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Sarah D. Bunting

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Everything posted by Sarah D. Bunting

  1. Same, but I wouldn't say it's a common occurrence. Good luck, @TorrinPaige!
  2. I just...with the chest tats. I swear I am not anti-bodymod, I have six tattoos and am a retired nose-ring wearer, but: maybe just henna until you know how everything's going to...settle?
  3. Based on his RW season, that tracks.
  4. That's the only switch I've seen formally noted. Other timeline issues seem to be organic, sigh.
  5. Time to agree to disagree -- and to do it in a topic-appropriate thread, as none of this happened in S01.E08. Thanks!
  6. ^ This. Sacks in particular I think shares Lamb's "...uch" attitude towards VM but has more admiration for her savvy than Lamb does. Not sure how much we've seen of this to date, actually, as he's not been as much of a factor yet.
  7. I traditionally do not *dislike* it, it just doesn't stay in my brain, at all. I remember a couple of recurring guest stars, and Piz, and the one main arc with the head-shaving, but the episodes aren't memorable, to the point where my husband will remember my having watched an S3 joint, but I won't recall it at all. Rote VM is still better than most shows, and I felt for them vis-a-vis trying to make the transition to college work, because it almost never does. But yeah, the time jump should have happened here.
  8. I think of this quote often, but it was running through my head constantly while prepping the episode -- Mike from Dazed & Confused looking at Tony's frosh crush and noting, "She's probably pretty cute once you clean all the shit off her."
  9. huh! I mean, not that that isn't a common transposition/error, but I'm never inclined to give AJ the benefit of the doubt. Heh.
  10. I'm sorry, Utahns; I liked driving through the state! It's lovely there. I'm just saying, if she feels that alienated by her surroundings, maybe change them. Or get a Sex Out 1996 shirt. hee
  11. I always think about that when Felice is getting self-righteous, and then I always remember the writing staff completely forgot about it and I need to let it go.
  12. We'll be talking about The Murder Of Laci Peterson on The Blotter Presents this week -- Kim Reed is back with another local-crime story, so don't miss it!
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