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Posts posted by Dot

  1. Twit has a video today wishing Buddy a Happy BD while they slug down coffee-flavored milkshakes at Starbucks. She forgot herself & called him "Boo Boo," not "Boo Bear."

    Begging several questions:

    Where is Donna, the original Boo Boo? Has Buddy moved back to Greensboro? If so, is he camping out in Donna's former room since he seems to be around Twit so much of the time? And why doesn't the lazy SOB get off his ass &  get a job? (I guess the last Q could apply to Twit as well, were she not so unemployable.)

    • Love 4
  2. 3 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    Re: Whitney's teeth, I wouldn't even think twice about her "woodchuck teeth" if she were not constantly pushing herself on the unwitting public as a super-cute sex symbol who is flawless in every way. I have plenty of flaws but the difference is I'm not so freakin' narcissistic as to put half-naked videos of myself thrusting my ass at everything with a pulse.

    Twit to Megyn Kelly: "I'm short, I'm fat, and . . . I'm cute!"

    And that Joker Mouth is damn strange.

    • Love 8
  3. 1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

    Did she ever say what they were doing in Washington besides a sensible trip?  On a side, I think Whitney’s front teeth are kind of cute.  They remind me of Jessica Simpson’s and her bunny impression from Newlyweds when I was a teenager.  I am sort of surprised my Whitney’s response to the guy online.  I thought she’d be ok with comment or not respond at all.  

    Dunno about DC, but she was in Fairfield, CT, this eve, being inspirational, I.e., giving a speech. (Her video of the audience reveals no more than that.)

    • Love 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, qtpi17 said:

    But if the Rest of one's teeth are "little",  how does that make it better?  Who's to say all teeth have to be the same length?

    No one's saying that all teeth must be "little." The front teeth of many ppl are slightly larger than the others, including mine. The operative adjective here is slightly.

    All I have to say on this subject -- over & out.

    • Love 3
  5. 53 minutes ago, qtpi17 said:

    I, too, have "woodchuck-like" teeth. What should I have done?  Shave them down (too little)?  Get veneers?  What should Whitney do?  We all can't have perfectly proportional teeth. 

    I understand that's exactly what Twit could have her dentist do. Am I misinformed?

  6. To ensure as many customers as possible for Ryan, Twit also posted her Wash D C exercise video on mostly forsaken FB as well as IG.

    A guy, whose syntax indicated he is one of Twit's Middle Eastern fans, commented: "Nice ass."

    This, of course, set off 30+ other fans about how rude he was. Twit told him to "fuck off"; she was lauded by the same fans for her response.

    The guy kept digging himself into a bigger hole with explanations, such as "I like big women."

    Twit has worn "Bad Ass" & "Kick Ass" shirts in recent days. She wiggles her ass at every opportunity, no matter how inopportune.

    How do her fans not see her hypocrisy?

    • Love 7
  7. 1 minute ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I don’t know that he’s any more aware of impropriety to prevent him from doing it but I suspect because two of his videos have disappeared after she posted them (which she doesn’t have a history of doing) he is conscious enough of how it looks not to want it on the Internet. It’s possible someone else prompted those removals but since they both included Ryan and other vulgar posts have stayed, I tend to agree with the poster who said that was Ryan’s request. 

    Actually, I've noticed that most of Twit's live feeds disappear pretty fast. I really doubt that Ryan -- or anyone else -- has anything to do with any of the deletions.

    • Love 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    She began her workouts with Will on January 17, 2011 and lost the 100 lbs. by "mid-November."  -The Word According To Whitney

    Which explains why she has a shirt saying something like "Beast since January."

    And speaking of shirt slogans: today's is "Kick Ass." Last week it was "Bad Ass." Methinks Twit has a fixation on her nether part. Maybe that explains the need to wag it so often.

    • Love 5
  9. 3 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    I think this is the best workout I’ve seen by Whitney, good for her. Few questions for the SM experts: Did Whitney ever post how she met the trainer guy?   Is he her actual trainer on the road/Internet or just a fried who happens to be a trainer? Also, does anyone remember if Whitney ever posted how long it took her to lost her 100lbs the first time around?

    Ryan just kinda appeared one day in Twit's SM pages. Every time a fan refers to him as Twit's trainer, she quickly states that she has only 2 trainers, Will & Jessica Powell.

    There is info about the 100-# wgt loss, mostly in terms of how neurotic she was while losing. I think it's in her book -- @Ketzel?

    7 hours ago, Me from ME said:

    My money is on Ryan. Although he filmed it he probably thought it was for private consumption. To have it widely disseminated would surely hurt his business, especially since his workouts are internet based.

    I don't get the picture of Ryan as more aware of impropriety than Twit is. (I watched a good portion of the 90-minute TG video.)

    • Love 1
  10. Twit's in our national capital today with no explanation as to why which a normal person would provide. Instead, it's another long plug for her new BFF's internet exercise routine.

    I'm no expert, but she seems to perform better when Jessica is NOT training her.

    Twit's response to a comment from someone named honkeydong69: "all three of those are awesome."

    • Love 2
  11. 26 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    What exactly is a ‘sensible road trip’. Whatever that is, Whitney and Hunter are going on one. 

    Maybe one where she wears a swim suit instead of her underwear when they stop somewhere for a swim?

    ETA: I just saw the IG profile where she's in the car with Hunter. It's 42 degrees, tanktop-wearing weather, according to Twit, sitting next to her bro who's wearing gloves, a leather jacket & a knit cap. But while the heater will be on, the sun roof & all windows will be open. (Otherwise, I guess, it would be sports bra weather.)

    • Love 1
  12. 54 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    I just don’t understand any of this.  Don’t get me wrong, I am a goofball a good percentage of the time, but I don’t understand ripping your clothes off in front of strangers or shoving penis flutes in friends/family members faces.  I mean these people are not teens where I’d say the brain hasn’t fully formed yet.  These are grown adults, acting like this is completely normal behavior and then post it on the internet.  I don’t know who the older guy is, but could you imagine if he was somebody you knew? Hey Bob, how was your Thanksgiving?  Well, besides having that penis flute shoved in your face.  Does this guy know he’s online at all? It’s like they have this weird sexual acting out/shock value/exhibitionist trait, I guess this explains why Whitney and Buddy are friends.  It’s so very odd imo.


    ETA:  Poor Bob was already traumatized from Whitney ripping her shirt off at Thanksgiving. *Bow Chicka Wow Wow*    I really need to think of another generic name to use in my examples.  Poor Bob has been through enough this Thanksgiving.

    The oddest thing to me, @Irate Panda, is how much MBFFL fans love this kind of behavior from Twit & Gang. Rarely does one of them point out how disgusting or immature or down right antisocial these internet photos & videos are & how inappropriate it is to post them for all the world to see. I doubt that many of them would allow such behavior from their own family or friends. Yet Twit et al are lauded as funny, inspiring, authentic, etc. It's a mystery to me, just as it's a mystery to me why TLC keeps presenting MBFFL year after year.

    • Love 7
  13. In her usual annoying, cryptic way, Twit is showing a car with a crumpled front fender in an IG profile story, only saying something about cars not being good for Thores lately.

    Twit's fans are wising up, tho. Now they go to Heather's IG page for a translation, viz., it is Hunter's car & he's OK.

  14. 37 minutes ago, Brooks said:

    So does anyone have any side confirmation that the show was renewed?  It should be coming up soon in January but I don't see any sign of it.  Just Twit's claim.  Did she announce prematurely?  Is she just scamming everyone?  Did TLC cancel because, perhaps, Tal decided that Whitney wasn't his life partner and he didn't want to raise a child with her?

    It has been renewed, premier date unknown. Maybe TLC is waiting to the last moment to announce a date to ensure Twit hasn't been arrested for sexual misconduct yet.

    • Love 3
  15. 3 hours ago, Pachengala said:

    Wait wait wait. I’m still stuck on the shirtless video. What reason, however flimsy, did she give for taking off her shirt?


    2 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    I think it's because she's long since blown past attention hound and is now in the far reaches of exhibitionism. 

    I didn't see that part of the video - I watched the first five minutes or so, and then turned it off, not sure who I was more annoyed with, Whitney or myself, for the time wasted. But hearing the description of her behavior later in the vid, it occurred to me that I had seen her exercising in what might be described as a lace bra, in one of her work out videos with Ryan. 



    The video was of 3 drunks, remember, so it was not always easy to follow either the dialogue or the camera which was sometimes swinging around wildly. All I recall is that shortly after Nicole Stamberger's appearance there Twit was, in her bra. No reason given. Since she was seen in at least 2 different shirts before this, I guess it was just another wardrobe change.

    My surmise: she was hot (in a temperature way, not in an attractive way). We often see her in less clothing than ppl around her. For example, the video of Twit, Tal & Heather driving to FL. Twit is in her sports bra (or maybe a tank top), Tal is in a shirt & Heather is in the back seat, as far away from the A/C as possible, wearing a sweatshirt hoodie up & wrapped in a blanket.

    @Ketzel, I zoomed in on the exercise video bra & I'm pretty sure it was not the TG one, which was all lace & very see-thru. So much so, in fact, that Twit seemed to realize it was inappropriate to be showing so much of herself to her fans & she kept telling Ryan to keep the camera solely on her face when he swung the camera her way. 

    Twit had no sense of impropriety, however, with Cam who she never met before TG. She started talking nonstop to him, while seated practically on top of him -- as she does with men -- on the couch.

    • Love 5
  16. 48 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Well, you can eat a great deal by volume without a ton of calories. Two cups of cooked green beans + two cups of cooked yellow squash = 100 calories

    1 cup of cooked spaghetti, no sauce = 225 calories

    4 times as much by volume, fewer than half the calories. 

    That is so true. Eating gobs of low-cal food -- usually vegies -- is a big help in feeling full. That has always been one of my weight-control problems -- the need to feel full.

    But Twit's self- & oft-proclaimed problem is that she does not eat enough or often enough! So eating lots of good, low-cal foods would not be a solution for her. But relief is at hand, according to her recent live-stream, in that she is sleeping well AND eating more. Let's just hope it's more green beans & not more pasta. Or pasta salad which she believes is a health food. Ref: James King of M600#L: It's OK to eat FRIED rice since Dr Now's no-no list only includes plain rice.

    Way off topic here, but does anyone know what's happened to James K.? Specifically, is he still alive since he weighed something like 800 #s when Dr Now kicked him out?

    • Love 2
  17. 35 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Vomit and jiggle.....  yipppee

    I must admit I am impressed by her rope jumping. A year ago, in HI, she would not have been able to lift her feet high enuf for a rope to pass under. She is definitely more fit than she was a year ago. Unfortunately, that has given her a false sense that she is healthy enuf with the gym routines, so she is ignoring her need to lose a couple hundred #s by changing her relationship with food.

    Glenn, OTOH, looks less well every time we see him.

    What's a "metcon"?

    • Love 1
  18. 14 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    for those unclear on her comment -she meant she was just getting up at 9 PM - so she spent the day passed out on the couch. 


    How did you know that? Does your IG acct include the time of a post? (Mine doesn't, as far as I can tell.)

    2 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I could be wrong but I could have sworn someone said Ryan is gay. So yes, I’m sure she thinks she has him “in the bag”. We know she has excellent instincts on these things. 

    Someone here did say that & said it was obvious from his IG page. But I looked & didn't see it. I don't actually get a vibe that he is gay. Certainly, the way Twit was pawing him makes me think she doesn't realize he's gay if he is. On the other hand, why is she awakening on his couch, not his bed?

    ETA: @Ketzel's post (above) came in just as I was sending this. So, I stand corrected.

    Speaking of Ryan, he has very nice, even, white teeth. Twit said hers weren't so white cuz she "used to smoke." (Ha!)

    Then she went off about how her teeth had needed braces when she was a kid & were now in need of adult braces. She started a poll of her fans momentarily, but quit when too many said, "Yeah, you need braces."

    At no time did she mention her woodchucklike front teeth! Does she not realize how out of proportion they are to her other teeth?

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