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Posts posted by Dot

  1. Twit has posted 100s of Alaska visit photos in that IG story feature. She also has an IG closeup of herself in a helmet, grinning, in the regular photo collection. She mentions everyone in her "squad" except Buddy, so I guess he didn't make the AK trip. (Also no mention of the parents, but I'd bet they're there.)

    So, obviously, this AK trip is the big moment of S-6 as the HI trip was of S-5. Thus far, I am not impressed.

    • Love 4
  2. 1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

    I guess I just don't understand the need to broadcast to the world who's in my bed, naked dancing or not.

    She may well be naked; the cloth some of you see is probably the bed cover. She has more than once indicated she likes to prance around without clothing. (Because Spandex is so uncomfortable, I believe.) And she & Tal have been photographed together nude, so his seeing her without clothes is nothing new.

    It's the constant sexualizing every action & comment, then broadcasting it on SM, that's so annoying. . If she weren't so fat, would it be so necessary for her to so desperately point out what a sexual being she is?

    • Love 10
  3. 13 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    For anyone unfamiliar with this relatively new feature of instagram:

    Often Whitney will have a "story" posted, and a video or picture posted of the same event that are slightly different. The videos and pictures are there until she decides to delete them, while the story will automatically disappear after 24 hours on display.  For example, while now there is only one picture posted of Whitney bravely attempting the climbing wall (cough), one of the now disappeared stories from Whitney showed her being hoisted, yammering,a little past her comfort zone on the same rock climbing wall. Whereupon she screeched she was done and dropped off the wall. At that point she wasn't as high as I go when I climb my step ladder to reach the good glasses on the third shelf of the kitchen cabinet. 

    Thanks for this info, @Ketzel. I have been wondering what was going on. And I never noticed a colored ring around her photo; I've just gotten into the habit of checking it out after seeing the rock wall climbing video.

    ETA: Is Snapchat also now owned by Facebook?

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    I don't think I've ever had a naked dance party and if I ever do, the last thing on my mind is going to be "hey let me grab my phone and video this for my social media..."

    Poor Tal. I wonder how much the Devil paid for his soul?

    And it's really, really pretense since she videotapes herself & Tal about 8 minutes earlier in the other tape which is under her encircled head photo.

    • Love 3
  5. 4 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

    This one?  She always looks like she's trying so hard to convince us she's having the absolute best time ever!  

    Nope,  that's the vid you see in her regular collection of photos. The other one is reached by tapping her IG photo in the small circle at the top of the page. Not much dif except the song & a shot of the interior of the lodge where they are staying.

    Also, @Colleenna, I didn't get a response from No Barriers & didn't expect one.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Whitney and some set of friends are in Alaska, according to a new instagram posting. She pretends she is waking up with Tal and they are having a naked dance party, but he, at least, appears to be clothed. So, one more hint of the upcoming story lines, I guess.

    She's got another "dance" video under her IG photo circle next to her name.

    It appears S-6 is gonna be one long, tedious season of Twit taking mini-vacations: Midwest sight-seeing while BGDC-ing in 3 locations, Smokey Mtns, Hanging Rock State Park, a weekend of lake jet-skiing, and now, Alaska.

    Twit on vacay is not gonna be any more fab than Twit hanging out in Greensboro & going to the gym.

    You've jumped the shark, Twit Sweetie. Time to pack it in.

    • Love 4
  7. 13 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Has Babs ever mentioned her suicide attempt or her depression? I wonder if Whitney had her permission to talk about it in her book or if it’s another personal issue Whitney had to rush in and tell everyone about like Buddy’s rehab. 

    That's exactly what I thought, @3girlsforus. She can't wait to deliver bad news (Piggy's death, Buddy's disinterest in Heather) or tell other people's secrets (Buddy, plus Tal a recovering addict). But woe if you mention something about her she doesn't want known, e.g., her demanding a prod asst be fired when he revealed she smokes.

    • Love 10
  8. 49 minutes ago, Ketzel said:



    since it was within half an hour of the end of the festival, it was half price. Five cents.

    OMG, I love this! ? (And I might have even sprung for the full price of 10¢ to get my hands on this book just to see how many times she mentions dance career, 100 # wgt loss, PCOS, etc.)

    I have thought about getting the book thru inter-lib loan, but I'd be embarrassed for my librarian to see what I am reading. (I'm not about to BUY the book, of course.)

    • Love 6
  9. On IG Twit is pitching her appearance in NYC in early Oct at something called the No Barriers Summit. I went to the website to see what it is. Everything is couched in very PC terminology, but I got the picture that the organization encourages disabled folk to reach for their full potential.

    This is the tweet I just sent to No Barriers:

    "You have invited Whitney Way Thore to 'speak and teach dance' at your summit. I don't know who misled you, but she is a fraud who espouses a dangerous philosophy that ppl can ignore their doctors, weigh 400 lbs. & still be healthy. Her 'obstacle' is pure fiction."

    P.S. Hi, @ClareWalks! As a trainer you should look back thru a couple months' worth of forum comments about Twit's IG videos of her fabulous gym routines, many with Daddy.

    • Love 10
  10. This is one of the most pathetic videos of hers. There she is, talking about her bad back, lifting a 100 #s with such poor form that her back & both knees will suffer. There he is, a man who apparently used to have a good rep in the fitness world, throwing away that rep for small geld & smaller fame. And there she goes, waddling across the floor, braying manically, to ring a bell as tho lifting a weight was important in relation, say, to LOSING 100 #S.


    • Love 17
  11. Sarah Sapora, one of Twit's cruise guest speakers, is hosting a 2-day Body Love workshop in Vegas. Twit is a guest speaker, so she's pitching it on IG. (It costs a mere $300 to $400 depending on the options you choose.)

    I love this comment on the workshop website:

    "I don't want to go on a diet... I see that Sarah has lost weight - is she selling me a diet plan? 

    No! Sarah has lost weight because she needed to do so for her health and mobility. This event does not push "diet culture" as a means to creating happiness. Instead, it will encourage you to find out what a greater life means to you? The workshop shares the tools that Sarah has used to create her greater life, focussing on changes fueled by self-love."

    Don't ya love the hypocrisy? The rest of y'all stay fat while I lose weight BECAUSE IT'S THE HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE.

    • Love 4
  12. 32 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    So did they start clapping because the fiasco was over or because the belayer(s) weren't seriously injured so there wouldn't be a lawsuit? Surely they weren't clapping because Whitney made it 2 steps up the wall. I want to know how much at custom-made harness cost for 2 minutes of video (at the most).

    I only saw & heard one guy clapping.

    Here's an interesting side-note: the fan Twit responded to about the custom harness is booked for the cruise & wanted to know if the ship has a rock wall. Twit said she thought so, told the fan about her own harness & suggested the woman look into getting a custom one for herself if she was contemplating rock-wall climbing on the cruise.

    What I enjoyed about this comment is: (1) in 3 years of pitching these cruises & all the stuff cruisers can do, Twit has never mentioned climbing a rock wall; (2) Twit didn't offer to bring her harness along to loan to the woman & (3) Twit didn't suggest the woman contact the cruise line to see if there's a wgt limit.

    • Love 3
  13. 11 hours ago, Pachengala said:




    there are a few conceivable outcomes to this climbing experience and I wanna see which it is: 

    1. There are at minimum two backup belayers to approximate her weight. 

    2. There is only one sad gym employee belaying her and when Whitney inevitability falls, said employee can’t mitigate the fall and Whitney decks, or...

    3. What we see is actually the highest Whitney actually goes, and the fall is more of a step down. Everyone lives to tell the tale. 



    Since I seem to be one of only 2 who saw the climbing video before it was deleted, here is what I recall:

    The belayer(s) were not shown, so there's no way of knowing how many there were or how they anchored themselves to handle Twit's weight. (She told  a fan she was in a custom-made harness -- surprise! -- so the belayer(s) no doubt had custom-made equipment as well.)

    The rope holding Twit was always taut, never slack, so it was obvious how she managed to stay on the wall for a couple of minutes, viz. the belayer(s)  were holding her up. She started at the bottom of the wall & with the belayer(s) holding/pulling her up, took 2 steps up to where the still photo was taken, about 3 feet off the ground. She rested there, then tried to go up another foot or so by trying several hand & foot holds. Then she slipped, fell away from the wall, and said something like "I'm done," after which some crew guy began clapping. That's where the video ended; it didn't show her lowered to the floor, but she wouldn't have hit the deck as the rope was still tautly held by the belayer(s).

    • Love 9
  14. From the fan comments I gather that Hanging Rock State Park is in or near Greensboro. It apparently is quite an exhaustive hike to the top, so was Twit lowered by cable from a helicopter? Or are we going to be treated to another wailing, blubbering Bataan Death March as we were in HI?

    Obviously, there is some tie-in to the rock wall climbing.

    Also, if you want to see a photo of makeupless Babs at the rock, which she will hate,  press Twit's photo in the circle at the top of her IG page.

    • Love 9
  15. 1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

    So that brief and now deleted instagram video of Whitney whining and complaining as she samples a rock climbing wall, giving up and letting go before she made it  -  what? five feet off the ground?


    And let us anticipate her TH about failing to climb the wall, beginning with her mantra, "I am not a wussy, but . . .

    ? I needed to re-tie my shoe laces."

    ? my plantar fasciitis was killing me."

    ? I had to pee."

    ? the harness was rubbing my crotch -- *smirk* -- and not in a good way."

    ? I had an appointment with my agent."

    ? Tal had a hot batch of semen waiting for me."

    ? Daddy wasn't there to encourage me."

    ? Mommy needed me to hold her soup spoon."

    ? I had to autograph my book -- my first book  *wink* -- for a fan."

    ? Ashley asked me to babysit." 

    ? climbing a wall is a dumb idea anyway."

    • Love 12
  16. 1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

    But she will wheedle, whine, and blubber until [Tal] does what she wants.... putting her shoes on her nasty feet, remember?

    As I've written before, I am convinced Twit has cajoled Poodle Tal into servicng her when she's horny. That's why she's brought him into her house. That's why he's now her "domestic life partner." That's why she's no longer whining about not having a BF.

    Poor Tal. He's got a rude awakening a'comin'.

    • Love 2
  17. @rainbowrockgal & @Colleenna:

    I'm sorry. If there's a way to copy that link, I don't know to do it tho I tried. Maybe @Ketzel?

    ETA, 8 pm PDT 

    Alas, she's already deleted it. (I went back to take another stab at linking it.) I think TLC told her not to give away all the story arcs as she did last year & she realized the wall climbing stunt gives away too much.

    • Love 5
  18. There IS a video of Twit wall climbing. She starts at the bottom & climbs about 3 ft to where we saw the still photo. Then she tries to go further up & falls, to the applause of the crew for some reason.

    To watch the video, go to Twit's IG page & press the photo in a circle next to her name.

    • Love 1
  19. 6 minutes ago, Snafu said:

    Twit is not climbing the wall.  Notice how taunt the cable is, she is being hoisted into position by a crane.  No way would any of those ladders support her enormous weight or would she be able to get to that position on her own.  Heck, she can not the her own shoes or wipe her as s without assistance from another.

    ITA. I can picture the camera in a closeup of one Twit foot stepping on the first rock, then a cut to where she is in the still photo, gotten there by the lift. Then she starts braying & blubbering & demanding help getting down. In her TH she repeats her mantra about never being a wussy & offers some lame explanation as to why she couldn't complete the climb. (That explanation will not include the fact that she is too overweight to manage such a climb, or that her knees can't take the pressure on them.)

    • Love 7
  20. 2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I actually have tape in extensions and they are awesome. I can see where, on tv, the tape looks like scotch tape but it's not. If applied properly, they will stay in for 8 weeks. Mine are hotheads but there may be other brands. I prefer them to the glue-in extensions because they are easier to brush and style and much less prone to tangling. You also can re=use them (I have mine taken out to have my own hair colored, then I have them put back in). Glue-in extensions are good for one use only. It is difficult, though, to put your hair up without them showing (my stylist can do it but I haven't mastered it yet). I can do a low ponytail and they don't show - basically gathering my hair at the nape of my neck - but if I pull the ponytail high enough to get my hair off my neck, at least one or two of them will show. 

    My point - she could have had tape-in extensions that were put in by a stylist but were visible when she pulled her hair into a ponytail. 

    Thanks for this info. I definitely don't understand much about extensions. I hope YouTube has an explanatory video or two.

  21. 1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

    @cherenkov... re Twitney's "trainer".... I'd like to know from what organization her trainer got certified. Some orgs are better than others. But I don't Instagram so I can't ask....

    Will Powell, who owns the gym, is a certified Crossfit trainer, of some renown, apparently. His daughter, Jessica, is not certifed, at least not the last time anyone commented that they had gone to the Fitness Zone website. Jessica is the trainer who mostly supervises Twit & Daddy these days.

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