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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. FETV (Family Entertainment Television; 323 on DirecTV and 578 on UVerse) airs TBNS on Saturdays and Sundays in a four episode block. The timeslot is 10 pm to midnight.
  2. Thanks for recommending The Wilder Life. I checked it out of the library and finished it last night. It was a lot of fun. 😊
  3. That's right, and Mrs. Bennet probably never had a clue as to why they really moved away. 😂
  4. It even said toward the end of the book that Jane and Charles Bingley, probably the two most easygoing characters, moved away from Netherfield after only about a year because of the close proximity to the Bennets. Even they couldn't handle it!!! 😂
  5. I had the opposite reaction - yes, a Clevelander and an Indians fan here. 😉 I am happy to see Giovanny Urshela doing so well, though - he was lost in the shuffle here and it's good to see he is making the most of the opportunities he has been given in NY.
  6. It is, and their parents can't claim any credit for that. It speaks volumes about both Mr. Darcy's character and the depth of his love for Elizabeth that he paid Wickham to marry Lydia and make her "respectable". That he wanted to marry Elizabeth knowing full well who he would have for in-laws...not for the faint of heart!! 😂
  7. Yeah, it came out in 1989. 30 years ago, how time flies.
  8. As I mentioned before, I loved this little jingle when I was a kid.
  9. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice are two examples of what NOT to do when parenting. Their failure to keep Lydia in line very nearly destroyed their family, and in the end, the three of them never really learned anything or mended their ways.
  10. I know how you feel about those situations. It's like - why can't they both lose? 😂
  11. How about Mr. and Mrs. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice? Anyone familiar with the book and/or movie needs no explanation!!
  12. Here are a couple of very enjoyable ads from a company called Good Sense. The pitchman is actor Patrick Horgan, who played Eneg in a famous Star Trek episode but is probably best known for his work on soaps (his most prominent role was that of diabolical psychiatrist Dr. John Morrison on NBC's The Doctors, 1970-74).
  13. ACK!!! I found it - or them!!! "Don't forget the cheese!"
  14. Thanks for posting this, but that's not the ad I was thinking of. Thanks again, though!!
  15. Again, I think they were supposed to be boring. It's a credit to Olivia de Havilland that she made Melly so compelling in the movie.
  16. I remember back in the 80s, the Dairy Council had several ads about butter ("Give 'em all a little pat of butter") and cheese. I just forget what the slogan was for cheese. Do any of you know which one I'm talking about?
  17. True, but she sure built an empire by doing so!!! $$$$$
  18. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Just because I don't think there's a plausible way to write Elliott back in after so long, doesn't mean there might be one. Of course, it all depends on whether or not Meloni would agree to do it. It would probably take Dick Wolf prying open the purse strings and getting persuasive ($$$$$).
  19. I used to devour Danielle Steel's books - back when I was way too young to be reading them. I felt I was so grown up reading things about sex that I didn't even understand. When I did become an adult, I had no interest in those books anymore.
  20. Honestly, I think the time for Stabler to return - even for a one-off guest spot - has passed. I think that ship has sailed. MAYBE for the series finale, whenever that will be, but I just don't know how they'd write it so it would make sense.
  21. Wow - no one has yet mentioned Scarlett O'Hara? I would have to add Rhett Butler as well, just because of his tendency to...ravish.
  22. My favorite romantic movies all begin with "W"...While You Were Sleeping, When Harry Met Sally, and The Wedding Singer.
  23. Is that the one where the guy with the curly hair had his shirt unbuttoned by the end of the commercial? Gross.
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