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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 48 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

    I'm sure it's just the premiere date for the new season...no way would any reasonable agency give those loons a baby! Right? ...RIGHT? <panics>

    That'd be my guess, too, esp. since Tal already gave it away in the caption with the TLC sign. Another possibility is an announcement about her active wear clothing line. If we've learned nothing about Twit, it's her teases are never very "important."

    ETA: Tal's IG photo with him, Twit & a TLC sign is the one with the caption about MBFFL returning in Jan. The same photo on Twit's IG page has the tease instead.

    It's interesting the BGDC/NoBS Queen only includes slim dancers in her festival performance.

    • Love 5
  2. 7 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

    Yeah, 5,978 said yes....5,970 didn't mean it.

    The other 8 think it will be free, and will drop out when they find out she intends to make money off the deal.

    I'm thinking now that the Dec 12 date with her "biggest fan" may have something to do with unveiling this latest shill. And, remember, she's also got another con going, her soon to be announced "active wear."

    @Sasha888, I thought her arms looked awful, too. But I was really appalled by the gut hanging out over her waistband. How can she possibly think this is an attractive pose?

    • Love 4
  3. 25 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

    I just spent a few minutes contemplating who the nicest serial killer would be. LOL. And I agree, Whitney's friends are all awful. 

    Heather: whiny enabling simp

    Ashley: keeps coming back

    Todd: attention whore

    Tal: sanctimonious jackaninny

    Buddy: boorish oaf

    ITA with all your friends' assessments, tho I would add "crashing bore" to Heather.

    Then there's the family:

    Babs: Southern belle with the vapors

    Glenn: enabler & pompous ass

    Hunter: jobless hanger-on

    • Love 3
  4. 18 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

    December 12 is a Wednesday. What an odd day for her to go out with someone "in the US." Although to be honest, on Wednesday nights I teach a group personal training class where we do 45 minutes of circuit training, and I would fuckin' LOVE to put Whit through the paces and see what happens.

    I think it might have something to do with her return to the U.S. Maybe Twit's gonna deplane wherever the lucky winner is & wag her ass at her/him.

    • Love 4
  5. In addition to Donna, I now wonder "where's Steve Purrwin"? He's obviously no longer a part of the Twit-Tal household, confirmed today by a comment Twit made about bringing Katie the dog home with her.

    Is he dead, like that sad pig? Or did Twit realize it's difficult to keep a cat indoors if it likes being outdoors & dump him back in the park where she found him?

    • Love 1
  6. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! Please tell me she is lying when she says she is considering bringing that poor dog home!!!! vNO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!

    That's probably not an option for her. The U.S. & many other countries have rules about transporting animals, including a 6-mo quarantine. It depends on the country, I think, but I would guess the Philippines require the more stringent rules.

    Twit is still talking about it in her profile story, however.

    • Love 1
  7. Twit & Tal finally did touristy things today, so maybe the first half-week inactivity was Twit's need to get over jet-lag.

    Note caption on photo above: so, which one of you is going to take one for the team & volunteer to be Twit's date on Dec 12?

    @ClareWalks? @Ketzel? C'mon, someone!

    • Love 2
  8. 4 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    Seeing her move in sped-up video is so...gross. It makes her look even more cartoonish than she already does.

    I know, right? Twit really should film her gym visits in black & white since they look so much like a Charlie Chaplin movie.

    I can't understand why Twit & Tal are spending an entire week in Manila and only filming themselves doing stuff they could do in Greensboro: drinking coffee, swimming in the hotel pool, exercising. If I were in a new place on the other side of the globe, I'd be going to museums, etc., and soaking in the local culture.

    • Love 7
  9. 4 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    It's funny because Tal used to be the one of them that seemed the closest to normal, and now he is practically the ringmaster of this shit show. Even Todd seems sane by comparison. At least Todd has the good sense to be creeped out by Whitney on a regular basis.

    My vote for most normal is Todd's cousin, Ashley. It was revealing when she allowed Twit to (supposedly) be her birth trainer or whatever it's called, but said, "Remember, Whitney, it's not all about you."

    Ashley seems to drift in & out of MBFFL when she needs a few extra bucks in her billfold, then steers clear otherwise. I call that sanity.

    • Love 16
  10. 26 minutes ago, princelina said:

    I may change my mind once the season begins.  But for now all I've seen is him waltz through the door with a shoebox of possessions, and I just can't fathom him wanting to give up his cozy home and privacy to live in her pigpen.  Doing it for a paycheck during filming I understand, but I'm just not buying what they are selling :D

    If you wasted as much of your day as I do, you'd see Tal at Twit's house day & night on their SM pages, including the treat of him wandering into her bedroom in his briefs.

    • Love 5
  11. 9 hours ago, Me from ME said:

    There was a video that Twit posted of her and Tal singing karaoke while in a closet. They were obviously under the influence of something. . .

    Yeah, and Donna was there, too.

    I've always figured Tal's rehab began after he left -- lost? -- his h.s. counseling job. That was July 2015, according to his FB bio. It seems peculiar to me that the job only lasted 2 years which makes me think it wasn't his idea to quit.

    • Love 3
  12. 1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

    I’m confused did Buddy move back in with Whitney and Tal? He was texting him if he was home because he heard a lot of noise and didn’t know if it was the cats or somebody was robbing them.  On a side Buddy is 17 months sober...good job Buddy.

    He's definitely there now bc he tweeted a photo of himself with Henchi which may be having some health problems. (Twit asked Buddy to get the cat to the vet ASAP.)

    I said a while back that I thought Buddy was camping out at Twit's. My only evidence is that he has seemed to be at Twit's side all the time at least since they returned from the cruise.

    • Love 3
  13. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    That's quite the flattering description of Twit..."Whitney was once a 110-lb dancer and used to teach dance professionally even when she was in high school"..... they must have asked Whitney to write that.

    The barnacles like to promote that myth, too. In Heather's IG Q&A, she was asked how she met Twit. She said she & Todd were in a h.s. production of Grease & Todd knew of a girl who did choreography . . . enter Twit stage right. Heather included a photo of the threesome. It looked like Heather might have been Rizzo; Twit was in a blue evening gown, so she must have wormed her way into the show as an actor.

    And, yeah, when I read the bio, I thought the same thing: another fabulist essay from Twit.

    • Love 4
  14. 39 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Deets about the festival in Manila. (It's the Discovery Festival/Asia) She's doing a body positivity dance class. The publicity shot they are using for her:


    Thanks for finding this, @Ketzel. (And how did you do it?)

    What an odd collection of "celebrities." Except for Twit & some woman on Animal Planet, they all seem to be affliated with Asian Discovery programming, which makes sense for a Manila festival.

    And it's obvious that the Poodle is there as caretaker tho I'm sure he'll appear on stage with Twit. After all, if TLC/Discovery were footing the bill for a "co-star," wouldn't it be Twit's "eternal dance partner," Todd?

    OTOH, since TLC is putting out megabucks to fly Twit to Manila & put her up in a hotel for a week for what is probably about an hour's worth of work, I don't suppose they would have quibbled if Twit demanded Tal's expenses as a part of her deal.

    • Love 1
  15. 22 minutes ago, OnceSane said:

    I vote the former, she just had an excellent Season 1 edit because TLC wanted people to watch the show.

    I wondered about nice v. asshole, too, so I skimmed thru the forum comments for S-1, eps 2 & 3 -- couldn't find any ep 1 comments. ALL indicate she was just as awful then as she is now. The only dif being the premise of the show, viz., we were supposedly watching a young woman losing wgt but not letting that wgt stop her from doing things she enjoys in the meanwhile.

    • Love 3
  16. Well, we finally have an answer, such as it is, to why Twit is in Manila. She told a fan: "for work -- performing in a festival."

    I don't understand why she thinks it's cute to be so annoyingly cryptic. It wouldn't be much more difficult to say what festival, who's sponsoring it, why Tal is there, why they're there for an entire week, etc. But, no . . . Instead we get photo after video of Twit & Tal at the hotel pool.

    • Love 3
  17. 38 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Do we know for sure this is TLC? Maybe Whitney is after expanding her brand in the Asian market? Donna Lee could have been working on that instead of care taking for Whitney this past year. (I do think Tal has taken over that role.) Let's see if we get any further hints from what she is actually doing in Manila, aside from eating and having her feet rubbed.

    What brand?

    Naw -- it's definitely TLC syndicating MBFFL in the Philippines -- betcha on that.

    BTW,: now in addition to Twit, Buddy & Heather are doing those Q&As in their IG profiles. I have asked both, "Where's Donna?" Like Twit, neither has responded.

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