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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 8 minutes ago, PityFree said:

     The other problem with her wearing her underwear in the pool is that she rarely bathes. And unless she got one of her minions to wipe her bottom for her, those weren’t clean underwear that she wore into the pool.

    Yeah. The HOA where I live doesn't permit cotton clothing in the pool. Or toddlers in diapers.

    • Love 2
  2. Twit's got a couple of new IG videos. In one she is playing around with Snapchat filters. In the other she is proudly doing handstands & backflips in an Atlanta hotel pool -- in her underwear.

    So, what's new about that? She parades around in her underwear everywhere. At least here she's under water & less visable.

    There is a problem with cotton underwear in swimming pools: the lint clogs the drains. Of course, when Twit wants to do something, she's not going to let a little thing like possibly inconveniencing other folks stop her.

    • Love 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Ketzel said:


    I'm not surprised she thinks this will be her best season evah! Look at the competition - the season she was dumped by Avi? The season she was rejected by Roy? The season she fake-lost a non-existent pregnancy?


    How 'bout last season when she made an 8K walk into the Bataan Death March? Or the season when she skied? Or rode a bike?

    There was a comment from someone at the gym about how much fun the crew had been. So there was apparently filming there, not just SM videos. Now that Twit is a self-proclaimed fat athlete, she of course is happier about her gym feats than her physical activity failures in other seasons.

    • Love 4
  4. 1 hour ago, Me from ME said:

    So who paid for the transportation, lodging and meals for the entourage?

    Either TLC, as part of its contract, or PMG, as a part of the expense of doing biz.

    I more & more think no one, not even keynoter Ice-T, was paid to partipicate in the summit. It seems like the kind of event where "celebrities" would donate their precious time tho perhaps ask for transportation/lodging expenses. This seems especially likely since it was free to attend.

    • Love 1
  5. 42 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    Do you think she was paid?  I assumed all the ones that were listed as appearing, paid to be there.

    I at first assumed so, but no longer believe that, having seen that first video where PMG is filming Twit & her gang. Now I believe she or her producers got wind of the summit & inveigled her way into it so she could show what a caring SJW she is in a S-6 ep of MBFFL.

    • Love 6
  6. 36 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    Geez, I bet she had to nap after the one performance. For the life of me, why can't she wear something other than tanks and spandex pants, especially while performing in front of a crowd. I also cant for the life of me understand how people find her inspiring what so ever, she is dancing like a whore. Also why does she need Babs, Glen and Hunter to follow her around to every event ? Are they back up chub rubs ?  

    A tanktop wouldn't bother me; it's wearing a bra in public that I find gross. I'm sure she's the only one in Manhattan who's prancing around in her underwear in a public place.

    • Love 6
  7. Twit's got another IG video of her "dancing" -- shaking arms & butt -- at the summit. There are actually ppl in front dancing along.

    One fan asked her to "please cover your belly." Twit, with her usual grace & poise, replied that the woman should cover her mouth so she doesn't say shit like that.

    ETA: I notice PMG is not filming this "performance." Perhaps that's why the first one has no audience. It was just a fake setup for a MBFFL episode.

    • Love 5
  8. 1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

    And is it something new that a "performer" who is "dancing" keeps her (substantial) backside to the audience during the entire "show"?

    No longer able to do her Signature Back Roll, Twit is now performing her Signature Giant Rump Roll. (Thanks for that tag, @Ketzel. ?)

    Given the empty chairs in front, where most ppl rush to sit for a performance, it's likely that her only audience were the ppl behind her who were presumably shanghied by the NBS producers or PMG to be Twit's guinea pigs.

    • Love 6
  9. 2 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    I'm watching the woman with the backpack standing directly in front of the stage, as Whitney goes into her giant rump rolling moves. The woman keeps alternating between putting her hand to her mouth and looking over her shoulder at someone behind her, as if she's not sure whether to be shocked or to burst out laughing.

    At least one fan picked up on it. She said she loved the video so much that she was going to just ignore the woman in front smirking.

    Buddy seems to have spent the day touring the museum rather than participating in the summit. Which once again begs the Q: why is he there?

    • Love 2
  10. WTF did Todd think he was doing? His "gallop" wasn't even in rhythm with the music.

    I hated this video. Once again we see Twit being a fraud, a SJW. Jews. Buddhists. Gays. Today it's physically & developmentally disabled people. The No Summit organizers should be ashamed for inviting her to their event.

    I assume it'll be on MBFFL next year even tho PMG doesn't usually film this late into the year. I can't think of any other reason for Todd & Buddy to be there. Except that Twit always needs to be accompanied by sycophants, usually the parents. I'm surprised they, too, didn't tag along.

    • Love 10
  11. 4 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    So I’m looking through the website for the No Barriers summit. Yet another event Whitney is attending/speaking as an ‘activist/influencer.  Once again I am wondering if the organizers have actually met Whitney or just believe the SM hype. The rest of the speakers seem to be  people who are blind or deaf or have a disability or are teaching things like overcoming mental barriers to your goals etc. What barrier exactly is Whitney equipped to help people overcome? Is she teaching them to overcome their pizza ordering embarrassment by showing them how to install multiple ordering apps?

    When she first announced her appearance at the No Barriers Summit, I also checked the website. When I discovered what its purpose is, I sent them a tweet exposing Twit for the fraud she is. I suggest you do the same.

    BTW, I saw the tongue -- again -- and also wondered why she thinks this is such a senshus look. Perhaps b/c of that stupidity Miley Cyrus used to do with her tongue?

    Buddy has a photo of him & Todd on the way to NYC on his IG page. It appears Buddy has been sucked back into Twit's orbit. My understanding of recovery is that you avoid the situations -- and people -- who were part of your downfall. He may be 15 months sober now. How long will that last hanging around Twit? 

    • Love 3
  12. 2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    Whitney just posted a video on Instagram of her bopping to some music a plane.  Of course the seat next to her is empty.  No way she's not buying 2 seats so she can travel somewhat comfortably. Do you know how expensive one seat is?? I can't imagine having to pay for 2 to avoid violating the passenger next to me. 

    She rarely pays for 2 seats. TLC does on promotion tours & I would guess No Barriers is paying today.

    • Love 1
  13. 19 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:


    You are right. Whit needs to choose something she can do properly and do it consistently. Not just when the cameras show up or when she can get her dad to join her. 

    ITA, Twit lacks the inclination to be consistent in her exercise regime.

    I see on Buddy's IG page that he has bought a bicycle as a 15-mo sober gift to himself. That will be excellent exercise for him if he commits to riding it consistently.

  14. 1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

    If she were 30 # lighter, she could do "bouncy jacks" (some people call them jumping jacks, but there's no jumping involved) seated on a Swiss ball. Unfortunately most of these balls have a weight limit of 400. 

    This would be so appropriate for someone of Twit's size. According to the video, you get the same benefits as you do with jumping jacks, but without the impact on your knees. When I see something like this -- and TU for sharing it, @Colleenna -- I have to wonder again about the Powells' expertise. And integrity.

    I would love this exercise myself, were I not so fearful of falling.

    • Love 3
  15. 1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

    What is this weird need Whitney has to associate herself with lesbian sex, made even weirder by adding her mother to the scenario?


    I wonder if Whitney thinks that if she persuades her gay male friends that she is a gay woman, they will be willing to have sex with her because then they are all gay together?  She is mixed up enough in so many ways that I wouldn't put it past her.

    For someone who claim to be such a SJW, esp. for LGBT issues, she has been so offensive so many times. That episode at Greensboro's gay pride day was incredible. (Closeted or not at the time, Roy should be ashamed of himself for participating.) Dressing Babs as a clown lesbian was only slightly less offensive than the comments she made in her TH.

    • Love 2
  16. I do not understand how an exercise regimen can be appropriate for both an elderly male & a super morbidly obese young woman. Surely they have different needs to work on.

    It appears Boo Bear is back in Greensboro -- permanently. He was there during Florence. He posted a video of a concert he attended recently in Greensboro. And he posted a photo of tickets to another concert in a nearby venue, a concert that takes place Nov. 30.

    ETA: Twit has again posted one of those photoshopped photos of her from about a year ago so that her fans can shower her with praise about her great beauty. Her excuse is to show how red her hair was before she started swimming so much this summer. I wonder why she never posted swimming videos since she likes to show what a fathete she has become.

    • Love 3
  17. 40 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

     So Twit already has this new Halloween costume option available in her own closet.  Lord, I hope she doesn't act on the idea!

    Being old & therefore by definition not with it, I had to look up "influencer" in the Urban Dict.

    My guess is that Twit considers herself an influencer. I mean, who -- besides Poodle Tal -- designates herself a "public figure" on IG? And she already chooses to wear this costume. In the gym. At the grocery store. While driving to Starbucks. When attending a dance on a cruise ship.

    • Love 5
  18. 3 minutes ago, alabetser said:

    Is it me or do her feet look comically tiny in that ballet photo? Like a bad photoshop. Also her standing leg ankle looks like it's about to twist inward and snap. Ouch. 

    Her feet are so tiny in relation to the rest of her. As I've commented before, I can't imagine how much pain she must be in. No wonder she is so often barefoot.

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