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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 57 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Part of her problem is those damned milkshakes from Starbucks. Each one of them has about 500 calories, and she has at least two a day. That's 1,000 wasted, empty calories. 

    As for her "trainers," my opinion of them has previously been made clear here. 

    Twit orders hers with extra heavy cream, so each is actually closer to 1000 calories than 500.

    • Love 1
  2. 47 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

    The fact that she thinks it would be SURPRISING that fat people "eat more" really says it all. She is so ignorant.

    Yeah. But I think you may have missed those nutrition protocols of Will Powell's where he sat Twit on a panel with actually healthy young people & let her bloviate about how her problem was that she ate too little daily & too late in the day. That's what I was refering to when I said she was still delusionally making that claim. The fact that Will let her mouth run on with such idiocy is yet another reason I have no respect for him.

    • Love 7
  3. I remembered 2 more moments from the video's last 30 minutes:

    🔹 when Twit in her see-thru bra & leggings pranced around the room with a belt cinched around her waist that looked like one of those belts pro wrestlers are awarded when they win some phony title.

    🔹 when something came up about her wgt or exercise routine, she said she felt good, was sleeping well & eating more. She then realized what she had said & mumbled something about how she knows that sounds strange for someone so fat but it's true. So she is still laboring under the fiction that all those 2000-cal Starbucks beverages aren't really food, etc.


    Salsa? In a two-piece swimsuit with giant flowers? My eyes hurt just at the thought. Thank god it's not a video.

    • Love 4
  4. 32 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

    Thanks @Dot for the synopsis. Which leads me to wonder

    isn't not losing weight something she has been preaching? Doesn't she think her fans will see her happiness that she fits into smaller sizes?


    13 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I saw a small bit of the video before it was deleted but I didn’t see her putting on the man’s medium shirt. Did is actually fit even tightly? That seem difficult to imagine. 

    There was some question among the 3 as to the sweatshirt's actual size. Cam -- I think -- said it was a medium, so I assume it was his. But he looked like more of at least an XL, so who knows?

    Tho Twit wiggled into the shirt, it was very tight as she herself acknowledged. And if it was a man's M, it's gonna be larger than a woman's M, so there's that.

    Several fans asked Twit how much weight she's lost & Ryan relayed the Q. Twit ignored most but finally mumbled something like "not so much" or similar, IIRC.

    • Love 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Is it me or does that photo of Whit with the boys look like they had Thanksgiving lasagna?? Not that you are required to have turkey but Dot’s comment about being her lazy is really accurate and it looks like even though she went somewhere else for Thanksgiving she didn’t put effort into making a meal there either. If she didn’t want to cook would it have killed her to take her family out for a nice Thanksgiving dinner?  Her mother had a stroke for gawds sake. 

    It was probably the mac & cheese Twit mentions they ate. I think there were also ham and mashed potatoes, IIRC.

    At one point Cam claims he is a caterer. If true, I'd guess he was the day's cook.

    • Love 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    Early on, someone on in that weird Facebook stream asked Whitney why she wasn't with her family.  She replied that the Thores do Christmas, but not Thanksgiving as a family.  I find that a bit hard to believe, but it's possible, I guess.

    Especially hard to believe since Twit herself posted a video of her as a child at a Thore TG event.

    I suspect the parents spent TG at Glenn's sister's or similar. They are too traditional to ignore TG -- it's just another Twit lie. Besides, at her age of 34, it's time for her to take over the arrangements for the day & she's too lazy even to bother to order a dinner from a caterer. So she avoids the day & claims her parents don't celebrate it either.

    A question from @Irate Panda made me curious about the last 1/2 hour or so of the live-feed after she whipped off her shirt.

    Mostly, it was 30 minutes of boredom -- Ryan's face & comments -- interspersed with moments of extreme disgust, such as:

    🔹 when Twit pulls on a sweatshirt --. a man's M apparently -- and is pleased it fits however tightly. The guys say "turn around." She does so, then bends over and wags her ass in her Signature Giant Butt Roll.

    🔹when Ryan repeatedly allows his dog to vigorously lick his mouth, even sticking his tongue out so the dog can lick it, too.

    🔹when Twit is all over Cam on the couch, talking without interruption & frequently leaning over & whispering in his ear.

    🔹when Ryan yells out that one of the fans would like to have sex with Cam's beard, leading Twit to begin caressing his beard & cooing senshusly about it.

    🔹when all 3 were guzzling -- not sipping & enjoying -- wine after Twit claimed all they had was a glass or two.

    As I said, Ryan's face was on camera mostly. You could hear Twit in the background talking nonstop to Cam. Periodically, Ryan turned the camera towards the two & Twit would get angry, while holding her hands over her breasts, bc she had told him not to show anything other than her face. I can only assume that she did not want her fans to see her breasts thru the bra's black lace.

    • Love 7
  7. 2 hours ago, Irate Panda said:



    did the second guy seem confused/shocked that Whitney had no shirt on or did Whitney pull the “I’m hot” routine? I have no idea who he is.


    I think all 3 were smoking weed tho they denied it. (Ryan's eyes were pretty glassy.) The 3rd guy, Cam, just seemed stoned, mostly & out of it. Twit frequently rolled over his way & whispered in his ear -- or kissed him on his cheek, hard to tell.

    I watched as long as I did to see if the Stambergers turned up. Shortly after they did, I quit watching, so I can't say what Cam might have thought about Twit in her underwear. Remember, tho, these guys are nobodies who are partying with a "celebrity." I would think that would be an odd situation for them. 

    ETA: Twit's current IG profile story includes a photo of her kissing Cam on the cheek.

    2 hours ago, Colleenna said:



    don't know if any of you noticed, but in the vid with the two dudes, she was also vaping. Maybe whoever's home this is wouldn't let her smoke in their house. 


    I didn't notice the vaping tho at one point she says, "I used to smoke," so I suppose she's one of those ppl who think vaping is a healthy alternative to cigs. Just another Twit delusion.

    Interestingly, Tal has periodically been posting notices on his IG page about how many months & days he has gone without nicotine, meaning vaping. It has to be incredibly hard to quit smoking when living with someone who apparently smokes as much as Twit does.

    • Love 3
  8. I'm not kidding about the bra, @Irate Panda. The woman knows no boundaries when it comes to good taste. For example, early in the video she calls Ryan a "motherfucker." Not only are her fans, perhaps young ones, watching, but also Ryan's mother! And Twit knew that.

    I notice the live-feed video has already been deleted from her IG page, replaced with a benign photo of the threesome grinning & wishing a Happy TG.

    ETA: My mistake -- the video still exists on her FB page. (I had assumed it was on her IG page.)

    • Love 5
  9. Stamberger family update: as I have noted, Nicole always comments on one of Twit's live-feeds. This is one of the times when she joins the coversation with audio in a head shot. You can also meet her 2 children & Jonathan & his GF whom Twit is encouraging to go on next year's cruise.

    Of course, to see the Stambergers you will have watch an awful lot of Twit being a 12-year-old who raided her father's liquor cabinet. Or you can fast-forward to where you see that Twit has removed her shirt & is sitting around in a black, lacy bra with 2 men, one of whom she's never met before, then go backwards a minute or 2 until you see Nicole's headshot appear.

    2 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:


    I dont know what this all about but this is but these people are gross...is the guy in the green the same “trainer” guy who has been hanging around with Whitney he clearly looks like he’s just trying to get whatever minimal fame Whitney can drum up for him.

    Yes and yes.

    • Love 4
  10. @Me from ME, the Stambergers ALWAYS comment about the cruise(s). These comments occur when Twit starts plugging her next cruise live-stream. Nicole is always one of the first to chime in. At least once Twit has used an app to include a headshot & audio of Nicole during a cruise plug.

    Since I don't follow the Stambergers' FB page(s), I don't know what Nicole says there. But I bet it's effusive as this family is totally enthralled by Twit.

  11. I was curious as to why a college would accept a 250-# woman into its dance program, so I went to Wikipedia to read about Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT).

    Well, of course Twit was accepted! Its emphasis is on therapy, not dance, as opposed to what Twit implies.

    From Wikipedia: "DMT [is] categorized as a form of psychotherapy. . . .The theory of DMT is based mainly upon the belief that body and mind interact. Both conscious and unconscious movement of the person, based on the dualist mind body premise, affects total functioning, and also reflects the individual’s personality. Therefore, the therapist-client relationship is partly based on non-verbal cues such as body language. Movement is believed to have a symbolic function and as such can aid in understanding the self. Movement improvisation allows the client to experiment with new ways of being and DMT provides a manner or channel in which the client can consciously understand early relationships with negative stimuli through non-verbal mediation by the therapist."

    Now, I suppose it's possible the college course was designed to train ppl to become DMT therapists rather than designed as a therapeutic remedy. Even so, it still makes more sense that a morbidly obese woman would be an acceptable enrollee.

    Of course, Twit's rabid fans' "eyes welled up with tears" upon reading her essay because she, once again, is such an inspiration to one and all.

    • Love 2
  12. 4 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:



    4 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I have found that most people don’t look past the very superficial when saying whether people look alike or not. Whit and Natalie ‘look alike’ in that they are both morbidly obese . . .Their faces look a bit similar mostly because of their weight.

    Many years ago I lived with a woman who was as fat as I was. We worked weekends at arts & crafts shows. Ppl who came to our booth would frequently ask if we were sisters, even twins. And we looked nothing alike except for our size.

    • Love 2
  13. Twit is so damn determined that her fans see her & Natalie as twins -- bc Nat is so much younger, perhaps? So much so that she's dug out this photo from CurvyCon a year ago.

    I don't see it, maybe bc I have twin brothers so I know what twins look like. The only thing similar about those 2 is that they both are usually filmed with their big mouths fully open.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    So Babs and Glenn got to witness their daughter and her friends dry hump each other, floors and walls.  I wonder if that was listed on the cruise itinerary?

    I don't give Glenn & Babs any sympathy for the gross and/or disturbing antics of their daughter. They support it, enable it, encourage it. No one put a gun to their heads & forced them to participate in the MBFFL shit show. They are as much fame whores as Twit.

    • Love 10
  15. On 11/18/2018 at 9:37 AM, kokapetl said:

    How can she not feel any embarrassment for that performance? She’s being treated like a special needs child. 

    I always enjoy seeing this video of her museum "dance." (It's one of my favorites, along with "skiing" & gobbling cupcakes.)

    In terms of embarassment, I wonder how the museum feels, 5 years later, about being gulled into lettingTwit "dance" under its auspices & giving her an award to boot?

    • Love 3
  16. 13 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    Is Donna on the cruise?

    Donna has disappeared. Totally.

    I don't know if she is Korean or Korean-heritage American. But a couple of months ago, Twit announced to her "Korean friends" that she was coming back there. Nothing since. I wonder if that had anything to do with Donna. If Korean, has she returned to her homeland & Twit plans to visit her?

    • Love 1
  17. 4 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

    I swear to god I'm not trying to be an asshole but is Buddy back on drugs? I AM SERIOUS. This is a serious query.

    Oddly, he seems to have spent most of the voyage by himself, not good for recovering addicts. For example, with all the stuff to do on a cruise ship, he's posted IG photos of 2 football games he watched on a deck TV.

    Maybe he's trying to avoid Heather as hard as she seems to be avoiding him.

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