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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. I have seen it - and referred to it as a return to normalcy (or, as close to normal as Goren gets!). Jay O. Sanders was also good as their new supervisor.
  2. A Passion Redeemed by Julie Lessman
  3. Yup - and so was his American League counterpart, Larry Doby.
  4. catlover79

    The NBA

    When I was in high school, I did the stats for the varsity baseball team. The opposing team was at bat and the batter hit a grounder to third. Our first baseman had to stretch to catch the throw. Unfortunately for him, he stretched a little too far and wound up tearing his ACL. I can still see him writhing on the dirt at first base while our coaches and trainers worked on him. He had season-ending surgery. The next year, he came back in fine form. In the last game of the season, he was at bat and the opposing pitcher was unfortunately a bit wild. Our guy got struck in the face by a pitch. He went down like a rag doll. Ultimately, his jaw was wired shut for several weeks and two wisdom teeth were removed in the process. The only silver lining is that both of those games were played at our school, and the hospital is less than half a mile down the road. They didn't even need to wait for an ambulance - someone just loaded him up in a car and they were at the ER about two minutes later. For whatever reason, some athletes are just injury prone. It's really amazing that even more injuries don't happen on the field, court, ice, whatever.
  5. Here's my favorite line - from the series finale "Rubber Room". S. Epatha's delivery is priceless as always.
  6. Well, I was referring mainly to S1-5. I liked the first couple of years with Logan, too. Then they started switching the cast so much, the constant turnover gave me a headache. (I still refuse to watch any of the Jeff Goldblum episodes.) Really - the best cast by far was D'Onofrio/Erbe/Sheridan/Vance.
  7. Goren/Eames was easily the best male/female team in the franchise (and I'm talking both cops and ADAs). There was nothing romantic going on, and their relationship was more like brother/sister. We didn't see the melodrama between them that we were "treated" to with Stabler/Benson (and then just Benson) over at SVU.
  8. NO ONE could dish up the sarcasm like Kathryn Erbe as Eames.
  9. I actually know Brenda and Wendi (Grace Ingalls). Both are the sweetest and kindest ladies on earth. Both are married and the mothers of teenagers (!!!). Here are recent photos of them - Brenda is on the left and Wendi is on the right in both pictures.
  10. "I wish I could tell you how this feels. Well actually, I could - but not in mixed company." HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  11. catlover79

    The NBA

    These have been a great past couple of days for me, sports wise. First Boston loses the Stanley Cup finals, and now Golden State loses the NBA title. Happy days are here again!!!!
  12. catlover79

    NHL Thread

    Yes!!! It was so good to see a Boston team lose. (No offense to our Boston people who may be reading this!)
  13. Of all the players from the 1997 Indians team that made it to the World Series (which we should have won!!!!!), I never would have guessed in a million years that Bartolo would be the last one standing. The players the Tribe traded him for in 2002 retired before he did!!!!
  14. My personal favorite athlete was Kevin Seitzer, after he was traded from the Brewers to the Indians late in the 1996 season. I loved the way how he never failed to hustle out a ground ball, despite two bad knees that had seen multiple surgeries. I loved his enthusiasm and love of the game, and yet he was very humble about it all. Along with several of my family members and my church group (along with many other church groups in the Cleveland area), I saw Kevin give his Christian testimony after a game on Faith Day at Jacobs Field. I forget most of what he said that day, but it has resonated with me ever since. He fought back from injuries and being released twice in his career, and never acted bitter about it. Today, Kevin Seitzer is the hitting coach for the Atlanta Braves. I finally fulfilled a dream nearly 23 years in the making back in April when I got to meet him!! The Braves were in town to play the Indians, and I got my chance in between games of a doubleheader. I had made a sign and went behind the visitors dugout. He saw me and my sign, smiled, waved and approached me. One of the other fans in the vicinity took a picture of us together. Later, I had the photo blown up to an 8x10 and mailed it c/o the Braves to be autographed. He did indeed sign it and mail it back. A class act, no doubt about it. Baseball - and sports in general - could use more guys like him.
  15. OK, Marie doesn't officially make her debut for another couple of months but I figured what the hey. I think she'll be fine as a co-host. She has talk show experience and is very versatile.
  16. There are no more active MLB players born in the 1970s, as far as I can see. CC Sabathia, born in 1980, will retire after this season. I'M starting to feel old. 😂
  17. "Good Idea, Bad Idea" is the funniest cartoon bit ever!!!
  18. What makes that line even funnier is that Danny Thomas' son, Tony, was one of GG's producers (and the Thomas in Witt/Thomas/Harris Productions).
  19. Two words: Stefan Urquelle. Really, nothing more needs to be said.
  20. Elizabeth showed better parental judgment than her father when Lydia got the invitation to go to Brighton. She warned Mr. Bennet that letting Lydia go would be a disaster and potentially scandalous for the family (and Elizabeth, of course, was right on the money). Mr. Bennet knew it, but still relented just so he wouldn't have to listen to Lydia whine. For all his caustic comments about his wife and her dismal parenting skills, he was no better. He would just escape to the peace and quiet of his library (much like many fathers today, sadly, escape to the garage, football game on TV, etc.), and the Bennet parents are lucky that Mr. Darcy saved their necks. Even though Mr. Darcy's parents had long since passed on before the events of the book, it seems that they were excellent role models for their son. The proof that Georgiana Darcy turned out so well from her brother's care gives us some idea of how the elder Mr. Darcy might have influenced his son to be an excellent parent. Of course, the younger Mr. Darcy had Lady Catherine de Burgh as his aunt - but hey, no family is perfect. 😅
  21. Do we know where Eve has been? Is she touring or what? I haven't been able to find out why she hasn't been on the past couple of weeks.
  22. Thankfully I never watched, but I have friends who are to this day furious that this remake ever existed!!!
  23. My mom, ever since CI was originally on the air, has always called Goren the "in your face guy". She can never remember VDO's name or the name of his character (Goren), hence her own nickname. To this day, we always call him the "in your face guy"!!! 😂
  24. I think someone might be listening to us, since they brought Brigitte back. 😉
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