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Posts posted by Dot

  1. One of Twit's most recent AK videos features her splashing along a creek on an ATV. Braying loudly as soon as she comes into camera range, of course.

    I just can't stand the braying, most recently in the gym heading for the bell & at the lake jetskiing. Her fans compliment her on her "infectious laugh." They're right. I get a case of the hives every time I hear it.

    • Love 14
  2. 6 minutes ago, Brooks said:

    One of the things Roy did that was misinterpreted was the flowers he presented her at the fake ballroom dance competition.

    Did Roy really not know it was a fake competition, or did he intentionally play into the fantasy.  Looking back, I'm a little surprised he attended and gave her flowers.

    He made it clear that the flowers were from the entire radio show cast, not just him. Also, PMG, the MBFFL prod. crew, apparently had a hand in Roy's playing into the fantasy to the extent of wanting him to woo Twit in the following season. He declined -- we know why now -- & the whole radio show story arc was dumped.

    • Love 6
  3. 3 hours ago, abbey said:



    She thought the relationship with Roy was "in the bag?"  What relationship???  They never dated, I don't even know if they ever even had any time alone.  And she thinks he led her on? I think he was doing his best to be polite to her, no leading on.  


    Not to mention the fact that Roy is gay.

    • Love 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, sixlets said:

    Grub Hub & Eat24 just serve as a one-stop shop for takeout.  You chose pickup or delivery, and then you can search for restaurants for your area.  If you want something specific, you can search by that as well.  When you place your order, your debit/credit card is charged through them, and you can add a tip directly on the card or do cash at the door.  There is no fee, and after ordering once, they will send an email each week with a coupon code for $2 off a $15 order.  It's a great way to try out new places that might be a hassle to get to.  Just using a 3-mile radius for delivery, we get over 70 options.  We primarily use Eat24 (they are under the same company, but they don't necessarily have the same options).  Think of it as Priceline or Expedia, except it's for food.  

    Great info; thanks so much! It's not at all what I was thinking.

    One Q: how does the "pickup" option work? Where would you go to pick up your order?

  5. How do these food delivery services, like Grub Hub, work any way? Are you billed monthly for the # of service calls? Or is it a flat monthly rate, no matter how many calls you make? Or do you pay at the door for each delivery?

    I imagine it's pretty expensive to have food delivered daily, plus tip to the delivery person. Then add in her 3-4 daily Starbucks stops. I'm thinking her daily eating habit might be closer to $100 a day, @ClareWalks, rather than $50.

    • Love 5
  6. 52 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:


    Window units can be had for cheap - like $100. If Whitney can't afford to replace one, she's in deep financial trouble for a homeowner.

    I think at the time she was just pissed bc Buddy wasn't up to date on his rent & this was her mean way of punishing him.

    Twit's "wealth" -- or lack thereof -- has been a continuing source for speculation here & even in her own SM pages. Most of the time she seems to spend with great abandon, e.g., ordering all her meals rather than cooking. Other times she seems to pinch pennies.

    I'm inclined to think that 6 yrs of a TV show, even on a cheesy channel like TLC,  would give her a nice little nest egg if she has been at all able to put some of her income away for a rainy day, such as the end of MBFFL.

    • Love 4
  7. 8 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

    There are sit on top kayaks that don't have cockpits. It was probably a tandem kayak which is usually what inexperienced paddlers are in - especially in the ocean. I spotted a paddle in the background.

    It occurs to me that all the exercising in the gym starting early this year is that PMG told her she would not be able to "perform" in AK at her weight & girth at the time. I've always thought HI was a wakeup call for Twit. Perhaps it was one for the producers as well.

    • Love 3
  8. Discussion moved from SM thread:

    @princelina, Tal is Twit's poodle. He is totally at her beck-and-call. He is willing to pose in nude photos with her. I have no doubt that she manipulates him into servicing her when she's horny. He is wholly under her spell.

    Have you ever seen this B roll MBFFL film? If Twit can manipulate Tal into straddling & kissing her, why would you think he would decline moving in with her?


    • Love 3
  9. 1 hour ago, princelina said:

    I think it's because he always seemed to have more of a life - a real job and dates and boyfriends, and his own house that he could afford.  It just boggles my mind that he would give up his own house and privacy to live in her filthy flophouse with the cats and dirty dishes and constant Whit presence.  Of course I could see him doing it short term for a bigger paycheck but for real?  I don't believe most of what this show is selling anyway so I guess it falls in that category.  (And my friends and I enter each other's houses without knocking too :)

    I'm taking my response to the Whitney thread.

    • Love 2
  10. 1 hour ago, princelina said:

    I'm not arguing with you but curious as to how we know that?  Other than them saying so and Tal prancing in the door last season with a tiny box marked "books"?  Did he give up his own house or is he holding on to it until after filming is done?  

    His previous house was a rental. Even before it was announced that he had moved into Twit's house, she would be in the middle of filming an SM video, he would walk in the door without knocking. This happened several times. Who walks in someone else's house without knocking? Unless it's his house, too.

    He is constantly seen in her SM videos sitting around. He goes everywhere with her.

    I don't understand why it's so hard for you to believe that Tal is so sucked into her orbit that he now lives in her house. He's been her poodle for several years. What is it that causes you to be so determided to believe he is NOT her housemate? I'm not being confrontive; I'm sincerely interested.

    37 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

    When she slurped the iceberg she was apparently in a kayak. She had to lean over to make contact with the poor unsuspecting chunk. Someone in the background mentioned something about "flipping again". I wonder who was counter balancing. It is a miracle that she didn't capsize. It goes without saying that she is an idiot and will do anything to show her fans how zany she is. I am guessing she will ramp it up until something serious happens.

    How would she fit in a kayak?

    • Love 4
  11. 16 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

    The stretchy fabrics.are.more forgiving fitwise and more.comfortable. Total fail fashionwise.unless.you are.at.the gym or.at.home ...

    Polyester/ cotton blends are stretchy & comfortable. Spandex is like a sausage casing. I think she's miserable in her clothing all day long which is one reason she disrobes at every opportunity. ( Another reason being she is an exhibitionist tho what she's showing off ain't pretty.)

    Good catch on the exercise tracking watch, @tdanaher. Why is someone so opposed to being healthy checking her steps? Or is this all a part of her fat athlete persona?

    • Love 4
  12. 39 minutes ago, Brooks said:

    It has been such a hot summer, I could see someone refusing the attic room.

    There's a window A/C unit in the attic. It broke when Buddy had the room & Twit refused to replace it immediately, claiming she couldn't afford to. Before learning of his move to rehab, some of us thought that was reason enuf to get out of Twit's house -- and from under her thumb.

    • Love 1
  13. @Pricelina said, "I don't think he really moved in at all - I think it's just made up for the fake baby adoption storyline."

    Tal definitely is living in Twit's house. The Q is where? He moved into the attic room Buddy vacated. With Donna seemingly missing now, has Tal now taken her room?

    • Love 2
  14. 43 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    No Donna?! Or is she the photographer? User name singkorswim is Todd, so he's there but "off running somewhere."

    The photo was probably taken by one of the film crew.

    The absence of Donna is interesting. She hasn't been seen in any of Twit's SM posts this year. Maybe she lost her caretaker job when Tal the Poodle moved in, so she was moved out.

    • Love 3
  15. Yep, my guess was correct: parents are in AK, Buddy is not.

    I think Buddy & Heather have been kept separated throughout S-6, if Twit's SM posts are any clue.

    What phony reason for the AK trip will the MBFFL scriptwriter come up with? Daddy got another bonus? Mommy rec'd a small inheritance? Twit won a contest by writing, in 25 words or less, why she loves pork rinds?

    • Love 5
  16. 7 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Should I assume you can’t see the story unless you follow someone? I can see the regular photos but I don’t see a story option. 

    I don't follow Twit. All I do to see her stories is press her her headshot in the small circle at the top of her IG page.

    ETA: The AK story photos are already gone, replaced by that pitch for a body-love workshop.

    I don't think the AK story was up even 12 hrs. Granted I'm an ol' fogey, but I don't understand the appeal of IG stories or Snapchat. Why go to the trouble of posting photos/videos that will disappear within a day or so?

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