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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 8 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I don’t think there is any question that she has to be eating when she isn’t hungry in addition eating high calorie and high fat foods. She doesn’t seem to have a lot to do so she probably spends a lot of time eating for something to do. 



    must just eat constantly.


    Remember, tho, Twit claims her 2 eating problems are that she doesn't eat regularly & doesn't eat enough.

    Of course, she snacks all day long. You don't have Cheeto dust under your fingernails if your fat fist hasn't been digging into the bag. And she drives by Starbucks for a coffee-flavored milkshake several times a day; given the ingredients she says are in her beverages, they're about 1200 calories each. I bet she consumes at least 3,000 calories a day with snacks alone -- which she doesn't count since they are not a form of "regular" eating.

    That segment when Will sees all the junk food wrappers on her car's floorboard was the most honest film we've seen regarding Twit's eating habits. (And the look on Will's face when she says she's eaten all the protein bars he gave her -- priceless! He obviously thought he was giving her a month's worth of the bars that she demolished within a couple of days.)

    And doesn't eat enough? You know we can see you, Twit.

    I do believe she's still smoking heavily, but has added -- or substituted -- vaping. I would guess she believes she will eat even more if trying to cut down on the smokes.

    I, too, would love to see what a day's worth of food is for Twit. She'd never film it honestly, however, so it would have to be without her knowledge. 

    • Love 13
  2. 55 minutes ago, Littlez said:



    The weight is not the problem Whitney, the personality is the problem!!


    Gotta disagree with you here, @Littlez. Twit's IMMEDIATE problem in getting a date IS her weight. At 400+ #s, all she can attract are fetishists, chubby chasers & feeders -- or a Lennie. She has made it clear she doesn't want that. If she wants a normal, average guy -- or the Brad Pitt Babs wants for her -- she's gonna have to drop a couple hundred pounds, which will still leave her morbidly obese & thereby "fat 'n' happy" as she like to claim. THEN her problem will be keeping him because of her rotten personality, as I pointed out in my previous post.

    • Love 11
  3. 1 hour ago, Littlez said:

    The health thing is really weird with Twit.

    So is the dating thing. For someone so obsessed with having sex, she sure doesn't seem to understand how to be successful in finding a hookup. If she got herself down to 200 #s or less, she'd probably attract a goodly number of men, at least for a while until they got to know her and/or she sucked the life out of them like Poodle Tal.

    • Love 8
  4. 2 hours ago, AZChristian said:



    . . . some of us Americans are so addicted to British shows that our Netflix queues are chock full of them.

    And Australian series, too -- love me some "Wentworth" & several others.

    @Littlez, your geography lesson omitted the Isle of Man, where an American, David Howe, studying his geneology discovered he was the direct descendant of the last king of Man. (He recently renounced his claim to the Manx throne.)

    • Love 2
  5. @Zumba Tiger or @Littlez: Twit frequently brags about how MBFFL is syndicated on 5 continents. My Q to y'all: is MBFFL seen on a TV network or channel in good ol' Blighty, or is it just available as a freebie on websites? (Given her predilection for "truthful hyperbole," I think it's a fair question.)

  6. 27 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    People can be overweight and very fit.


    Up to a point. (And I'm not sure someone overweight can be VERY fit.)

    Essentially, this is what Twit is claiming by calling herself "a fat athlete." But she is 200+ #s beyond any right to call herself "fit," IMO.

    • Love 9
  7. I watched the first 2 eps of Dietland last night & am not sure what I think about it. I certainly liked the character, Plum Kettle, more than the reality, Whitney Wat Thore. But I'm confused about where the plot is going. I guess I'll cheat & read the book so I don't waste a lot of hours watching a show that I may ultimately not care for.

    Or I hope I'll have the chance to watch some more. I watched Dietland last night on the Sundance channel, seeing ads for upcoming eps saying they would be exclusively on AMC. If it's only on AMC next week, I'm out of luck.

    • Love 2
  8. 21 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Has Whitney ever used the term ‘thin privilege’? 

    Not positive, but I think so. I know she likes to use "person of size" to describe herself & other fat women, which is just as stupid.

    ETA: Oh, and she also says "plus women" instead of plus-sized, which also annoys me.

    • Love 3
  9. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Wow - I am speechless. That is the stupidest thing I've read in a long time. So her cousin worked her ass off (no pun intended) and lost 20 lbs and worked to get healthier but no one is allowed to congratulate her or tell her she looks good because her cousin who hasn't made any attempt to exercise or improve her diet is upset that she doesn't have the same results without the same effort???? WOW. The cousin's mother was right on. IT ISN'T ABOUT YOU!! Geez. What a horrendous person. 

    I couldn't have said it better. This woman's comment was so preposterous it could be the source for an SNL skit. Thanks for sharing it, @ZumbaTiger. I wouldn't have believed it possible for someone to be so defensive about her wgt if I hadn't read it for myself.

    • Love 8
  10. 7 hours ago, ZumbaTiger said:



    I have noticed that some "fat activist" people have a pathological hatred of slim people who used to be obese-


    She is like a person whose house is on fire, but instead of escaping and calling the fire brigade, runs around putting up expensive curtains in the windows!

    I'm sure that's why chubby Ashley, who was Twit's pal in S-1, was traded off for Heather in the following seasons. Ashley began losing weight & Twit was refusing to. We only glimpsed Ashley a few times thereafter until S-5 when she regained weight with her pregnancy.

    I love that analogy -- how apt!

    • Love 3
  11. I'm looking forward to a show premiering Monday on AMC, WEtv & Sundance. It's called Dietland & is based on a book of the same name (which I'd never heard of & have ordered thru interlibrary loan).

    Here's what Wikipedia says about the book:

    "The novel follows Plum Kettle, a 300-pound ghostwriter for the advice column of popular teen magazine Daisy Chain. Plum fantasizes about being thin and after years of failed diet plans, schedules an appointment for weight loss surgery. While awaiting her surgery date, Plum finds herself recruited by an underground feminist cabal known as 'Calliope House'. Meanwhile, a guerrilla group known as 'Jennifer' begins carrying out increasingly violent acts of vigilante justice against those who mistreat women, and Plum soon finds herself at the center of a sinister plot."

    It sounds like the kind of show MBFFL could have been if Twit were less self-absorbed & hypocritical.

    • Love 6
  12. 1 hour ago, Brooks said:

    I think the excess skin is a major reason Whitney doesn't want to lose weight. 


    I think you're right, given someone so vain that she photoshops her facial features. After losing 120 #s, I was Ieft with a lot of extra skin, mostly a huge panniculus & bat wings. But it's OK. Since I'm not a fashion model, I can live with the extra skin. I wasn't gonna live much longer with the extra fat.

    The other consideration is her show; she seems  not to realize that a 200 # wgt loss would leave her still fat & fabulous but far healthier & mobile.

    • Love 15
  13. Thanks, @Littlez, I always enjoy a stroll down memory lane to watch my very favorite MBFFL segment, mainly cuz it's the only real moment in the entire "reality" show.

    I recall seeing this woman's YouTube video a couple of years ago & was struck by her plaintive "when do you stop?" Twit has been conning herself -- and other people -- about her weight for so long that I think she now believes her own fiction about how it doesn't affect her health. "Fat athlete," my ass.

    • Love 8
  14. 45 minutes ago, ZumbaTiger said:

    Ooh! Please, tell me the title of that thread so I can search for it! I'm quite new to this forum so I haven't seen it.

    It's in S-3, ep 3 "Speechless." Look on the 2nd page for "Jeffro"; his initial comment is easy to find becuz it's pink since we all loved it. He also has a couple of shorter posts afterward.

    • Love 5
  15. 8 minutes ago, LordOfLotion said:

    It's may not be as easy to see in the black and white, so I cut out an image from one of her recent color pictures and magnified it to 2 times the size as well. She's drawing in a second set of eyebrows above her first set, and it's painfully obvious because the second set is a lot lighter than the first. I do not understand why she is doing it. Her regular eyebrows are just fine. They don't seem to have any gaps in them-- in the color one there is a little bit of a gap on the edge between the pencil and the natural brow, though. I think she's trying to make them more arched, but she's not brushing the natural brow into it. It's like she's drawing a shadow on. I just do not get it.



    Thanks!  ? The enlarged, color photo makes very obvious what you were talking about.

  16. 37 minutes ago, LordOfLotion said:

    I need her to stop drawing in the double row of eyebrows. It's driving me loony.

    Twit's in a constant state of "existential crisis"? This long screed on IG & FB once again shows what a pompous ass she is.

    And she mentions having THREE cats. So, once again, what has happened to Steve Purrwin? 

    @LordOfLotion, I know nothing about makeup, so I don't understand the eyebrow remark. Can you explain what I should be looking for?

    Twit's been away from SM a couple of weeks which previously has meant MBFFL was filming on location. I wonder if she will blab about where she's been as she did with the HI trip.

    • Love 2
  17. 34 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    Here ya go, Dot.  Please note:  I did NOT cut off the heads . . . that's how the picture showed up in Google images.



    Thanks, @AZChristian, for posting the photo. (The one I saw in Google Images, however, didn't decapitate the couple. It was from an article in Life & Style mag.)

    • Love 3
  18. 56 minutes ago, Emma C said:

    I've never heard of a Prom Princess, but if I had to guess, they nominate X number of girls, one is chosen Queen, and the rest are Princesses...?


    That's how I understand it -- like a so-called homecoming court in college. Which makes her constant reference to herself as prom princess rather meaningless & therefore pathetic. (Actually, it's pathetic that a 34-yr-old woman is still talking about being a prom princess in h.s.)

    56 minutes ago, Emma C said:




    4 hours ago, SenshusWoman said:



    I find it oddly fitting for her revisionist history that she never shares a photo of her as prom princess actually *at* the prom.


    Actually, there is another one. It's one of those typical photos you see where the couple are photographed, rather formally, together. Twit, being adorable even in h.s., kicks one of her legs up a la Hollywood pinup photos.

    ETA: I found the photo by Googling for images of Whitney Way Thore, but being a proud SM Klutz I couldn't figure out how to D/L it here. Anyway, it's probably a pboto taken by Glenn in front of the Thore residence fireplace, so you're right about no photos at the prom.

    • Love 3
  19. Thank you so much, @ChessDiva19, for the fulsome response to my Q. I've read it a couple of times & will probably do so a couple more times.

    If I understand you correctly, treatment for her sexual inappropriateness is a paradox: the fact of receiving treatment is in  & of itself an excitement of that behavior.

    • Love 2
  20. 38 minutes ago, ZumbaTiger said:



    Come to think of it, it would be FANTASTIC if some of the people who went to high school with Whitney joined this forum! I'd love to hear their interpretation of events!


    I, too, would love that! One of the very best threads in this forum was started by a guy who had been a member of the audience when Twit gave a speech at ASU. He gave us all the jnfo about what really goes on at a taping of MBFFL. That's the kind of REAL reality I like.

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