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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. Well, the season began Tuesday, Sept. 7th. Ana's first appearance of the season was three days later on her usual Friday. Last week, she was on both Thursday and Friday. This past week, she was on Wednesday, Thursday and yesterday. I had a feeling that in the absence of a fifth full-time host, Ana might be on an extra day or two a week and that's what's happened so far.
  2. Yes, I believe Whoopi got J&J. Ana confirmed to Anderson Cooper that she only is tested weekly before she goes into the ABC building, but then she's not there all the time. Who knows how often Whoopi, Joy, Sara and Sunny are tested?
  3. Ana compared what happened today to an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. 😂
  4. I'm sure they ramped up all safety measures for the VP. Ana confirmed that she's still waiting on results of a second PCR test, and that she and Sunny were in their dressing rooms after leaving the set.
  5. She's still in NYC, and says that she gets tested weekly - before she gets in the ABC building.
  6. Ana just announced on her Twitter that she will be on with Anderson Cooper at 8:30 PM EST - any minute now.
  7. This article further solidifies what I've thought all along - that MM wasn't invited back this season due to her own toxicity. I can just see her hate-watching every day and at the same time, yearning to be there. She can scream chapter and verse about how she chose to leave, how she's so much happier now, etc. I say the lady doth protest too much.
  8. I really hate myself for even posting this link, but it sheds a bit more light into what happened during today's show: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.eonline.com/amp/news/1303828/meghan-mccain-has-the-shadiest-response-to-the-views-coronavirus-debacle
  9. If this whole thing was a ruse, I expect Joy especially will be...not happy.
  10. It strikes me as fishy, too. Sunny has been very vocal on the subject and Ana is a Nicaraguan immigrant. I guess we'll hear a lot more about this by Monday.
  11. WOW. I DVR the show and watch it after work, but I so wasn't expecting this! (I'm sure Whoopi was never grateful for sciatica until today.) Kudos to Joy and Sara for keeping things going, though I noticed Sara was coughing several times. In hindsight, they probably should have just had the interview pretaped or just done it remotely in the first place. What a mess. Yikes!
  12. I forgot to mention that I loved Laurie Metcalf wearing the chicken shirt at the end:
  13. catlover79


    I'm trying to remember who all is in studio now. Ayman, Nicolle, Chris Hayes, Lawrence O'Donnell, Ali Velshi. Not sure about the others.
  14. catlover79


    It seems that almost everyone is back in studio, given by the wide and sometimes panning camera angles. There are not many in studio guests as yet, but even just the camera angles and the hosts occasionally standing is refreshing.
  15. News regarding audience: https://www.google.com/amp/s/deadline.com/2021/09/late-night-with-seth-meyers-studio-audience-october-1234834283/amp/
  16. I really liked Carly today, too. Not for a regular spot - I think they need to go younger - but I'd welcome her back as a guest or guest co-host again.
  17. I'm on the spectrum and so is my niece, so I take a special umbrage to that one. I remember seeing the video when it happened. Disgusting. 😡😡😡😡😡
  18. Whoopi still can't properly pronounce "Kamala" after all this time? Yikes. With the VP set to be at the table on Friday, I wonder if Whoopi will forego her usual day off. It will be interesting.
  19. catlover79


    Then I wonder who takes over the 10 am slot (I just checked my guide, it just says MSNBC Reports and no other info available). Anyway, I watched Ayman's new show last night and enjoyed it. How could it not be with Michael Steele, Dean Obeidallah and Hannah Hong appearing in an extended panel segment?
  20. catlover79


    I wonder why he's giving up his weekday show.
  21. Speaking of fashion and MM, I'm even more grateful she's not there anymore when they discussed AOC's "tax the rich" dress from the Met Gala. Her head would have exploded!!
  22. That's a great show. It's narrated by Dee Snider of Twisted Sister fame. If any of you haven't seen it and have DirecTV, it's Channel 238.
  23. Such a treat to have Ana on a Thursday!! 😊
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