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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 2 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    Now she has a vid up labeled "to all my haters." She's riding a jet ski screeching " you're so jealous...." 

    To be truly disgusted, instead of viewing the benign photos she posted, click on her face in the circle next to her name on IG.

    You will be treated to visions of Tal porno-dancing & Buddy lying on a deck in all his hairy obesity. Then, for the icing on the cake, Twit pretends to fuck the steering handle of a jet ski.

    Buddy sure is around Twit & Tal a lot these days for someone in recovery. I guess he has replaced Heather as Twit's BFF.

    • Love 5
  2. 11 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Wow. I read some of the comments on that IG post. She really ripped into someone who DARED to suggest that she try Weight Watchers. Her comments were very telling: pretty much, "I'm not interested in losing weight, that's not what I'm about."

    What a jagoff.

    I loved Twit's claim in response to that fan that she has been offered 6-figure contracts from firms like WW to be their spokesperson. But, of course, she had to remain true to her values & turned them all down.

    Sure, she did.

    • Love 10
  3. I want to share this article on how fat affects arthritis.


    As I have commented before in this forum, I once weighed 380 #s & lost 120 before I couldn't manage any further loss. (Set point theory, anyone?) I vowed I would never regain that weight.

    Over the past 2 years, paying no attention, I finally realized that I had regained 20 #s. To me that meant 380 #s was next. So I have been "intentionally" losing weight thru diet, exercise & journaling for the past 3 months. I'm delighted that I've lost those 20 #s.

    The article states:  "Every pound of excess weight exerts about 4 pounds of extra pressure on the knees. So a person who is 10 pounds overweight has 40 pounds of extra pressure on his knees; if a person is 100 pounds overweight, that is 400 pounds of extra pressure on his knees. “

    I can believe that. The main reason I finally came to & realized I had gained the extra wgt is that I could hardly walk any more. Well, of course I couldn't! I had added 80 #s of pressure on my knees!

    I hope you're still lurking in this forum, Twit, and will realize how much damage you are doing to your knees. You are not healthy at your wgt. You are deluding yourself --- and harming your fans -- by making that claim

    • Love 7
  4. 57 minutes ago, treetop said:

    350 looks right to me. She really does look like she has lost some weight. Its not only from working out, though. PCOS works against you if you work out or not. You can literally run the whole day and you will still gain weight if you eat sugar or carbs so I think she may have changed her diet. What do you guys think? 

    I think she may weigh 350 #s now; she does look less flabby here & there. But I also think she weighed well over 380 #s at last year's HI vacation & she has never admitted that. I still believe all the exercise videos have been to assure TPTB @ TLC that'll she has the stamina to complete a season's worth of filming. All that crap about her exercising bc it makes her happy is just that -- crap. She will never be happy as long as she refuses to acknowledge that her weight is keeping her from enjoying many of the things she so desperately wants, e.g., an intimate relationship with a man who is not a fat fetishist.

    • Love 7
  5. 1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

    Holy cheese crackers!! There's a photo posted on Twit's FB page of her "dancing" with a woman who makes Twit look positively petite. 

    The picture also looks like she's sniffing the woman's butt. Does she ever *think* before she posts crap?

    She probably did sniff the woman's butt (tho from her facial expression she didn't like the scent). She claims she likes to sniff everything -- cat's breath, Roy's armpit. . .

    • Love 4
  6. I had the same Q, @SevenCostanza. Why go to a gym -- and pay a trainer -- if your exercise includes banging a tire with a sledgehammer, then moving the tire across the room? She could get the same effect moving stuff around in her home. (And probably should, if the first season showing her bedroom mess is an example of her housekeeping.)

    The first fan to comment asks Twit how to stay motivated & adds that she has recently joined a gym to lose weight. Dr. Twitney has a long reply, concluding with the prescription that the woman only consider her feelings & not hope for weight loss. Because, as we all know, an extra 200 or so pounds is not going to keep you from being a healthy, emotionally happy woman. Just like Dr. Twit herself.

    I'm thinking the renewed gym rat videos mean filming for MBFFL is about over. I know it ran from Apr to the end of Aug last year.

    • Love 2
  7. 1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

    We once saw a comedian on a ship who was NOT a tiny person.  He said, "I just rub soap up and down the walls on my shower, and then jump in and spin around."  Yep.  They are NOT roomy.

    (Maybe she got a mini-suite or something larger.  They have tubs.)

    How would she get in & out of a tub?


    Oh, right. Donna.

    • Love 6
  8. 27 minutes ago, Brooks said:

    I am so bummed.  After weeks of peace knowing I couldn't go "there", I have been UNbanned on her Facebook page.  Now I'll have to waste time finding a cause worth being banned all over again.  I'm open to suggestions!

    Well, my Q to her MBFFL Q&A next month was gonna be "what happened to your clothing store?" You are welcome to it if you want it.

    • Love 4
  9. Twit has a pattern of posting a short comment to the first half-dozen or so fans who post a comment to one of her SM photos. This has been especially true of her cruise pitches. At least one fan always asks what the cost is & Twit always, ALWAYS tells them to go to the website.

    Except today. A fan with an obvious male name asked the Q & Twit actually responded to say "around $1200." You could almost hear her simper & smile seductively.

    • Love 5
  10. 1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

    OMG THE HILARITY!! I'm sure it's unintentional, but on Whitney's FB page (NOT MBFFL), there's a photo of a super obese woman (who appears to be Pacific Islander or Asian) sitting cross-legged on a beach with the caption "Want views like this?" 

    No, Whit, I don't. Now excuse me while I go bleach my eyes and Drano my brain.....

    That's the woman Twit invited on her last cruise & this one to conduct yoga sessions. She has a biggirlyoga website; her name is Valerie Something. And, @AZChristian, I pretty sure that's a photo of Valerie from behind as she leads her yoga class.

    • Love 1
  11. On IG Twit says she has over 200 signed up for the cruise. I figure she needs enuf berths for 12 freebies. So why doesn't she give away 8 berths? Or, perhaps more likely, does she need 20 (not 10) paid berths per freebie which is why she seems so desperate to sign up more people?

    • Love 2
  12. There are several fans who have been on both cruises & who exult about them frequently on Twit's SM pages. Particularly vocal is one in NJ named Nicole & another named Dot. (Not me, obviously.) Twit has even included Nicole in a couple of live-stream videos to shill the cruise. There're probably a half-dozen or so other fans who comment favorably when Twit is pushing the cruise.

    If someone hated the cruise & so stated, wouldn't Twit block her posts? I would think so. Besides, if you are spending several grand on a cruise, you are going with the expectation of enjoying it. And there seems to be plenty of activities that are not Twit-related. So unless you're a real grump or get hit with a dose of turista, I don't know why you wouldn't enjoy a cruise vacation. Witness AZChristian: she raves about cruise vacations. I suspect I would, too, if I were financially & physically able to go on one.

    • Love 5
  13. 2 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

    I nominate Dot. If someone sets up a Go Fund Me account I will certainly contribute. The only problem is that we would have to come up with the single supplement which is probably double the fare (which is inflated as it is). Although I think the travel agency sometimes pairs people up I wouldn't want to inflict a Nitwhit on our dear fellow snarker.

    I appreciate the thought, @Me from ME. But I'll be 80 -- knock on wood -- by cruise time & am so crippled up now that I wouldn't be able to keep up with that fine, fit fathlete Twit.

    So I nominate Ace Researcher & Reporter, @Ketzel. I'm good for 20 bucks if someone actually sets up a Go Fund Me account. I think it would be a hoot if this forum had a spy on board!

    • Love 11
  14. 21 minutes ago, Ketzel said:




    . . .she answered the question "Any free cruise giveaway?"

    "I wish I could! But I am already paying the full price of the cabins for all my family and friends. We don't get free cabins."  



    I hope some of her fans called her on this comment. (Altho I supppose if they did, their post would immediately be deleted.) If she were actually paying for family & friends, why would she bother with the headache of organizing a bunch of other people -- strangers -- to cruise with her?

    What a blatant lie.

    • Love 5
  15. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    How much does she pay someone to be willing to take those pictures of her? A free cruise wouldn’t be enough for me. You know she didn’t get Tal to do it because they have photos of both of them out there naked. 

    A young woman named Hope Leigh Rollins did all the photos for the last cruise & is scheduled for this year's, too. She lives in LA & seems to be a wannabe in various arts, incl. photography, according to her FB page. I suppose someone in PMG -- maybe Connie Simpson? -- hooked her up with Twit to do the cruises. 

    • Love 1
  16. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Why must she always be naked? Even if she wasn’t morbidly obese I would not want to constantly see her naked. Put some clothes on woman!!

    Twit has made a career out of saying she can do anything a normal-sized woman can do. I don't know why any normal-sized woman would summon a photgrapher to take pictures of her standing naked on a cruise ship balcony.

    She's an exhibionist who really needs to keep her clothes on. It ain't pretty, what she's showing off.

    • Love 13
  17. 3 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    I think someone should ask the question, "What percent of the proceeds from the sale of NO BS merchandise goes to PCOS research?" on the next "Ask Whitney." I'll lay odds you will NOT get an answer!

    The answer is ZERO. The store had close-out sales for most of 2017,  with the promise of a new line of frumpwear distrbuted by a new fulfillment center which was supposed to open in late Jan 2018. Ain't nuthin' goin' on there yet & it's Aug. The store's failure is just another indicator that Twit is gonna have a big problem being successful post-MBFFL.

    • Love 4
  18. 2 hours ago, Me from ME said:

    Calling the esteemed social media maestra

    Has there been a sighting on sm of Donna the best friend care giver since the Hawaii trip?

    Donna has always been a shadowy character. We saw more of her in S-5 than the other 4 seasons combined.

    My Q is: where's Heather? She's been conspicuously absent from Twit's SM account since last year's cruise. Lots of Buddy, however, who no longer lives in Greensboro.

    • Love 4
  19. 4 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    I don't want to contradict one of our social media maestras, :-) but I believe that in the original "fat girl dancing" video, the one from "Katie and Jared In the Morning" where she dances with Todd,  there are at least two cuts, and the whole tape is less than a minute and a half. Checking for link . . .


    I bow to your superior recollection & research and stand corrected. (I do not, however, yield the title of "social media maestra" you bestowed on me.)

    Seeing the YouTube video again reminds me that a fan or two, commenting on her recent (clownish) performance, said she should be on Dancing with the Stars. As tho she can dance. As tho she is a star. It continues to amaze me that my tired ol' eyes see one thing & Twit's fans see something totally different.

    • Love 3
  20. 8 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

    Well in the say something nice category those videos can only be so long. . .

    Twit is a narcissist who has happily videoed herself dozens of times for an hour or more. The difference is that she was sitting down in those since, as @Ketzel pointed out, she has no stamina. Only twice have we seen her "dance" (without cuts to rest) more than a minute: (1) fat girl dancing YouTube video & (2) TFM Cetral Park video. In the first she fell on the floor, panting, as the song ended. In the latter she was barely moving after 2 minutes & ended up bent over, panting.

    • Love 5
  21. 7 minutes ago, Snafu said:



    I wish her friends, if she has any, would convince her that she is not cute. . .


    I will never forget the looks on the faces of Megyn Kelly's audience when Twit said, "I'm short, I'm fat, and . . . I'm cute!"

    She is also 34 years old. When was the last time you heard someone that age described as "cute"?

    • Love 5
  22. 10 hours ago, cherenkov said:

    That was dancing?

    I admit the word that first came to mind for me was clownish. If it had been anyone but Twit, I would have thought she was doing a parody of dance moves. But, of course, it was Twit who, of course, thought she was actually "dancing."

    • Love 7
  23. Note to my post above (I couldn't do an ETA for some reason): for an extra laugh, enlarge the video so you can only see her face. I swear, she looks so much like Steven Assanti when he "dances," it's spooky.

    ETA: Boy, the lymphodema on her thighs is getting really bad.

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