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Posts posted by Dot

  1. Heather is now taking a page from Twit's handbook & complaining on SM to her fans about how depressed she is. Remember: at this moment she's in Paradise for an all-expenses-paid week, her 3rd in 3 years; she appears in a long-running TV show; and she has fans even tho she has no discernible talent or interesting personality.

    These MBFFL people are all so tiresome.


    • Love 4
  2. 2 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:



     I also suspect that anyone associated with Whitney's, especially Babs and Glenn, spend a lot of their time doing thing for Whitney or keeping their mouth shut about Whitney because it's the path of least resistance.


    Twit believes she can dance. Heather believes she can sing. Todd believes he can sing & dance. Tal believes he can sing & dance & play the guitar. All of them were involved in community theater as teens. Then they were thirty-somethings, suddenly living their performance arts dream, bc of Twit, even tho they could be considered amateurish at best.

    So, no. They are not just putting up with Twit. They are hanging on to her for dear life, social barnacles that they are, bc when she goes, so do they.

    Buddy didn't participate in theater as a teen & doesn't pretend to having any talents now. But he's no better than the rest. He's a fat slob who is too lazy to get a job as long as he can live off Twit's largesse.

    • Love 7
  3. 1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

    Remember when I said that Whitney had restrained herself from grabbing Jessica's boobs? I guess it's really only a matter of time, Jessica!

    Instagram pic of Whitney fondling Sarah and Natalie's boobs.

    And recall last cruise: boob grab for Heather, tit lick for Tal. Twit really has no regard for other ppl's boundaries.

    35 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Holy chit. Is there not ONE vulgar, lowlife thing that this woman won't do? 

    Have you never watched those 2 Fitty Smallz soft porn videos? The answer is "no."

    • Love 5
  4. 4 minutes ago, princelina said:

    How do you know this?  (Not snarking - curious :)

    Like I said, I find the Stambergers fascinating as Super Fans. I first noticed Nicole when she posted all these photos of her & her family "mingling" with Twit & Gang on the 1st cruise. It was so over the top.

    Stamberger is an unusual name. The next time I became aware of Super Fan Nicole was on one of Twit's first live-streams shortly after the 1st cruise. Twit made a point of talking about how the Stambergers had been on that cruise & she continues to do so on every live stream. So I just notice Nicole every time she comments on Twit's SM pages, going on 3 years.

    And, yeah, I know. It's kinda nutty on my part. ?????

    • Love 7
  5. 1 hour ago, Me from ME said:

    Ugh, so now I am thinking about her dancing. Have we seen her take a dance class since the season of the dance off/belly dancing/ballroom dance competition? Isn't it customary to continue to learn even when one is a "professional"? It seems as if she is just making things up as she goes along and her technique and choreography are deteriorating as a result.

    Notice, too, that "dance career" has dropped out of Tal's & Twit's vocabulary.

    • Love 3
  6. 23 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    Is she saying she won her own dance contest?

    The Stambergers are a NJ family, consisting of a mother, daughter (Nicole) & son, who go on Twit's cruise every year. The first year the son challenged Twit to a dance-off & Twit broke her big toe. He challenged her again last year, too. (I don't know who judges these things -- maybe clapping from ppl standing around.) So this dance-off is an annual event -- Jonathan is very persistent in that regard. Even tho, as you can see, he's a worse dancer than Twut.

    I find this family fascinating. The first year Nicole posted many photos & let it be known she was determined to get her money's worth by trailing Twit & Gang at all opportunities, including at dinner where Todd shared his bottle of wine with her. During the rest of the year, if Twit live-streams on SM, Nicole & her bro will be the first to comment., so I assume she monitors Twit's SM pages 24/7. The family seems very proprietary about Twit.

    • Love 10
  7. 14 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

    Whitney's dancing now consists of mainly hairwhips and jiggling her ass meat. How these people take her seriously as a " dancer " is beyond me.

    And her latest senshus "dance" move: begin w arm held high. Bring it slowly down until palm meets forehead. Slowly move palm from forehead to nose to mouth where tongue is protruded to slurp palm as tho it's an iceberg. Return to hair whips & ass jiggles.

    • Love 5
  8. Todd finally appears in the latest IG "dance" video. Even Buddy is there. And, of course, Poodle Tal.

    Missing? Heather. Buddy drove alone to FL. He seemed to spend the first eve watching a football game. Now he's dancing & Heather isn't. It appears that the way they are handling their breakup is to stay on opposite sides of a big boat.

  9. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I was unaware there was such a thing as the ‘right moment’ to take off your sports bra/shirt and whip it around over your head in public. 

    I wonder what's going on in the minds of the normal-sized people on the upper deck on the right top of this photo. Maybe something like, "OMG. Why didn't my travel agent warn me?"

    Can someone explain this caption to me? What "tricks"?

    Twit's sports bra: I bet it's part of her "active wear" line.

    And where's "eternal dance parter," Todd?

    • Love 2
  10. 4 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    Easy to tell them apart.  Natalie is the one with the fanny pack (which I've never seen on a dressed-up woman on a cruise ship) and the smaller butt.

    Natalie is also the fashionista who will be moderating the cruise fashion show.

    BTW, Twit is a dozen years older than Nat & has been claiming this "twin" look since the two met at CurvyCon last year. But Twit should take a good look at Nat now. She's gained some 75 #s since last year & I think she's now bigger than Twit.

    • Love 1
  11. It appears that all that poor form lifting weights, etc., has come home to roost. And just in time for a 8-day vacay that 200+ fans paid multi-bucks to hang out with a "celebrity."

    She is compounding her stupidity by requiring someone to walk on her spine. (Crushed vertebrae, anyone?)  I learned ppl do this when a housemate asked me, a 300 # woman at the time -- to do that. Imagine!

    Well, at least Heather is a light-weight. Maybe she won't do too much add'l damage to whatever damage Twit has already done, with Jessica's help, to her back with her poor exercise regime.

    ETA: I just realized, from Twit's comment & a reply from Jessica, that walking on Twit's spine IS JESSICA's IDEA! Way to go, J. Your incredible incompetence just keeps on comin'.

    • Love 6
  12. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    That’s what I was thinking but the other option is that she paid some of the cost of her suite herself. That seems just as unlikely to me. TLC wouldn’t be chipping in since they don’t film the cruise. Maybe she got Daddy to fork over the difference. 

    Or maybe since she's sharing it w Heather, Twit got it for what 2 regular cabins would cost since the cruise line will not have to give each a separate cabin.

    Or maybe this is why Twit changed cruise lines. They dangled this opulent suite to get her biz.

    If so, boy, will they regret that when they tally up food costs for this particular outing. I doubt the cruise line has any idea -- yet -- how much these ppl can eat!

    • Love 4
  13. 10 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Oh ok. I knew the cruise people were specifically told the cruise isn’t filmed so I thought it might not be on SM either. Especially since it’s a cruise which can limit your internet availability. But sounds like Whit finds a way. Maybe she gets free internet with her free cabin. 

    Twit brings along a young woman named Hope Leigh Robbins who will be taking most of the photos & videos.

    • Love 1
  14. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I agree. The timing is also suspect because she leaves on her cruise this weekend so her Instagram will be dormant during that time, leaving plenty of time for her fans to leave her messages of worship.

    On previous cruises, Twit was on FB several times daily. The only dif will be that she's on IG almost totally these days, so I imagine that will be true on the cruise, too.

    • Love 1
  15. Well, the reason for all the gym videos has now come to light: the photog who does Twit's MBFFL promos revealed on FB that she will soon be peddling a line of "active wear."

    And . . .

    I can believe someone out there wrote that screed about hating fat ppl. The incivility & darkness in this country since the beginning  days of SM are more awful than I've ever before witnessed in my 80 yrs.

    Note that it was forwarded to Twit from Natalie Whatshername, who is as much a piece of work as is Twit. The two first connected over a year ago when Nat sent Twit a 5-minute video of some poor guy's crotch which she had posted on SM. She had also sent it to American Airlines bc he had quietly -- and privately -- been texting his GF about his discomfort in being seated for a cross-country flight next to a 300 # woman. Nate took it upon herself to intrude on his privacy & evesdrop, then loudly proclaim he had fat-shamed her.

    So I am not surprised that she may have done or said something to provoke a hateful comment on her IG page even tho I don't condone it.

    BTW, she & Twit connected personally a few months after the flight bruhaha at CurveyCon. Nat claims to earn a living as a plus-size fashion model. She will be moderating the fashion show on Twit's cruise which begins this weekend according to Tal.

    • Love 10
  16. 2 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    Well, at least she isn't grabbing Jessica's boobs. 

    Yeah, just smelling her armpits.


    1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

    I can. TLC has long since become the equivalent of early 20th century circus sideshows. We've got your dwarfs, your fat lady (multiple shows of each....)....

    And, with Twit, the Bearded Lady.

    • Love 4
  17. 1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

    I don’t have social media accounts access except what’s posted here but is Whitney still shilling her cruise or is she only posting this workout videos?  Also, is Donna still there or has Tal really taken over house duties?  I assumed their arrangement was for show purposes but all these people seem to be stuck in weird codependent relationships with each other.

    The cruise is a month earlier this year; I think it starts this weekend or next. So, soon are gone the gym videos, replaced by "dance" senshusly videos.

    I have been asking the "where's Donna?" for a while; Twit never replies. I noticed at least one fan is also now asking.

    Tal has the attic room formerly used by Buddy. He spends a lot of time w Twit, if SM is any indication, & seems totally enthrall to her. So, you can assume there is a new shoe butler, torso massager & (probably) chub rub ointment applier.

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