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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. I've said this before, but you have so much more optism than I do when it comes to this show!! 😂 I was also wondering, are they actually going to have a live studio audience now? Are they still going to be in chairs spaced six feet apart or is the table coming back?
  2. I don't usually get to watch the show live, but DVR it while I'm at work. Thank you all for letting me know I have something to look forward to. It will be so nice to see the ladies chatting at the table again - especially in light of how low my previous appointment TV The Talk has sunk (see that show's board for the grisly details).
  3. You're much more optimistic than I am. I highly doubt that the show will last that much longer - it's become a downright joke.
  4. When I was a kid growing up in the late 1980s/early 1990s, I was transfixed by ADM commercials on Sunday mornings during David Brinkley's show. I don't know why. I think something about "because of the American farmer...", the concept of making hamburger patties out of veggies and just the shots of tractors and threshing machines going over the cornfields and wheat appealed to me. Yes, I was a dorky kid. 😂
  5. Agreed, and I think that's why Carrie Ann left as well.
  6. I know that S5 hasn't debuted yet, but I wonder if they will address the twins' sleeping arrangements. The kids are now teenagers (both Iain and Raegan turned 13 earlier this year), and it will get uncomfortable to watch if Sheldon and Missy are still sharing a room at this point. My prediction? Georgie converts the garage into his own living quarters, which frees up his old bedroom. Since Sheldon dislikes change, I see Missy claiming it.
  7. I know!! This isn't even a shell of what the show was anymore.
  8. Yes, and I don't doubt Marie sees it all for the best now.
  9. Good news!!! https://thereal.com/videos/season-8-premieres-monday-september-20th/
  10. If they're so gung ho on having men on the panel, why not him? 😉🥰 Meow!!!
  11. Yes, I meant the Indians fans probably didn't see that coming. I sure didn't. In other news...*SIGH* https://www.google.com/amp/s/sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/john-smoltz-al-leiter-mlb-network-studios-vaccine-refusal-023024986.html
  12. You're welcome! The Real seems to be the little talk show that could. It always seems to be under the radar, but it's developed quite a following over the years. Good for them. Agree about people being hesitant about signing on for this show. I don't even see Sara and the rest of The Conners making their usual appearance ahead of their season premiere - and this year their season premiere will be live!! I was rereading some of the press from this past year and am now convinced that things really unraveled when John Redmann stepped down as showrunner after the 2019-20 season...after being there since Day One. Other than Holly and Leah's ousters after Season 1 - there were only three defections under his watch (Aisha, Julie and Sara). Two of the three exits were noncontroversial. So, five departures in the span of a decade. After he leaves and the two women producers (whose names escape me but they were also there from the beginning) got promoted, five departures happened in the course of a year!! It seems that John Redmann ran a tight ship but he steered it smoothly. I wondered if he would have made the hosts ask the questions to Sharon that ended up imploding everything.
  13. I think Frankie may be wishing he'd stayed here in Cleveland. 😂 Honestly, when the trade happened in January, who would have guessed that Amed Rosario would be having the better year?
  14. Their season is set to begin Monday, September 20: https://thereal.com/videos/season-8-premieres-monday-september-20th/
  15. This article sheds more light on Elaine's departure and that they expect to have at least one permanent co-host in place by the time the new season begins. The season premiere is now set for Monday, September 13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/elaine-welteroth-leaving-talk-exits-cbs-show-1624927%3famp=1
  16. Yes, Sheryl's line is the part I remember the most. Too funny. 😂😂😂😂😂 Those were the good old days, when Sheryl onscreen seemed so happy and carefree. She was at her best on the show then, when she was simply part of an ensemble, the comic relief, and she wasn't required to do as much of the heavy lifting. This past season, she looked like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. I don't see it getting better because I don't think the show is salvageable anymore.
  17. Remember when the 2019-20 season began, they had a big promotion of broadcasting the show from a viewer's home? Obviously, the pandemic put the kibosh on that.
  18. It's so funny that things turned out that way. When the 2019-20 season began, things seemed great and ratings were still good. When they moved to the "at home" format, I missed almost every episode because here in Ohio, our governor had daily state COVID-19 briefings at 2 PM. I had to wait until the episodes showed up On Demand and sat through ten million commercials. I remember us chatting about how we wished they were back in studio because the chemistry seemed off via Zoom. Boy, were we wrong! I wonder if things would have gone off the rails as quickly if they had stayed remote all season, like The View did. But I guess it's all a moot point now. It really says something about how far things have fallen when even someone who joined just this year is jumping ship.
  19. I definitely picked up on the vibe that Elaine was uncomfortable. Amanda began the same day but whatever her weaknesses as a host, she seemed to blend in better. I feel like Elaine was more suited for The View...if they'd had an opening. She seems like something political and social justice would have been more her speed - which isn't something this show is or ever was. Still, she and Amanda weren't there when the going was still good. Elaine probably saw the writing on the wall, just like Carrie Ann. Does anyone honestly see this disaster lasting another entire season? 😳😳😳😳😳
  20. I guess I'm really not surprised that Elaine won't be back. She never seemed comfortable or that she fit in. Still, losing FIVE co-hosts in the span of a year??? 😳😳😳😳😳 Speaking of which, it's jarring to realize that only 1/5 of the show's panel from this time last year is still on - Sheryl. 😳😳😳😳😳
  21. That's another thing. What does it say to your largely female viewership to not only add a permanent male host, but to pay the newcomer more than the women? It sure leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
  22. Personally, I think they'd be better off just canceling the show altogether. Give everyone a severance package and move on.
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