pods, so if you want to clap an ear on that for some fictional crime, it's here: http://www.lawandorderpodcast.com/podcast-episodes/
  19. I'm Sarah D. Bunting and I @pprove this message.
  20. I don't know how we're going to choose amongst all the Lifetime-y movies made about both...so we might just not bother, because Kim Reed's back for our 8/16 ep and she'll be bringing some more Six Deg-Reeds (sorry, talk about a dad joke) Of Separation facts. Upcoming sked, subject to some change: 8/9 Eve's back to talk Zodiac 8/16 Kim on Laci Peterson, hometown crime 8/23 Al Lowe onNatalee Holloway: Case Closed or whatever it's called 8/30 preview of Biggie Smalls docu on BIO with my Mark And Sarah Talk About Songs co-jefe, Mark Blankenship** ** I've been trying to find any crime-show segment about the murder of George Rose. No luck so far but if y'all know for sure that, say, 20/20 did a segment on his death, please leave me a link. If you guys see any interesting (or so-bad-they're-good) shows coming up for fall, leave me a note here! I also welcome your suggestions for legendary vintage miniserieseses for Cold Case.
  21. I've been keeping half an eye on her midriff tops too ;). Garth and the Fatch's first child was born June 1997; the episodes we're discussing now aired at the end of '96, so it's right around now that she's going to be sitting with blankets on her lap or randomly behind the breakfast bar.
  22. But he seldom mentions his addiction, either, and neither does anyone else. I suspect @TeeVee329 is correct and they didn't give him a more serious/medication-compulsory diagnosis because they couldn't be shagged to manage it for continuity going forward.
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