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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 11 minutes ago, LordOfLotion said:

    The glam squad came through, but whoever shops her jawline is slacking.

    As usual, when Twit posts a selfie of herself in MBFFL makeup, the fan comments about how beautiful she is are numerous -- including many who continue to compliment her on how much wgt she must have lost.

    BTW, I love the sucking-in-of-cheeks pose. Who does she think she's kidding? Oh, right. All those fans who think she's lost wgt by lifting heavier wgts than her ancient father.

    • Love 12
  2. 39 minutes ago, Donut Bear said:

    If there was a qualified trainer around she would know you NEVER lock your knees when doing leg presses

    Hey, Twit, you're crowing because you bested by 25 #s an elderly gent, who is about 40 years older than you, at a gym exercise? All that points out to me is that your physical capabilities at your age of 34 are equivalent to those of a septuagenarian. Really something to be proud about.

    • Love 16
  3. 3 hours ago, cherenkov said:

    When she was doing measurements for the fashion show thing, Todd had a standard sized tape measure to measure her hips. It did not reach all the way around.

    Tape measures for fabric / tailoring are 72". Six feet. Her hips are bigger than six feet in circumference.

    About a decade ago, there was a change in the size of tape measures. Now they regularly go to 90".

    • Love 3
  4. 4 hours ago, Ketzel said:



    Will seemed like the last line of reality and positive change for Whitney and now he and Jessica are looking awfully like just another set of enablers. I guess it's understandable that, at some point,  after struggling a long time to help and getting nowhere, they decided to settle for the money and the publicity and let Whitney be Whitney.  But I am disappointed.


    @Ketzel, I wish I had the talent you do at recapping Twit's & Will's interactions. Yours was a perfect, step by step, picture of what's so wrong -- in the sense of disappointing -- with what the Powells are doing with Twit now, having started with policies & practices that reflected well on their profession. It's sad, what's happened to the Powells -- a testiment to what "fame" & greed can do to seemingly honorable people.

    I wish the Powells could read your recap, along with the comments of @Cherenkov that precedes it & of @LordOfLotion which follows it. Those 3 comments might shake the Powells out of the spell Twit seems to have put them under.

    • Love 8
  5. 7 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    Hmmm if I were Winnie I might seek legal advice because he’s been shouting the No Body Shame slogan for years...I hope gets a free cruise ticket


    Perfect! ? And almost identical to what Twit told Megyn Kelly: "I'm short, I'm fat, ... and I'm cute!"

    3 hours ago, LivinLovinLife said:

    I don't understand the animosity toward the Powell's. They're not posting these videos on their SM. They're making a living, I don't begrudge them that and if Whitney helps them, she's done something worthwhile.

    Just my opinion.

    Twit is toxic to anyone she's around for any period of time, e.g., Buddy became morbidly obese & a cocaine user after living with her a couple of years.

    Will Powell apparently used to have a good rep. I think he's destroyed it by pandering to Twit.

    • Love 6
  6. 17 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    I, too, wonder about the gym videos. I thought she announced at the panel on eating protocols that her big challenge was eating more food, and more regularly. She also said she was working with a nutritionist or food coach or whatever to learn how to cook and feed herself in a healthy way, because she knew nothing about how to prepare healthy meals.  That was months ago, so where are the videos of Whitney in her kitchen preparing healthy, balanced meals for herself and for Tal?

    Exactly! She has made a big point of her "eating protocols" in discussions at Will's gym. But a couple of weeks ago, she had a long FB screed expressing her annoyance that people were asking her what she eats to go along with showing them how hard she exercises. She compared that to asking to show her showering or brushing her teeth or reading a book.

    The usual false equivalencies from good ol' Twit. Exercise & food choices are intertwined, but Twit wants to insist that what she eats is no more related to her health than what she reads.

    I, too, would like to see a video of her preparing a meal. Or exercising on a bike or rowing  machine where her gluts are getting a good workout. These videos of her lifting weights make no sense to me.

    I know the Powells must think this is good publicity for their gym, viz., a TV "star" is coming to them for training. Maybe that works in Greensboro where a city councilman has declared Twit "an economic engine." But to the rest of us across the USA? The Powells are coming off as at best greedy, at worst, incompetent.

    • Love 8
  7. 54 minutes ago, aliya said:

    Why should any of her fans be worried about how much weight she's lost? I thought weight didn't matter.

    Yeah, that was the reply the poster got from other posters. But the question is: why is she making such a big production of her trips to the gym? What message is she trying to convey since she claims she isn't making any effort to intentionally lose weight? (That adverb has always intrigued me.) And to whom? Not her fans, surely. Maybe TLC to indicate she will be healthy enuf to fulfill the requirements of another season? That's where I place my bet. Both she -- and TLC -- must have been horrified by the HI story arc. She really, really looked bad in that, e.g., her Winnie-the-Pooh pose on the beach.

    • Love 5
  8. 2 hours ago, Cherrio said:



    What else does Whitney have to do? She has no job, the dance class is fake, the pizza's are delivered so reading everything written about her is probably all she does.


    Well, she's still stalking Avi & seeking out his former GFs. And staying up all night checking out her ancestry. And lifting 75# barbells in the gym a couple of times a week so she can carry Tal from the house when one of those (bogus) trolls sets it on fire.

    Busy life.

    • Love 11
  9. 3 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Why didn’t they just donate the money to the Red Cross or some local organization who could do exactly what is needed with it.  Snack foods seem really unnecessary. It wasn’t so bad that grocery stores aren’t open. 

    Exactly! It's idiots like Heather -- well-meaning or with an ulterior motive -- that simply get in the way of the Red Cross & other professionals. Those folks will interview the victims, find out what they need & provide it. Unlike Heather who seems to think a package of Goldfish crackers qualifies as emergency food rations. (Which, from what I can see of reports, weren't necessary anyway.)

    I worked for a homeless shelter back in the day. Between TG & Xmas, some people took their opportunity to clean out their closets & drawers. Our halls were filled with bagsful of old, dirty clothes; tattered & broken toys; junk of all sorts. We had garbage trucks coming practically 24/7 to haul the trash away. That's the kind of stuff that gets "donated" when someone unqualified like Heather asks for it. (Tho, to her credit, she did ask for money, not merchandise. But I bet she also got some junk donated as well.)

    • Love 3
  10. Heather has posted an IG photo showing how she spent some of the $770 in donations she collected for Greensboro tornado victims.

    While some of the purchases seem useful -- Tampax & baby wipes -- it's not like they're not available from a local CVS.

    But the bulk of the purchases are snack packs of one variety or another. Snack packs! Cartons & cartons of snack packs!

    Methinks Twit did the shopping for Heather.

    • Love 10
  11. 2 hours ago, LordOfLotion said:

    OK... These people telling her to kill herself? I'm done. Screen shots or it didn't happen. I am tired of seeing these allegations with no proof. I am not going to spend my time to go digging for them. Time to put up or shut up. Otherwise, this is desperation for attention, pure and simple.

    It's interesting that a few days after The Skinny, when Twit first asserted that, that someone turned up here on this forum saying she was a "disgusting fatbody who should die in a fire." I looked at the poster's bio; s/he had just subscribed about 2 minutes before that post. Coincidence? I think not. What I think it was was Twit, Heather, or another of the social barnacles wanting to prove Twit's assertion was true by seeding an offensive comment in this forum BECAUSE NO SUCH STATEMENT has ever been made here before.

    • Love 20
  12. 2 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

    For someone who actually MAKES A LIVING off of putting her life (and her family's life, and her friends' lives) out there into the public sphere, Sweatney sure does concern herself with trolls.

    "When you come into my space, I can make you leave. This doesn’t mean I can’t handle a contrary opinion. It means I take no stock in your opinion and it’s unnecessary noise."



    She first posted this photo a couple of years ago if I recall correctly. I guess it's back again because of the tee shirt slogan fitting her comment. Or maybe it's just her penchant for putting up an old photo -- when she weighed under 400 #s -- and letting her fans think it's recent.

    I agree with @Cheerio. For someone who claims she ignores negative comments, she sure talks about them a lot. If you're really ignoring the negative comments, how do you know they even exist?

    Hi, Whit! (We know you're here, lurking in this forum.)

    • Love 10
  13. 1 hour ago, lightninggirl said:



    I wonder how much of that 100% Heather is really giving to the tornado victims?


    Heather may be sincere, but is getting in the way of professionals who know how to raise funds & distribute goods to needy people in a disaster zone. She should get in touch with the Red Cross, or similar, make her own monetary donation & ask how she can volunteer to help.

    • Love 9
  14. 3 hours ago, lightninggirl said:



    I'm sure that Alison is a really great gal and all, but I can't imagine wanting to hang out with the woman my boyfriend did me wrong with on my birthday. ?


    I don't understand this reference. Are you saying Alison was at fault for Avi's seeing other women at the same time as Twit?

    Is this where Alison lives?

    Twit is sure bald on top without the extenders.

    There's also a FB photo of Twit all over Alison. The last time she posed similarly with Alison, during a live video with her & Nada, Twit mentioned having had sex the night before, saying she would not reveal the name bc it might be a story arc in S-6.

    That led to a brief discussion here in the forum as to whether or not Twit was having a fling with Alison. Since Twit is spending her bday with Alison, I wonder. . .

  15. 3 hours ago, cherenkov said:




    the only thing that matters is whether the calories going in are more, less, or the same as the calories going out. It has been proven multiple times in various studies and experiments.

    Including a professor who went on a diet largely consisting of Twinkies for ten weeks just to prove that as long as there is a calorie deficit weight loss will happen. 



    I agree that CICO is the primary factor in weight gain or loss. But I do think that other factors are in play. For example, I have read that someone who was a chubby kid has developed more fat cells than a normal-sized kid. And that those cells never go away, so an adult who was large as a kid will lose wgt slower than an adult who wasn't.

    And men have fewer fat cells than women. If that professor who went on a Twinkie diet were a woman comparably dropping her intake, she would have lost wgt -- CICO -- but at a much slower rate. I think that's what others in the forum are pointing out.

    Not that I believe for a minute that Twit wasn't secretly eating in a parking lot while she & Ashley dieted. But I also can believe that even if Twit had been honest, it is entirely possible that she would not lose wgt as fast as Ashley.

    • Love 3
  16. 1 hour ago, sixlets said:

    She had a (free) tummy tuck when she had the six kids.  I do give her a lot of credit for maintaining it after all these years though. 

    The best part of her IG photos are all the people commenting she got to meet Bill.  Some tossed Randy & Monty in there, but Bill is a bigger (no pun intended) pull.

    And yet, there are still those of us who have to go to Wikipedia to know who Bill Klein is. (Also Randy Whatsis.) I suspect, in the world of TV viewers, most TLC "stars" are unknown.

    • Love 7
  17. 2 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    Whitney is posting instagram pictures of her current visit to New York, where the Discovery Channel is having a media event for its shows. Here is one of Whitney with the casts of several of the shows.  Here is one of Whitney alone in front of the Discovery Channel slogan. It's rare that Whitney posts current, dated pics of herself, so I am looking at them as a benchmark for how successful her current diet and exercise program is, as she has said the show hasn't started filming for next season yet.

    For future reference: these photos were taken on or about April 10, 2018

    She's got a couple of other pix in NYC spots. Who's taking all these photos? I'd  bet Poodle Tal is in town with her.

    • Love 3
  18. 3 hours ago, LordOfLotion said:

    Thanks for sharing this article. @LordOfLotion. I can't understand why People so often gives Twit so much print, but their writers really seem to think she's worth all the space.

    I couldn't understand this comment:



    "Thore recently got back into her workout routine after recommitting to herself.

    “I think when you really realize that if you don’t take the risks and if you don’t do what you desire, the only person who loses is you,' she told PEOPLE Now of getting over her fear of the gym."

    What risks? What fears?

    Is Twit talking about the risk she is taking by following the instructions of an unqualified trainer?

    And since when did she fear the gym? From the beginnings of MBFFL, she's exulted over how much she loves working out.

    • Love 5
  19. Excellent commentary on Twit's latest FB screed, @Ketzel. Instead of pointing out all the routine things she does all day, she could have spent a lot less time -- and words -- answering the Q: what do you eat since you are exercising but not losing wgt?

    Of course, she will NEVER confess to all those fraps & "snackies" she ingests all day long. Really, Twit! Have you ever done a live video in your car -- favored location -- without a huge Starbucks cup grasped in one hand?

    • Love 3
  20. 6 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

    Also it's possible/probable that certain modifications had to be made to the houses to accommodate the lighting and other equipment required for filming.  (for example, many of the "hometown dates" on the Bachelor/ette take place at rented houses that act as stand-ins for the parents' houses because it's easier to set up for filming).

    Production would most likely pay them something for dealing with these modifications.

    I don't think the PMG production crew is all that big. Also, in a recent video, Twit gave a home tour. She pointed out the area in her living room -- which I think she called her studio -- where the crew sets up.

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