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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 2 minutes ago, Brooks said:



    I was horrified by a recent picture of Whitney and her Blue Tooth.  Just one more really stupid and dangerous thing she's doing to her health.   


    I don't understand this -- a literal blue tooth? Or what? Can you link the photo you are talking about? And what is the danger to her health?

    Also, what did you mean by adjusting light?

  2. 8 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    Just curious but what gifts are her fans leaving?

    She's never said what they are tho I recall there's a caricature of her on one of her SM pages that she commented was from a fan.

    She always refers to the gifts as she does in the broken window photo's comment: that they are a part of the intrusion into her private life that she does not like/ finds creepy.

    • Love 1
  3. We are all allowing Twit's so-called celebrity to cloud our minds. Shit happens. It happens to everyone. If you park your car in a driveway or on the street, you may be a victim of vandalism.

    I've had more than one car vandalized. The worst example was the time the thugs removed the car's rear tire, rim & all, leaving the axle resting on the pavement.

    Homes I've lived in have been broken into.

    Yet I am not a celebrity. Again, shit happens to all of us. Maybe someone in Greensboro who dislikes Twit -- I'm sure they are legion --  bounced a baseball off her car window b/c it belonged to her. And maybe it was just a random asshole who was looking for a vulnerable car.

    ETA: @Ketzel's post (below) reminds me that I should have said that I was specifically referring to the broken window. I do not believe, not for one second, that the graffiti on the van was an act of vandalism. It was obviously PMG-inspired.

    • Love 11
  4. 4 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:


    I agree about TLC - I just use that term as a catch all for those involved in the show. I don’t think they would install the cameras themselves but I think they would be leaning on her to get some security or at least have her call the police.


    Weren’t they filming when the Dancing bus was messed up?


    TLC has absolutely nothing to do with the filming of MBFFL. A production company in LA named Pilgrim Media Group (PMG) negotiates a contract with TLC & then films Twit & her gang. The scrjptwriters are employed by PMG. The film crew is employed by PMG. The editors are employed by PMG. PMG is responsible for choosing the filming sites, incl. Twit's house & the parents' house. If ppl are stalking MBFFL actors in their homes, it is PMG's fault not TLC's. And if Twit doesn't have a security system at her home, that is her fault, not TLC's (or PMG's).

    • Love 9
  5. 1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:


    but you’d think she and TLC would do a little more to obscure where she actually lives to the general public since according to her posts she allegedly has a good number of people just randomly stopping by.

    Not TLC's job. if anyone is gonna obscure the front of her house, it would be PMG, the MBFFL producers.

    But even they can't do anything to stop someone from checking county property records to get her address. It's really easy in NC; the records are on-line.

    Before she started using her own home as a film set, she could have taken some precautions, e.g., not allowing her actual house to be filmed. And setting up a trust & buying the house in the trusts's name. But that ship has sailed. All she can do now is move.

    • Love 5
  6. 5 hours ago, Brooks said:

    For Twit to do DWTS she needs a partner.  It won't be Todd.  I would hope no one would agree to be her partner.  Too much chance of injury when 400 pounds goes out of control.

    I don't watch DWTS, but my understanding is that a pro dancer is ASSIGNED to a contestant by the show's producers. That is, it's not a BYOD (Bring Your Own Dancer) option. Anyone know for sure?

    • Love 2
  7. 31 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    Has Whitney posted anything about Bab’s health and is Babs supposed to be on the cruise or did it already happen?

    Babs is scheduled to be on the Nov. cruise. Twit posts lots of pics of her w her mom, incl. today. Babs seems healthy enuf tho there was that video showing Glenn in the background placing a towel or bib over Babs. I think it was just a drape to keep makeup off her shirt since they were doing MBFFL promo shots. Others here seemed to find the gesture more concerning.

    • Love 2
  8. 8 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Oh, I really wish DWTS would invite her to compete. I've never seen DWTS, but I'd tune in just to watch her huff and puff and wheeze her way through one round, after which she'd be eliminated... or Babs would suddenly get worse so Shitney  would have to drop out. 

    The first time fans started talking about DWTS, I looked up some of the requirements. IIRC, the contract $$$ can differ from $100,000 upwards, depending on how much of a "star" you actually are. Then, you are expected to practice 4 hrs/day, rising to 6 if you move forward in the contest. If you do NOT practice as demanded, your pay is docked.

    So, no. Twit will never be on DWTS. She'll never be invited & couldn't meet contract stipulations if she were.

    • Love 3
  9. Twit has one of those profile story things on her IG page, saying she's bored, so ask her a Q. I asked, "Where's Donna?" When -- if -- she answers , I'll let you know.

    I hope some of the rest of you will ask her your Qs. To get to the page, click on her profile photo in the circle at the top left of her IG page.

    • Love 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Colleenna said:


    Hey did anyone else notice the IDIOTS who commented about how much weight she had lost, etc, about an EIGHT YEAR OLD VID??? Apparently they don't bother to *read* (or maybe they can't), but just look at the vid....

    Also amusing: many are again calling for her to perform on DWTS as tho her mobility of 8-9 years ago is what it is now. (Also her size.)

    As if her only "dance" move today wasn't standing in place, wagging her butt & pumping her arms.

    • Love 3
  11. 8 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    She posted a "vintage fat girl dancing" video on IG (I have no idea how to post the link of it) and says in the caption "nothing has changed," all I can think is she has gained well over 100 lb since then and it is obvious in her mobility. I don't understand how someone who supposedly loves to dance can let herself degrade that much in less than 10 years.

    Another change: In 2011, at the time of the vintage video, she wore her bra UNDER her clothing, not AS her clothing.

    Thanks for the research, @Ketzel. It's obvious that she's a good 100 #s lighter in the video, so why is she trying to convince her fans that "nothing has changed" since 2011?

    ITA with @3girlsforus: she was well over 400 #s in HI; that's what has caused all the gym activity. I'd guess she's about 375 #s now, having firmed up some of the flab & gained some muscle.

    • Love 5
  12. Today's IG photo, giving her fans a new opportunity to tell her how beautiful & inspirational she is & how much wgt she has lost. And adding today how she "rocks" her jeans, boots & scarf.

    For all her neediness & narcissism, it is impressive how effectively Twit plays her fanbase to keep TLC thinking she is popular enuf to be rewarded with another yr of MBFFL. Most shows with as little content as MBFFL would have died yrs ago.

    • Love 3
  13. What's the dif between the first photo & the 2nd? I linked the 1st, where we see the true roundness of her face, from Tal's IG page. The 2nd is from Twit's page, after she has changed clothes, put on makeup & used a filter to elongate her face. Most of her fans will never see that 1st photo since it's not on her own page.

    Also, why is she admitting for the first time that she frequently sees a psychic? B/c Tal outed her & she found out he did BY READING THIS FORUM.

    • Love 3
  14. Off to see a psychic today -- for the 27th time! And dragging her domestic life partner along with her.

    Well, we now know another way Twit is wasting all that TLC $$$. Anyone who has visited a psychic more than 2 dozen times must love hearing just what she wants to be told -- over & over & over. . .

    What I find interesting is the UNTOUCHED photo. What fan can look at this pic & still not believe the glam shots are photoshopped?

    • Love 4
  15. 2 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    Sorry Dot, there are at least three "is that your boyfriend???" type comments. The hardcore fans, who are adamant about believing every bit of the Whitney schtick, are alive and well and squealing with joy that she's apparently found a new true love!

    I took another look & did see a couple. But you must admit that they are far fewer than they used to be.

    And at least 2 fans indicate they are on to her:

    "No one is talking about the dude."

    "Are you trying to get us to speculate about the guy in the photo????"

    But the BEST fan comment I saw seemed to be in relation to the blue or green Q:

    "What rationality are you?"

    My guess would be that she's of the IR- variety of "rationality"!

    • Love 1
  16. 17 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:



    . . .  then follows that up with another photo taking about her green eyes. . .

    The whole point of that photo being a way of picturing herself with a good-looking guy behind her. I skimmed thru the fan comments; they seem to have finally caught on to her game, as none of them ask, "Oh, are you dating him?" as they've done in the past. (He is a PMG sound tech just doin' his job mic'ing Twit up.)

    • Love 2
  17. Twit posted one of her glam shots on IG again so that her fans can tell her -- again -- how beautiful she is. Her reasons for such photo posts have become lamer & lamer. This time, it's begging the fans "PLEASE" to tell her what color her eyes are. Are we really supposed to believe someone hasn't known the color of her eyes since she became able to make such distinctions?

    • Love 5
  18. 20 minutes ago, Ketzel said:



    My own theory on why we haven't heard from others in her past is that she had very few friends, for many reasons, and most of those are now on her payroll. As to any others out there I think she is simply not famous enough to trigger "I knew her when" gossip. 

    Your nickel purchase has really paid off for those of us in the forum. Like @Irate Panda I've been curious about this phantom fiance & I bet others have, too. If I have the math right, she knew/dated this guy throughout all her 4 yrs at ASU. (When you say they broke up in Korea, does that mean he, too, was teaching there?) I find it hard to believe anyone --  male or female -- was intimate with the Twit for 4+ yrs. She's just too needy & that's exhausting after a while.

    If he was "handsome" in her eyes, he had a fuzzy, unkempt beard & was obese. (Ref: Buddy & Isenberger are "hot.")

    Her lack of friends seems obvious, given the boos when her name was announced Prom Night. And it's telling that salesppl at Torrid (or was it Lane Bryant?) don't have a clue as to who she is, per one of the forum comments of a few months ago.

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