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Posts posted by Dot

  1. You know what I'd like to see? Since Twit always talks ad nauseum in her THs about how busy, busy, busy she is, why not a "24"-style episode. The Twit, from the moment she arises to the moment she goes to bed. Including what goes into filming an episode since she says she's filmed for 1,000 hours for the 10 or so shown. You're so terribly busy, Twit? Prove it.

    35 minutes ago, Nowhere said:


    Maybe you're fine as hell and irresistible. Or maybe I'm in Springfield, MO. Or both.

    Or maybe lesbians who are suspected of a crime are not typical of the majority of lesbians.

    • Love 6
  2. 4 hours ago, AmyB said:

    It looks like the whole crew is flying out to LA today to film The Skinny. Whittney posted another poor me post with a screenshot of someone bashing her. She also said she is the smallest she has been since 2014 (highly doubt that) so we shall see how she looks when the skinny airs since we now know that is filmed recently. 

    My husband made a good comment I wanted to share. You know how some shows now have the aftershow to talk about what just happened, like the Talking Dead. We said this show needs one and he said it should be called After the Fat. I could not stop laughing. 

    Why do they go out to LA when all the principals in the show are in Greensboro?

  3. 11 hours ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

    Don't be so gloomy. It's not like this is the show that brought us such gems as "platinum gay" or anything.

    Also, am I the only one who had never heard of the cliché of lesbians and horseback riding? Or was Todd shrieking about Whitney and Amanda's "lesbionic" afternoon not the most astute cultural commentary?

    I don't know this one either & I'm a lez albeit an ancient one. Here's a humorous guide from Jezebel some years ago that's entertaining.


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  4. 41 minutes ago, John M said:

    I dunno, I have several lesbian friends but this is not how it works in the gay male world at all. I mean I hate to play in stereotypes but yeah, first date, meeting in a bar, acquaintance, friend... Kiss them, make out, hop into bed, maybe pretend it never happened, maybe not the next day...

    I mean I would never, ever do that with a straight guy but half the friends I have slept with started with just hanging out, kissing them and the next thing you know we are having sex. But absolutely not dating.

    Actually this kind of all makes sense now, this is a show written by gay men about a fag hag they don't like.

    For real? Do you actually know who's writing the scripts or just guessing? If you're telling the facts, then yeah, makes all the sense.

  5. 1 hour ago, John M said:

    Right? It's actually kind of offensive. Has Whit ever mentioned having same sex attraction? She thinks because a gay person invited her to do something that it means they are trying to jump their bones? Is it scandalous that she kissed a girl? She has had such terrible luck with men she is just going to give women a try? That lesbians are automatically into big girls?

    I am doubtful that this is going to end in anything but offensive stereotypes.

    The offensive stereotypes have already started, as in all lesbians are predators out to seduce all straight women in their sights.

    Here's how lesbians meet & greet (not so dif from heterosexuals): they go out for coffee with someone who's caught their eye, or better yet, cocktails & dinner. They spend that time getting to know each other & looking to see if there's a spark. And so on. 

    They don't grab a straight woman after a horseback ride in broad daylight & start kissing on her without taking the time to see if that woman has any interest in her.

    Many of you have pointed out that opposites attract. If Twit tried to put a move on pretty Amanda, it would have been more conceivable than vice versa. A woman like Amanda is not going after Twit.

    So, why not partner Twit up with a 300+ # dyke? That's a much more likely scenario. But, of course, Twit is such a FABULOUS temptress that she can snare someone like Amanda. Baloney.

    This arc makes me so mad. I should probably forgo next week lest I have a stroke.

    • Love 10
  6. 2 hours ago, Ocean Chick said:

    She's not "unworthy" of having whatever kind of relationship she wants due to her being fat.  I, myself, have known fat lesbians before, and they had plenty of lovers.  It's her personality and general slobbiness that would hinder any kind of real romantic relationship, unless she found someone who loves fat slobs who don't like to shower or clean the cat poo off the floor.  She's quite proud of not showering - says it often on her show.  And those types of people are few and far between.  Thankfully.  I should also think being with someone who demands to ALWAYS be the center of attention would get tiring after a while.

    But yeah, she's not a lesbian.  She only plays one of tv.

    Somehow my comment that Twit would never be attractive to a pretty, trim, polished lesbian like Amanda has evolved into everyone deserves love, no matter what size. Yes, that's true. It's also true that Twit will not attract a good-looking lesbian. Most folks seemed to think that even Lennie was never really into Twit, and he was far from a handsome male. Why is it less true that Amanda is doing it for the $$$ than Lennie?

    • Love 5
  7. 17 minutes ago, MegD said:

    Does Twit not remember that she "organized" her parents' anniversary party last year? It was the whole cupcake inhaling, "I'm not showing this meal to Will, I'm so clever" arc.

    I think last year it was celebrating her parents' reaching a collective 140 years of life, i.e., both their 70 th birthdays.

  8. I've been thinking about that fabulously funny comment someone made about it looking like Twit is phoning all her former h.s. pals in her drama class & asking (begging?) them to come on MBFFL.

    Why are we assuming Amanda is REAL? Not one of us thinks Lennie is. Is Amanda her real name? Lennie's isn't.

    Yeah, yeah, I know. Her hug with Tal. Banana bread reminescence with Twit. Those don't mean that Amanda isn't a hired actor, reading her lines from a script, just as most of us believe Lennie was. Considering all Twit's other h.s. friends, Amanda seems awfully polished & put together. (And a more proffesional actor.)

    I love the fact that several of you are Greensboro/Charlotte locals & often ferret out details the rest of us could never find. How 'bout trying to get the skinny on Amanda? Maybe from a collection of h.s. yearbooks at the Greensboro main library?

    • Love 9
  9. 35 minutes ago, AmyB said:

    MBFFL page just posted that kissing clip with amanda and titles it friends... or lovers?  hahahah. 

    Those of you who monitor Twit's FB page: what are her loyal sycophants saying about her newest love? (I bet they hate it.)

    • Love 2
  10. 3 hours ago, John M said:

    1. Whitney keeps complaining about being so busy, WTF is she doing? Her dance class is once a week if that? She works at the radio station maybe half a day one day a week? 

    2. Singles night at the gay clurb? When is it not singles night at the gay clurb? Hell half the couples are trying to take a boy home, I know when me and my ex went to the clurb we would take guys home for threesomes. And no Whit, why would you an obese straight girl find a man at singles night at the gay clurb? You think you are going to turn a gay guy straight with your sexiness? And how are you that sweaty at the clurb? He hair is drenched and she is dripping in sweat. Gross, who wants to hug her? And how long is she going to go without showering after this? I'm just going to say clurb again because wtf? I've been to many a gay club in many different cities and if anyone said clurb I would assume they had a stroke.

    3. No, you can't horseback ride.

    4.  Your freelance job is fake! And you are late for your fake freelance job. AND YOU DON'T SHOWER! Also you are a braying moron, who would want to be around you for 4 hours?

    5.  Professional server by trade? I thought he was a dancer. And what does professional server mean? I get there are some servers that work in high end restaurants that make really good money and are very skilled at the art of serving but professional server could mean works at Applebee's.

    6. A single 30 year old without children? Oh No! Speaking as a single 30 year old along with a lot of my friends, fuck off Whit, some of us are happy and single and don't have pathetic lives like you Whit.

    7. What are you going to call former president Clinton. First of all, god that is so depressing now, secondly yeah, good question, that certainly isn't the question every single person on earth was asking.

    8. Holy grail of inspiration? How were you inspired? You are planning on doing exactly what someone just taught you. And that was not a workout, there was an obese woman in her 70s right behind you that was doing better than you.

    9. Poor buddy, he sounds and looks like he is on death's door. Like if you told me right now he had late stage COPD or congestive heart failure I would believe you.

    10. No you don't know what horses are thinking. It's not like you don't what they are thinking, it's a fucking horse. Do speak horse Whit? No, you do not speak horse, no one speaks horse so no,  you don't know what they are thinking. She is so annoying.

    11. Whit what is wrong with you? You had one kiss and planning a coffee meetup and you are "dating"? What is this, middle school? You are in your 30s! Hell I'm sleeping with one of my best friends and I wouldn't saying we are "dating". Why are you so immature about everything? Whit stopped all personal and emotional growth about midway through high school it seems.

    Well, John M, you & I are finally on the same page. I would only add, re: your item 2, that good ol' sweaty, 400# Twit ain't gonna see no action in a lesbian clurb either.

    • Love 2
  11. 5 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

    Another episode when I was torn between laughing outright at this idiot and being exceedingly angry. Personally, I hope to watch Jiya wipe the floor with Whitless since Jiya is a serious dance instructor and Whiney (typo, and it stays) is just using "her girls" to make her look like she knows what she's doing. If Whitney actually cared about what being shown up by dancers who are better than hers will do to "her girls", she'd just tell Jiya to stick it and not get baited into the dance off. Like everything else, this is about Whitney and her pride. If her girls are demoralized because the TWs are better dancers, that's all on Whitney at this point.

    And I don't disagree with Jiya. Whitney is in horrible shape and she can't push her students if she can't do things herself. Jiya's abrasiveness didn't bother me since I'd studied ballet as a child under an old-school Russian dancer who never failed to point out that our thighs were jiggling and used a stick to get us to lift our legs into a proper arabesque. If I didn't leave class crying and bruised, it was a good class. I wouldn't mind taking Jiya's class if I was in the area because it looked like a lot of fun.

    The whole faux-lesbian storyline had my eyes rolling since it's so obviously staged. Not that I don't think that 99.999% of the crap on this show is staged, but this was so obvious that you could see it being staged from Mars. Someone who hasn't seen or spoken with Whitney in years and knows that she's (to her knowledge) only dated men is now hitting on her and all of a sudden Whitney is open to having a romantic relationship with another woman. I know that there are plenty of women who discover their bisexuality later in life, but it would have been more believable if Whitney was the one making the overtures and not have this be another case of the show trying to make us think that everyone has the hots for her. I give it a week before she's panting after the next guy who won't give her the time of day unless there's a paycheck involved.

    What had me angry was the stupid horseback bit because it was really obvious that this was dangerous to both Whitney and the poor horse they had her perched on. She wasn't on a tiny little horse and he looked like he'd be fit to carry the average rider without any trouble, but Whitney is hardly the average rider. It was obvious that the horse was struggling to carry her and you could see him trying to get his hindquarters tucked up to help bear her weight and the one good thing I could say is that it looked like they only went for a very brief walk to get some footage and not an extended ride. But it was absolutely inexcusable for that barn to put Whitney on a horse that clearly wasn't big enough to carry her. 

    But it was also very dangerous for Whitney because it was obvious before she even tried to mount up that she physically would not be able to ride with any modicum of safety. She could barely get her leg over and there is no way that she could use her legs to balance herself or stay on the horse if he did anything unexpected. She seemed terrified and I don't blame her because if that horse decided to try to dump her, she would have had absolutely no way of staying on and could be seriously hurt if she fell. And with her size, keeping her balance even at a slow walk would be a major challenge and I don't blame her for being afraid. That being said, it was pathetic that she needed two people to help (one to lead her horse like a kid on a pony ride and someone to help her stay in the saddle). She wasn't riding - she was being lugged around like cargo. And I got frustrated when she freaked out over the horse moving at a slow walk. If that horse had been moving any slower, he'd have been going in reverse so her comments about him "clippity clopping" away just irked me. Bitch, we saw what we saw and what was on TV was an animal barely able to move under her weight.

    Another mess of an episode, watchable only so I can feel some self-righteous anger at her antics. 

    Loved "lugged around like cargo."  Exactly! Also, both "Whitless" & "Whiney" are now being stolen by me to add to "Twit," my go-to fave.

    • Love 4
  12. 11 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

    I think the point was that everyone has their own idea of beauty and it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility that two people who have common memories of simpler times, a certain nostalgia, would meet again years later and feel the old spark. They already had a bond. 

    The way you said the "sneers of straights" really makes it seem like you put all of us in the bigot category. This "straight" in particular has given no sneers.

    Just out of curiosity: did you think that radio station goes to Gay Pride was an OK plot arc?

  13. 5 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

    Jiya saying that big girls should move their legs was the only thing I've heard her say that makes sense. I can't stand Whitney but I really hate people who won't let other people talk. Jiya jumped in saying that Whitney was scared that her girls will go to Trophy Wife, but I never got that impression. I think Whitney knows her girls will suck compared to this other class and I really wish she would have re-interupted and said, "My class isn't competitive and my dancers aren't comfortable or at the level of 'dance battle' so fuck off." They could do this one-on-one but it seems Jiya needs to prove a point. The attitudes of the Trophy Wives are terrible. And what makes them think they deserve to be called Trophy Wives? Mean Girls is a better name for their dance team. Sorry I have to stand up for the normal people that want to have fun over the cocky assholes that think they're better than everyone else and constantly brag about it. I absolutely can't stand any of those women. 

    Twit knows "her girls" -- hate that term -- aren't joining Trophy Wives becuz it's a 3-hr round trip drive. ( Not to mention BGDC is FAKE!)

    • Love 5
  14. 32 minutes ago, John M said:


    A friend of mine, gorgeous marathoner, Ironman, physique competitor in graduate school  was with a big girl when I met her. I mean not anywhere near Whit's size but she was a big girl. Another friend of mine, stick thin lesbian, very attractive is with a big girl as well, both in graduate school. Again, not anywhere near Whit size but absolutely fat by conventional standards.

    Actually I know several lesbian couples know that I think about it with big size discrepancies. I can think of even one gay couple I know, he is honestly hot as hell, young, smart, educated, well spoken, funny, fit and his husband is I think 15 years his senior, completely out of shape but is also very smart, educated, well spoken, into charity and political action and just all around a great guy. And no, he is not a gold digger, his husband makes good money but so does he. You get to know them and they are honestly 100% in love and you wonder why you thought there was something weird because one of them was so much younger and more attractive. The heart wants the heart wants.

    The heart tends to not want an unemployed, narcissistic control freak crazy person who goes days without bathing and has no sense of appropriateness, decency, or boundaries.

    Whit is single because she is Whit, not because of her weight.

    The operative phrase, used twice in your first paragraph, is "not anywhere near Whit size."  I stand by my statement, with this addition: no attractive lesbian with a slim/normal body & apparently a good, productive life. is gonna hook-up with a 400# mess. If you're not "family," I don't think you can really understand the life. It's like that radio station -- and Whit & her minions -- thinking it was so cute of them to assault gay people in their celebration of pride in who we are with stupid questions & jokes that are 50 years old. It's one day of the year when someone who's gay can enjoy being who she/he is without having to endue the sneers of straights. But, oh no. Here comes adorable Twit & those Kiss95 jerks.

    • Love 11
  15. On 6/16/2016 at 10:35 AM, aliya said:

    Not only that, but she drops the dog like a hot potato on her way out of the room. Kinda freaked me out a little.  I'm a rabbit mom - that's a good way to kill a rabbit. Maybe dogs are more bouncy. 

    Me, too!  Mine (Duffy & Twyla) are both rescue bunnies and I belong to the Sacramento House Rabbit Society. (And I doubt dogs are any more bouncy than bunnies.)

  16. I saw a reality show producer interviewed on MSNBC today. He has coined the term, reality psychosis, to describe what he says happens to many --  not all -- reality TV performers. He claims that after a while they are unable to discern the difference between reality and "reality." These people are particularly hard-hit when the party's over.

    I think it's pretty clear both Twit & Babs share this psychosis. That line of Babs about Twit fitting in a closet was the most bogus, scripted line this far in this bogus, overly scripted show. Her "reality" has become that of the adorable Southern gentlewoman from an earlier era. (Gag) And Twit, of course, is the valiently misunderstood ingenue who soldiers on despite the odds. (Double gag)

    Another thought: am I correct that Twit's weight of 365# represents a total loss of 15# over a 3-year period? Hardly something to cheer so lustedly about as she did in the gym.

    And I want to second the person who posted that Twit's open-mouthed surprised look has gotten very old and used far too often.

    • Love 7
  17. On 2/12/2017 at 5:05 PM, Maggienolia said:

    I don't know. I'm thinking her inability to read body signals, etc is more willful ignorance and a by-product of her self-absorption rather than a learning or personality disorder. She doesn't give a f **k about anybody else and refuses any reality other than the one where she is fabulous and capable and adored and desired by all.  

    Someone once posted the definition of hystrionic personality disorder, and it certainly seemed to apply to Twit.

    • Love 2
  18. I can't figure out where some of your discussion comes from.  But I've never watched one of those "enhanced" re-runs cuz seeing an episode once :) as been plenty for me. Is there really enuf new stuff in those enhancements that I should watch?  Or maybe watch them rather than the first showing?

    BTW, I agree completely with the comment about the cats & their litter box. It is CRIMINALLY ABUSIVE to those animals that she doesn't clean the box at least once daily. And with 2 cats, I agree there should be 2 boxes.

    I came from IMDb which closed its message boards. I enjoy the post-MBFFL commentary more than the show itself, so was glad to find this message board. May I ask: how do I respond to one of yr comments? (I can't figure out those little icons at the bottom of the comment.)

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