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Posts posted by Dot

  1. Jessica is really earning her fee today. (Unless she's not getting paid as @ClareWalks surmises.) Twit videos her in her IG profile story & again in this selfie. 

    Jessica has made it quite clear that she does not like to be filmed. Nevertheless, Twit persists. I wonder what goes thru J's mind when Twit crawls all over her & declares her a bestie "Day One"?

    • Love 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Certified or not, I like this guy way better than Jessica just for telling her to get that disgusting video off her Instagram page. Seems like he might have some dignity. Personally I can't blame him for telling Whitney he would work with her. That is his job. If he knows she's been working with Jessica he may believe she's serious. She is one of those people who can seem genuine until you deal with her for a bit. Lots of people here thought she was on the level for a while. But it already sounds like he's catching on to her or at least showing his willingness to stand up to her with the Instagram thing. 

    Ah, but we don't actually know why that video was deleted. Perhaps Twit got so many horrified comments from her fans that she realized she had crossed a line.

    I don't give this guy -- Ryan -- any credit for any thing. First, he's pulling a con on Twit to get customers for his on-line exercise routine. Second, his credentials as a trainer appear to be spurious. Third, he is, after all, the one who was willing to be filmed pretending to fuck a tail-wagging Twit. (I didn't see a gun at his head forcing him to do that.) I have no reason to think he wanted the video deleted.

    • Love 10
  3. The latest IG video shows Twit twerking while Ryan faux-enters her from the back. Eeeewwww.

    This guy has spent the entire week playing Twit like a fiddle since he apparently thinks she is such an "influencer" that she can draw 100s of her fans to his $77 exercise blog. It must not be going so well since he just "extended" his deadline to allow for more entrants. (Maybe he should have been told how influential Twit was in getting her fans to pay for her cousin's FL vacay.)

    • Love 6
  4. 52 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Oh FFS. On one of her FB  pages (not MBFFL) her latest post spends 90 seconds focused on a photo of Glenn in swim trunks leaning suggestively against a palm tree. Segue to Twitney's bed...to Twit naked wrapped in a bedspread IN the bed. 

    Positively squicky.

    OMG, Twit's had that poster above her bed for more than a year.

    I watched the live feed. She asked her fans to vote whether it was cool or creepy. Most said "creepy" & she said she was keeping it above her bed anyway -- as the first thing she sees in morn, last thing at night & many look-sees in between.

    Tal now has a nose ring, BTW.

    Twit is "in hiatus" from therapy after 3 years.

    No, she doesn't know who vandalized her  RV. (I guess she didn't ask the film crew who did it.)

    • Love 3
  5. 8 hours ago, Brooks said:

    Where pools make a difference in weight loss is if the water is a fair amount COLDer than you are and you have to fight with your entire body to produce HEAT.   Without any particular exertion on your part.  Olympic swimmers get to eat a great deal.

    Alas,  the temp of the water will not change the buoyancy that fat creates.

    • Love 2
  6. 39 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    If you had any doubt that she lurks here..... How many times have many of us said how much better off she would be swimming?  Of course she would need to do more than one lap of each stroke. Seriously. Swim more slowly, for an extended period of time. You'll improve your cardio fitness and endurance. 

    Her fat works against her while swimming. She enjoys that activity & therefore should continue it for pleasure. But the real wgt loss actvities in the water would be a rigorous aqua aerobics routine.  She could do all kinds of exercises in the water which would kill her knees out of water.

    BTW, I also found it interesting that Twit thought Jessica should have joined her. I don't think Fitness Zone has a pool, does it? If not, does Twit expect Jessica to trail her around to every Greensboro location Twit hits? Would that include Starbucks as well? And even on a Sunday Jessica has to be in rapt attendance to Twit's wishes?


    • Love 6
  7. 31 minutes ago, Ketzel said:


    (Does anyone know what she means by the caption on this picture: "Can I get my damn life or nah." I'm sure it's something very hip and cool and relevant for a 34-year-old.)

    Maybe "nah" is how hip/cool 34-yr-olds now spell "naw," as in no or not?

    Interesting contrast today between narcissist Twit & her BFF Heather. While Twit is visiting Starbucks twice, Heather is at a coffee house run by & for the disabled. Heather urges that everyone in Greensboro go there from now on, not Starbucks.

    • Love 1
  8. Glenn ain't lookin' good in the most recent Sat workouts. I wonder if it even occurs to Jessica that a 72-yr-old man might need exercises tailored to elderly patrons, not Crossfit gym rats.

    One fan thinks it's so cute that Glenn has an IG acct w no posts & he follows only one profile. (Guess whose?) Has this fan never noticed the creepy obsession Glenn has for his daughter? And she for him?

    • Love 3
  9. 2 hours ago, Pachengala said:

    That was the most shocking part to me. I hope that guy gave prior consent because that is blatant sexual harassment if not. She is horrible. Being a fat woman is not the excuse she thinks it is. 

    I doubt the guy knew -- or perhaps knows even now -- since Twit said Jessica was gonna be really mad when she saw it. That makes me think it's Jess' BF and, of course, since adorable Twit is loved by all, she is given latitude in her actions, right?

    That video is obviously a violation of the guy's right to privacy. I hope when he see it, he heads straight to a lawyer to sue the fuck out of Twit.

    • Love 3
  10. 4 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    It absolutely baffles me that Whitney will publicly broadcast her "smell fetish" so much. She HAS to know it's disgusting, right? Does she just not care? Is she an actual sociopath, or does she just want attention? Mentally healthy people do not waddle around declaring how much they want to smell their friends' armpits.

    Obviously, there is something serious wrong mentally with someone who has absolutely no filters or boundaries.

    Any "anthem" for Twit would have to include the line, "If you don't like girls who are disgusting, you might not like me."

    • Love 3
  11. 4 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:


    now that it’s just Instagram  you would think they would at least show the name of the place or something. If they are doing it for publicity you’d want more than just ‘Jessica who lets me smell her armpits’. 

    For what it may be worth publicitywise, the gym videos are always ID'd as being filmed at "Fitness Zone."

  12. Thanks for the trainer fees info, all.

    Given the size of Greensboro & Twit's saying she gets to the gym 3+ times most weeks, I'm thinking she's spending $150-200/week. I guess she likes someone fawning over her enuf to find that sum OK. Personally, I think she would better off -- certainly her knees would -- at a gym with a swimming pool & aquatic aerobics & stationary bikes. That'd probably run her $50 or so a month. But, then she wouldn't have unqualified Jessica nearby to shout "good job" & present her armpit for sniffing. ?

    • Love 3
  13. Well, I guess I was wrong this morn about the porno IG story being deleted. The fall video has now timed out, so the ONLY stories are the porn & the watch. Viewable by any fan. Of any age.

    I really think Twit is a sick, sick sex addict who has no boundaries in terms of good taste. How sad that this woman is. so stimulated by this porn to the point that she giddily shares it with others.

    It also begs the Q: how long is TLC going to consider her life fabulous when she is constantly dateless? I'm the last person to believe a woman is incomplete without a man. (As in the 70s' slogan: a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.) But I'm not on TV constantly bemoaning the fact that I am not attached to someone as is Twit. And how long will her fans last since they all seem to think she needs a man?

    I feel I'm not saying any of this well. I just cleaned my bunnies' pen, I'm hungry & I need a nap!.

    • Love 4
  14. 30 minutes ago, rainbowrockgal said:

    Sadly, by the time I got here, it appears to be gone... no way she is going to show her weakness/lack of ability to even get up...

    No, it's still there. It's NOT in the ordinary IG lineup. It's what's called a profile story & can only be seen when you click on her face in the circle on the left, top of her IG page.

    • Love 2
  15. I'm writing this at 10:30 pm PDT, so it may be gone by the time you see this comment.

    Check Twit's current profile story by clicking on the circled head shot on her IG page. (Since it's ephemeral, I can't link it.)

    Before the Jiggly Thriller "dance," Twit fell over a concrete bumper in the parking lot. Todd films her shortly after the fall, sitting on her ass & assessing her wounds. This goes on for while, then she needs to get up since they need to make their video. I was fascinated to watch her get up. First, I don't think she could, without assistance, before her recent wgt loss -- ref: HI beach scenes -- so that's something of an accomplishment. Second, it was informative as to how she had to maneuver to get up. Anyone struggling that much -- I know from my own difficulties, but I'm an octogenarian -- is deluding herself in saying she's just as healthy as a normal-sized 34-yr-old woman.

    ETA: I forgot to mention that she's sitting in the public parking lot in her bra. It's not like she wore a shirt in public which she took off to make the video. Why don't any of her friends point out that being fat does not mean you get to dress immodestly?

    • Love 3
  16. Many thanks, @Brooks, for your detailed answer to my Q. I admire your commitment and determination. It is far more than I could -- or would -- do to give up my current creature comforts for what possibly will extend my years by a few years.

    BTW, I'm surprised you can find incandescent light bulbs. I thought they were phased out several years ago.

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