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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. So will the Jays have to play at their AAA park in Buffalo or their spring training complex in Florida? All things considered, Buffalo seems the safer choice.
  2. I still watch, but I do agree that the new format is somewhat claustrophobic.
  4. Those were the days, indeed!!!!
  5. In September 1984, I had just started kindergarten!! My baby brother was less than a month old. Time flies!! Did anyone else giggle when Sean Connery was a clue in the very first round? Who would have guessed then that he would be forever linked to the show thanks to SNL? 😁
  6. That first show had the frantic audience response of TPIR. I guess it took the show a couple of years to gain the critical gravitas it has enjoyed for decades. If the first episode was any indication, I'm not surprised that the critics of the day wrote it off. Still, it was fun to look back. I still remember that music that introduced the contestants and having them cross the stage to their respective podiums. I wonder when they stopped doing that.
  7. The way Sam says the line is even funnier. πŸ˜‚
  8. Same here!! The Yankees played the first series of the 1996 season against the Indians right here in Cleveland. Opening Day was snowed out. Of course, the date was April 1, 1996. πŸ˜‚
  9. I couldn't agree more. With that, the virus and in Cleveland, the name controversy, I'm just not as pumped about MLB starting as I would usually be. It looks like the NFL might be facing some of the same issues with their players and owners. He deserves it. I've seen him wearing his Nats mask in several photos. 😎
  10. For those of you who have WE, they will be starting S2 tomorrow. You all know what that means. Everybody's favorite episode, "The Wages of Love" will be on. "I am not a piece of FURNITURE, Mr. Stone!!"
  11. How about Line Dancing With the Stars? Six feet apart, of course. πŸ˜‰
  12. Ditto. I was just 5 when Alex began hosting the show, so I look forward to going back in time when my Grandma was alive and I would watch with her. πŸ’–
  13. Dan Snyder is the Donald Sterling of the NFL. I can totally see him being forced to sell the team. Meanwhile, our local sports guys in Cleveland are speculating about a possible NFL players' strike due to concern over Coronavirus safety issues. In a weird way, it's actually refreshing to hear of a potential strike where money is not the issue.
  14. My feelings exactly, especially since I got my new 40" flatscreen TV just a couple of days before. 😎
  15. Speaking of Evans/Stanwyck, here are some great photos of them from 1985:
  16. I agree about Brigitte - the woman is a pure ray of sunshine. She brings on the cheer and is never obnoxious. Still, I wish Carrie Ann a speedy recovery. Chronic pain of any kind is no fun. When is the show going to go on its annual summer hiatus? I'm actually ready for reruns from back in the studio before life as we all knew it turned upside down.
  17. She also has a full-time gig as co-host/moderator of The Talk - which is still filming new episodes, albeit remotely. If DWTS cut her loose, she still has a cushy job.
  18. He was the best part of it!! ABC just shot itself in the foot, big time.
  19. Do we want to guess on what the new Washington team name will be? I personally think it will be the Soldiers. Don't ask me why. I just have a feeling that will be it.
  20. catlover79

    The NBA

    He's the absolute LAST person who should complain!!!
  21. Agreed. He doesn't have to wear a suit if there is no live audience or guests in the studio, but it is possible to look presentable and comfortable at the same time.
  22. It is so great to see Jimmy and The Roots back in the studio, albeit with no studio audience and the guests streaming from home. It was just so, so nice to have a show with no kids!!
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