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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I'm not sure about this. I've never been to the Philippines but I've knows several Filipinos. Wow can they cook and the food is amazing but it is not good for you LOL.  

    Plus the hotel hosts ppl from all over the globe; no doubt the menu reflects that. I'm giving this one to Twit; she chose a healthy meal & wrote "MMMMMMMM!" to indicate she was looking forward to eating it.

    • Love 4
  2. Twit snapped a photo of what is apparently her first breakfast at the hotel. It includes tomatoes, 2 poached eggs, 2 pieces of what appears to be whole wheat toast & avocado spread. While perhaps one could quibble about the avocado or the need for 2 eggs & toast, it's still the healthiest meal we've ever seen her eat. Maybe she is beginning to pay attention to her food choices along with the gym visits.

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  3. 7 hours ago, minamreeka said:

    No one goes to Manila for vacation.  Other places in the Philippines are wonderful but Manila is just kind of a depressing mega city that tourists just stop in on the way somewhere else.

    But it's where TV stations would be located, right? So if it's a TLC promo, that's where it would be.

    BTW: the deleted photo is a poorly lit selfie of Tal grinning madly & Twit looking glum & exhausted. The caption indicated it was taken in the Seoul airport while awaiting the flight to Manila.

    And I've figured out why Poodle Tal is along: with no Donna, he's the new caretaker.

    • Love 4
  4. 48 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:



    . . . it kind of makes me doubt that it’s a promotional trip. TLC would know how to book flights, hotels, transportion, etc.


    Good point. I wonder, tho, if Twit would pay Tal's way while TLC was paying hers. That could explain the confusion over booking the correct flight.

    Yeah, I know the air fare would be pretty stiff, but they could share a hotel room & Tal could be Twit's "plus one" at events.

    Just spit-balling here. But TLC has sent Twit on some pretty far-off places, such as Russia.

    • Love 1
  5. 24 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Now you know if that's what the problem was, she would have been shrieking "fat shaming" and "illegal discrimination" to the rafters of the terminal, not making cutesy videos. And we'd all know which airline the Evil One was and she'd be posting non-stop to Facebook, not to an insta video where comments don't show publicly.

    Yeah & Twit probably checked in with "Natalie Means Nice" to ensure she didn't neglect every fat-shaming claim she could possibly make.

    • Love 2
  6. 9 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    So I just checked his FB page (yes I need a life) and apparently it’s the other way around. He says he’s spending a week in Manila and the stop in South Korea is the layover. 

    I did the same thing. Tal has 2 posts about his "3rd 2018 vacay." One is a map showing a flight from Atlanta to Seoul which he labels "Flight 2 of 3." The other post talks about being in the Philippines & a fan who is also going there asks where & when. Tal replies, "Manila for the week."

    This does sound more & more like a TLC promotional tour which would explain why they can afford it.

    • Love 2
  7. 50 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    According to Tal's FB page, they are headed for South Korea (the PI is a normal stopover for trips to Asia). And it's "vacay part 3 for 2018" according to his post. 

    This explains Twit's comment a couple of months ago that she was returning to Korea soon.

    So, where's Donna?

    • Love 1
  8. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Ok I know it’s weird to quote myself but it looks like he might have said he IS going to the Phillippines.  On his own Instagram he says he’s ready for 24 hours of traveling. That implies a very long flight. So if that is true and Whitney was going with him, that begs the question, how do you plan to go to the other side of the world and not make sure you have a ticket?  

    It also begs the Q: why is Tal accompanying her? He sure takes a lot of time off for someone who claims full-time work at 2 jobs besides MBFFL.

    • Love 3
  9. Thanks, @3girlsforus & @Ketzel. I'm understanding now that heart rate (HR) is what measures energy expenditure (EE) on the watch. But I admit I still don't understand how EE is calculated.

    Anyway, the abstract from the study @Ketzel cites states that while most of these wrist devices are pretty good at caculating HR, none is particularly accurate in measuring EE.

    I was pretty sure that Twit's exercise routine wasn't as effective as her watch tells her it is. So she is not only lying to her fans, per usual, but also to herself.

    • Love 1
  10. 17 hours ago, auntjess said:

    From watching the first season again, I was struck by how much better Tal looked.
    He had hair, and he had COLOR, not the pale, washed-out look, of the more recent seasons.

    I don't think Heather, Twit's supposed BFF since h.s., was even in S-1. Am I right? (I can only remember Ashley.)

    • Love 1
  11. I guess we know now why Twit's been plugging Ryan's on-line exercise group -- she sees it as a way to make a buck without having to put much effort into it. (Altho one fan did say she'd only be interested if the group was free. Ryan charges $77-97 a month.)

    A fan, who is possibly one of the BGDC members, asked if Greensboro folk could join, too. Twit said yes, but that she was also planning some "in-person" stuff she would be announcing soon.

    BTW, I think her silhouette above is attractive, mostly because she's in a tank top rather than a sports bra with gut showing.

    • Love 6
  12. I have a Q about the Apple Watch data Twit keeps showing us. For example, today she showed:

    Actual cal = 737

    Total cal = 975

    Now I assume the watch is calculating the number of calories burned thru exercise from the total calories which would also include calories burned from simply living.

    I make this assumption based on the calculator in my diet & exercise journal. For example, my exercise mostly consists of using a little foot pedal gizmo. If I enter 10 minutes & 70 total calories (giving myself credit for burning 7 cal/minute), the journal calculates that "net energy" (cals burned thru exercise) is 57.

    So my Q is: does Twit enter the time & number of total calories SHE THINKS she used in that amount of time? Because it seems to me the watch is giving her more credit for her exercise than is accurate. And if not, where do her figures come from?

    • Love 2
  13. Thanks for posting that People Now article, @TurtlePower. Boy, whoever it is at that mag that keeps profiling Twit is as full of shit as she is, as @Sasha888 points out above. And maybe those of you who think Jessica "trains" Twit for the publicity, not for a fee, are right.

    I found one Twit quote especially interesting: "[We] are responsible for living our lives no matter what other people think. I hate to see people waste their time, because I feel like I wasted a lot of mine.”

    Well, Twit honey, you are still wasting time. I truly believe this 34-year-old woman thinks she has plenty of time to lose the weight. After all, she lost 100 #s once -- easy peasy to do it again when she wants to. In the meantime, why not enjoy all the Starbucks beverages & ice cream & Cheetos she wants?

    An honest answer as to why she is now in the gym is that she saw the HI episode & was horrified. Her 8K walk was bad enuf. But how could she bear to see that segment of herself waddling down the beach, arms outstretched, shrieking "Boo Bear" over & over again? Or sitting Winnie the Pooh style on the beach & no doubt needing help arising? I'll give her this: she had the sense to get to the gym after HI. (And, possibly, a nudge from the MBFFL producers who may have told her she was now too fat to be fabulous.) Now, what will it take to get her to take hold of her food addiction? Not diabetes, apparently. So, broken leg? Heart attack? Some other drastic health problem? It would make so much more sense to do it now rather than than keep thinking she has all the time in the world.

    • Love 6
  14. 1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

    I bet a million bucks Whitney gets comments or messages from her huge fans about how "triggering" it is to see pics of Jessica like that.

    Maybe that's why it's a profile story & not a regular IG post -- so fans can "send a message" but only Twit can see it, not the rest of her fans.

    • Love 6
  15. 7 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    I have a friend who competes. When she's not on stage in a competition, you'd never know that she's a bodybuilder. You'd simply see a lean, toned woman. The poses, spray tans, and baby oil are just to accent the muscle definition. 

    That being said, when she's getting ready for a competition, she IS neurotic. No carbs or fat must ever touch her lips. 

    I think women into sports -- not bodybuilding -- have very attractive bodies. Soccer players, swimmers, runners, etc. They are toned, even muscular. But they don't have that stringyness I associate with female bodybuilders. That said, I guess you are right. When Jessica is in her gym clothing, her body doesn't appear as weird as it does when she is posing as a competitive bodybuilder.

    • Love 5
  16. 6 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Dear Tal, just like we don’t want to see Whitney naked in a bed with some sheets around her, or her boobs spilling out of a too small bra, or her belly bouncing around because she isn’t wearing a whole shirt, we also don’t want to see your  Mr. Lumpy stuffed into little briefs. 

    ITA. Remember, however, that it's not Tal taking the photo of himself & posting it as Twit does of herself.

    1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

    * I think even unrealistic, wanna-be Whitney realizes that along with the workouts, DIET is a key part to looking like Jessica does in that photo. 

    I've never gotten into the body-building thing for either men or women. I think most of them looked deformed, not attractive. Jessica's body is not something I would have hoped to achieve even in my salad days. I guess I just think women are better looking when curvy, not gaunt (and coated in oil).

    But it is interesting that Twit has posted the photo with a caption indicating her approval of Jessica's body. Isn't that a betrayal of her belief that no one should try to be thin since working toward that goal makes you neurotic?

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