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Posts posted by Dot

  1. I notice in the preview for this episode that Twit is wearing one of Torrid's huge blossoms pattern dresses.

    Doesn't she realize she looks more like a sofa than the one she is sitting on?

    And her blubbering about how people want to see her dead? Please. Get out of the celebrity spotlight if you can't handle the psycho nuts that come along with it.

    • Love 17
  2. 21 hours ago, Brooks said:

    Do Glenn and Babs count as barnacles? 

    I have been assuming that Heather, Todd, et al, are being paid by TLC but that Glenn and Babs are not.  Any thoughts?

    I don't see any reason that Glenn & Babs would NOT get paid along with the rest of the "cast."

    • Love 5
  3. 36 minutes ago, Brooks said:



    As far as her remaining in the 380s, or wherever she is, it takes effort for someone as gluttonous as she is to maintain any weight. . .


    Twit is fooling herself -- and trying to fool the rest of us with her claim that she has maintained a wgt of 380 #s for some 4 years.

    Remember Justin Assanti's claim to Dr Now that he was "maintaining" his wgt of 600 #s? Dr Now replied, "At 600 #s, you are either gaining or losing wgt, not maintaining."

    I think that is true of any wgt in the super morbidly obese class. And we know Twit is not losing wgt; she tells us that herself all the time.

    • Love 10
  4. 2 hours ago, Maggienolia said:

    Not everyone in this forum DOES watch the show. Some just come for the snark. 

    ETA: Which happens to be some high-quality, well-thought-out and not nasty-for-nasty-sake snark. Kudos, my friends. 

    ITA. Plus some of the commentary is better comic-writing than SNL or most sitcoms.

    • Love 6
  5. My thoughts about Buddy & Tal:

    Buddy may have moved to another state, but he's still under Twit's thrall -- becuz of the MBFFL $$$ & nice vacays. After he moved to Charleston, he was still visiting Twit -- we saw him in one of her FB live videos. He went on the 2017 cruise; he's scheduled for the 2018 cruise. If he really wants to recover, he needs to get out from under MBFFL. But he won't.

    I absolutely believe Tal is now living in Twit's attic. We saw him in Twit's FB live videos last year, including one where he came in the front door without knocking. (You don't do that if you don't live there.) Tal is completely under Twit's spell, has become her live-in poodle. And I still think it's becuz he wasn't in the Cool Gang in their h.s., so he's making up for it in his 30s.

    • Love 8
  6. 2 hours ago, Me from ME said:

    The sailing date is 8 freakin' months away! It looks like Heather is on there actively encouraging people to book it. BTW the published price is for an inside cabin although paid upgrades to outsides and balconies are available.

    Heather ALWAYS reads comments from Twit's fans. (And, I'm sure, every comment in this forum.)

    • Love 5
  7. 26 minutes ago, tdanaher said:

    I was looking back a ways on Whit's own Facebook, and right there for all the world to see, she says SHE found Steve Purrwin, and it was well AFTER they got back from Hawaii.



    I love you, @tdanaher! ? You're better than Sherlock Holmes in your investigations.

    BTW, thanks for tracking back on Twit's FB page to find Purrwin's origins. I knew there was something off about Twit's claim of his walking in as a stray during her HI vacay.

    • Love 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Sasha888 said:




    She must have been told how absolutely cute and adorable she was all the time. 

    Well guess what Twit - you're not. You're not cute or adorable.




    When she does that little head toss and puts that "I'm so CUTE" face on, all I see is a big spoiled brat. She is soooo freaking slapable - and I would bet that when she did that same "look" as a kid, she was told how absolutely adorable she was.


    And Twit's still doing all of that at almost 34 years of age. Just a week ago, she told Megyn Kelly & her viewers, "I'm short, I'm fat and . . . I'm cute!"

    I finally got to see this episode. What is it with that growth on top of her head in the TH? She looks more & more like Zippy the Pinhead.



    • Love 8
  9. 1 hour ago, mybuddyspence said:

    Yes, Todd's family owned the station, I believe. 

    Her work history isn't very clear-English teacher in Korea, some sort of radio job, YouTube dancer and then onto to this show? She's kind of all over the place.  

    Todd's last name is Beasley. The radio station in Charlotte is owned by a Beasley family, but Todd is NOT believed to be a member of it, unless a distant one.

    When Twit returned from Korea, she got a job at a Greensboro radio station where Heather's then-husband is a personality. Twit was known as "Producer Whitney." For a giggle the jocks sponsored the YouTube video which went viral & landed Twit her current MBFFL gig.

    Regarding future job prospects for her: post-MBFFL, she will drift as a "guest" from one cheesy reality show to another, a la Mama June, SpHeidi & many other reality "stars," until she dies from super morbid obesity complications. She claims, however, that she loves teaching, believes she is good at it, has a Montessori credential & can see herself as a teacher some day.

    Regarding her disregard of Piggy's cremains: she stated in her Feb advice video that she plans to have Henchi stuffed when he dies. I find that creepy as hell.

    • Love 15
  10. 5 minutes ago, WaterSpirit said:

    That lilting tone she used when setting up her "therapy session." That's exactly how she sees herself as being so profound that her viewers have a lot to learn from her.


    In case you don't know it, Twit gives advice monthly to 4-5 (mostly) women who ask for it at the MBFFL FB page. That's where she has perfected the "lilting tone" & smug smirk. How someone who is as truly fucked up as she is has the audacity to offer advice to anyone is beyond me.

    A question about this episode: neither parent, but esp Glenn, seems the type to be happy about an adopted grandchild rather than a blood one. Did that come up at all in the episode?

    • Love 4
  11. 8 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Personally, I find this show to be extremely motivating. Any time I feel reluctant to hit the gym, or have a hankering for the left-over birthday cake, all I need is the mental image of Whitney lumbering through life while proclaiming herself a "dancer," and I am inspired to self-care all over again. You might say my fundamental approach to health and fitness is "What would Whitney do?" And then, I do the opposite.

    Good one, @Ketzel! ? (We should all wear WWWD bracelets.)

    • Love 6
  12. I can't watch the episode since direcTV Now also doesn't let me watch on TLC's app.

    So, I have been reading the comments. Did someone say that Tal has now moved into Buddy's digs? If so, was there any explanation as to why he gave up his nice little house to take up quarters in a cramped, unventilated space?

    Also, can 2 unmarried people adopt in NC?

  13. 26 minutes ago, nucklqueen said:

    I'm super confused.  Y'all seem to be current on all the show issues, but you say the nastiest things about the people.  If you hate them, why watch the show?  Does it make you feel better to put down others?  I don't understand.

    Since you joined the forum 4 minutes before you posted this, I don't understand why you are in this thread: may I point you to Unpopular Opinions?

    • Love 11
  14. 25 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

    Yes! Thank you.  Swimming would be perfect for her, as would the stationary bike and plain old ordinary walking.   Why is she stressing that she's not exercising for weight loss?  That should be her number one goal.    Those sit ups are horrible she looks like she'll do more damage to herself doing the exercises this way, she's probably better off not doing them at all.

    Swimming would be good cardio & gives one a great feeling, but it's not so effective for wgt loss.

    I used to swim several laps -- mainly becuz I loved moving thru the water -- then perform some aqua exercises. Rinse  & repeat until I went thru my whole program. It was wonderful. I really miss it.

    And Twit could walk miles in the water & not feel pain in her feet & legs.

    • Love 3
  15. All her several videos of faux exercises just serve to  further convince me that someone her size should be in a pool, doing aqua aerobics, and on a stationary bike. There will be little to no stress on her joints & she will actually be able to perform rather than pretend. After she loses a couple hundred pounds, she can go back to Will's gym.

    Of course, she also needs to manage her intake of food & to memorialize each day's food & exercise. But she's not going to do that -- or quit pretending she's doing burpees & sit-ups. What a fraud Twit is.

    And I agree with @Ketzel about Jessica. She is really coming off bad in these videos. But like father, like daughter. As I've said before, Will Powell has shown himself willing to do anything for money in his relationship with Twit & MBFFL.

    4 minutes ago, LordOfLotion said:

    She's at the gym to mess around and make videos. I don't think there's anything deeper going on here like her making herself believe that she's actually doing something about her physical condition or anything like that. There's nothing going on upstairs-- she can't climb that far. 

    I think a lot of this is for TPTB at TLC: showing them how healthy she will be for a S-6.

    • Love 7
  16. 4 minutes ago, tdanaher said:

    Let's slow that action down a bit, shall we?


    VERY cool, @tdanaher!

    You can really see that she's not doing anything near what could be called a burpee. And it clearly show @ClareWalks' point that her so-called sit-up is just her rolling up & down on her fat butt.

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