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Posts posted by Dot

  1. I never went to a prom either & have only a vague sense of what goes on, mostly from movies.

    But Twit was a prom princess, not prom queen. Wouldn't that be like homecoming courts, where a group of young women have been selected to be in contention for queen & if not the winner, are considered members of the queen's court? (At my university the women were chosen by their sororities, not by a campus-wide, popularity vote.)

    If so, maybe Twit wasn't all that popular. I guess it would depend on how girls in her h.s. were selected to run for queen.

    • Love 5
  2. Wikipedia offers a mnemonic for the characteristics of HPD.

    "A mnemonic that can be used to remember the characteristics of histrionic personality disorder is shortened as 'PRAISE ME':

    Provocative (or seductive) behavior

    Relationships are considered more intimate than they actually are


    Influenced easily by others or circumstances

    Speech (style) wants to impress; lacks detail

    Emotional lability; shallowness

    Make-up; physical appearance is used to draw attention to self

    Exaggerated emotions; theatrical"

    A pretty clear picture of Twit. Given that changing ALL of these characteristics would be impossible, let's give her the narcissistic & performance characteristics -- she's a theater major who considers herself an actress, after all.

    That, for me, leaves the inappropriate sexual behavior, which has actually included sexual assault. (Ref: that post-production film in HI she posted on SM showing her stroking a Polynesian man from chest to waist.) With that behavior, I include her desperate need for coupling which leads her to thinking a man is more interested in her than he is. (Buddy, Lennie, Avi, Roy ...)

    So, to modify my Q to @ChessDiva19: Can a qualified therapist help Twit overcome this ONE HPD characteristic? Can she be made to understand that nibbling Tal's tit, forcing him to straddle & kiss her, posing in the nude with him is not appropriate?  Can she be made to understand that grabbbing Heather's breast & lolling all over Donna or Alison is not apprpriate? Can she be made to understand that it is inappropriate to turn every comment into a sexual double entendre? I think if a therapist could get that thru Twit's head, it would go a long way towards making her a more tolerable individual.

    BTW, I don't think Twit's current therapist does much more than collect her fee for letting Twit bemoan her life for 50 minutes.

    • Love 13
  3. 5 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

    Neither do they post selfies on Instagram which are Photoshopped to the point where they are unrecognisable from their real selves (real feminists don't agree with dramatic Photoshopping as it creates and perpetuates fake and unrealistic beauty standards).


    Like this? 


    Looking at the hair, makeup & tiny necklace, I think this photo & the "fierce feminist" one both come from the same photo shoot that produced 3 others. Twit has been doling them out, one or 2 every week or so, since Apr 25. How long before she finally runs out & has to return to reality?
    • Love 5
  4. 1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

    But what an odd and unflattering angle! The body slumping to one side, little T-Rex arm, the massive bosom and gut, and the photo-shopped face where the facial hair was removed from the left side, but is still obvious on the lower right side of her face. (Left and right as you are looking at the picture, not her anatomical left and right.)

    The hairs appear to be wispy head-hair, not facial hair. But the skin is definitely coarser.

    • Love 2
  5. 1 hour ago, MegD said:

    Oh May 17th, she posted on Facebook that she was working with Will to lose the 100 lbs again. I think that's the show's next premise. She's been forced by the powers that be to cooperate or go the way of Ruby.

    I missed that post; I hope she hasn't deleted it yet since I'm interested in what her fans will say. I mean, isn't that a repudiation of everything she's espoused for 3-4 years?

    And @Cherenkov, thanks for that HAES explanation. It makes sense that each of them would be doing her own thing to fund her obese lifestyle.

    ETA: @MegD, you misread that May 17 post. A week or two earlier, Twit said Will wanted her to work toward LIFTING a 100-# barbell. So what she's saying on May 17 is that she is close to that wgt-lifting goal, not that she plans to lose 100 #s. But I agree that her being back in the gym is probably a story arc in S-6.

    • Love 3
  6. 27 minutes ago, ChessDiva19 said:

    I wonder where the show's going to go from here. They've exhausted pretty much every tacky plot. And don't even try to sell me the bull that Whit's going to go for motherhood and make a happy family with whatever barnacle is currently hanging onto her. 

    She doesn't work, she doesn't want to get healthy, she doesn't do anything. What could she do? Advocate for the HAES movement?

    I've been given to understand HAES has disavowed her & her fake NoBS campaign, but I've never been able to confirm that.

    And, yes, I think we are looking at a dismal 13-episode tramp thru adoption agencies, baby furniture &  clothing stores, much cuddling of hubby & wifey, etc. I'm guessing there will also be another off-site BGDC & a 3-4 episode story arc of a vacay somewhere. In other words, pretty much the same stuff, just in different locations.

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  7. 5 hours ago, cherenkov said:

    I really wish I could find that "extra" cut scene of her trying to test drive the Miata when she was "car shopping".

    That's the scene I've always craved to see! Since it was in an extra-fat episode, I missed it.

    Here's a challenge to @tdanaher & @Ketzel, our 2 premiere researchers: can you find this segment & share it with us?

    • Love 3
  8. Since we know from last year that Twit can't resist blabbing most of a new season's story arcs on her SM pages, I decided to keep a count.

    Here's #1: She told K&B that she & Todd were going to be taking BGDC in a new direction which they would announce in the last episode of S-6. My guess? They plan to be appearing in various cities around the country as they did in Charleston, a la TFM. If that's the plan, it will last about as long as the first time Todd refuses to tie her shoes.

    • Love 11
  9. I just watched the entire Pickler/Ben interview of Twit. She had the gall to spend about 1/3 of the time talking about BGDC AS IF IT REALLY EXISTED.

    The best moment was when they were screening the "fat girl dancing" YouTube video & Twit said if she had known it was going to go viral, she would have done some things differently: "Like, I would have taken a shower."

    • Love 13
  10. 2 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    Why do I find it hard to believe that little boys come up to Whitney Thore on the street and tell her she is making a huge difference in their lives? She says it with such conviction, yet it seems so very unlikely . . .

    I had the same feeling about all those "old men" who constantly stop her in the street to tell her what an inspiration she is.

    ETA: She also once again claims to be so "happy." To paraphrase Kerryn: "For someone who says she is so happy, you sure do spend a lot of years with a therapist."

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