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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 5 hours ago, Brooks said:

    If they had cut the last three episodes and strung out the first three, we would have died under the weight of the Avi story arc going on for so long.  I think that's why the producers did it that way.



    I think Twit has received her last paycheck from TLC.


    I wasn't suggesting that. I think ALL the story arcs could have been tightened up considerably, incl. the Avi-stalking one. We all moaned & groaned about how boring each was: Ashley's pregnancy, Heather & Buddy, Buddy's addiction, the 8K -- the editors could have chopped out a lot of what we viewers saw.

    I disagree.There's a smugness about Twit this year that I didn't see last year at contract-negotiating time. I think a S-6 is signed, sealed & getting set to be delivered in 2019.

    We'll know, of course, based on how much she gives away on FB since, judging from S-5, she is constitutionally unable not to tell her fans all the story arcs a year in advance.

    • Love 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, LivinLovinLife said:

    The entire season was so disjointed with storylines popping up and then disappearing. She was going to be Jewish, no other mention of that until the recap. I expected Nadia to be on the recap but no real mention of her new best friend. It was weird.

    And, remember, the first 3 episodes had to be doubled becuz there was just too much good stuff for 13 hours.

    They should have been cutting material to shape up the story arcs.

    • Love 4
  3. 2 hours ago, Ketzel said:



    The rummaging the world to find other women I used to date and making a little club out of them! What the fuck?


    Great Avi script, @Ketzel.

    I thought it was interesting that Twit's comment in The Skinny indicates she's still stalking Avi. She said something like, "It's up to over 20 now," which seemed to mean the search hasn't ended.

    I'd like to be a fly on the wall when she finds one of these women. What Qs does she ask? I bet Twit tries to ferret out every detail of the woman's sexual romps with Avi.

    3 minutes ago, Dot said:

    duplicate deleted

    • Love 8
  4. 2 hours ago, auntjess said:

    It sounds bad, to be #49, but then it's still top 50.  I don't know how bad/what this means.

    I don't know either, but can surmise that TLC -- and its advertisers -- wouldn't be happy. MBLLF has been between 18 & 25 most Tuesdays.

    Also, the show lost more than 300,000 viewers this week.I would think TLC might rethink whether it wants to have another recap episode to end S-6.

    • Love 3
  5. I finally watched this episode .The most interesting clip happened in the first 3 min & went by very fast. It's when TFM & the 2 healthy backup women were doing some kind of dance move that looked like a dying trout flopping on the beach. There they were, on the floor flopping, and wheeerrre's Twit? Off to the side, standing up, waving her arms. What could be more telling about how likely is a "dance career" for her?

    Also interesting: after 4 years of hearing the phrase, "dance career," numerous times in every episode, there was no mention whatsoever in S-5 except Tal's one mention on the drive to IN to pick Twit up.

    • Love 6
  6. 1 hour ago, SevenCostanza said:

    Hunter is a drug addict?  When was this brought up?

    Yeah, I don't recall ever hearing this, either.

    But Hunter is definitely no more settled than Twit is. He calls himself an actor & musician, but seems to spend a lot of time in Greensboro living off his parents.

    • Love 4
  7. 1 hour ago, lightninggirl said:

    I found this odd for someone his age - he has had 7 different positions in four separate companies in the past 15 years. For a breadwinner (because Babs obviously doesn't work) AND supporting Sweatney - and probably Hunter - that amount of job-hopping wasn't what I was expecting. The company changes don't seem to be upwardly mobile, either.


    This was very interesting, thanks for sharing.

    Glenn also is now commuting an hour+ each way to work. Some of the job-hopping is possibly attributable to companies going out of biz; in this electronics age, print shops are an endangered species. Also, Glenn apparently has a special talent in color production printing, so maybe he's gotten offers he couldn't refuse. Still, 4 companies in 15 years at his age . . .

    Maybe he & Babs aren't as comfortable financially as we've thought. Maybe this explains why he appears in MBFFL. Maybe that's why he's still working at age 72. He needs the money.

    • Love 8
  8. 4 minutes ago, Ravenna said:


    Whitney bothers me with her big fat lies. She claims to have stayed the same size, but there is a vast difference from what she looked like in Season 1 to current day. She is someone quick to claim that she is empowered and all about being real, but she isn't being real at all about her health, and the impact it has on her everyday life. 


    Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 12.56.56 PM.png


    Thanks, @Ravenna. I love you guys who come up with before/after photos when she makes that claim.

    I doubt she's much below 500 #s now.

    • Love 9
  9. 37 minutes ago, Swiss said:

     I propose they rename this show for next season.  It should be called "My Big Fat Life." .dropping the word fabulous.  After watching this season, I fail to see where there is anything that even remotely resembles Whitney living a "Fabulous" life.   Let's hear some other suggestions for a new show title!!

    My Big Fatuous Fabricated Life

    • Love 7
  10. 28 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I don’t know a lot about Dr. No having only seen his show a few times, but is this something he says about all people or just morbidly obese? 

    Dr Now was speaking to a specific client when he said that. Justin Assanti, bro of the notorious Steven, refused treatment but allowed Dr Now to check in with him now & then. On one phone call, Justin said he was "maintaining" his 600-lb. weight. Dr Now replied, "At 600 pounds, you aren't maintaining; you are either gaining or losing."

    I have stated I believe this can be said of anyone who has arrived at super morbid obesity, using my past history as evidence. But neither Dr Now nor I nor anyone else has said this is true of people of normal weight.

    • Love 6
  11. 22 minutes ago, jennylauren123 said:

    Funny you should bring that up. And congratulations!

    Out of curiosity I looked up the dance studio in Greensboro, where BGDC is supposedly held. Looked through all of the schedules and all of the teachers, and absolutely no sign of the class or Whitney--anywhere. Not even an "as seen on TV!"

    She moved from GDT to Dalihia's studio to film this year. But I'm sure there's no mention of BGDC in Dalihia's website schedule either since, as @Brooks said, the class is nonexistent.

    Twit's really getting touchier these days on her FB page. I'm sure I've seen comments before about the nonexistence of BGDC except during filming time.

    • Love 7
  12. 5 hours ago, mamey2422 said:



    Glenn: Yes though I can’t remember what he does for a living. 


    He's the VP -- and probably a stakeholder -- in a printing company. (One of those old men who refuses to retire & let a younger person move up. I know, I know. Some of you hate it when I say that.)

    • Love 5
  13. It turns out finding the eating-tub-of-ice-cream segment wasn't so hard to find after all. It begins at minute 3.


    3 minutes ago, Ketzel said:



    Are you giving me a challenge, Dot? :)

    Whitney chowing down on a tub of ice cream after having a fight with Buddy was in Episode 10 of Season 2.  She gets upset and goes to her car for what she calls "parking lot time" where she can be alone and calm down. This, of course, includes food. Buddy goes after her and finds her, along with what looks like a half gallon container of ice cream and a spoon. There's a little bit of this scene in a summary of season 2 video - it comes at the very end of the video and is only about a minute long.

    Whoa! You & I were posting the same shit at exactly the same time! Great minds . . .

    • Love 6
  14. 1 hour ago, John M said:

    The ice cream thing was something different, I couldn't find a clip but it was Whit in her car shoveling ice cream into her face crying "I'm just so hungry!"

    You're right -- I, too, realized that & thought I hadn't saved my reply. (Wrong, obviously.)

    The ice cream eating bit was in S-1 or S-2  when Buddy went off to find her because he knew she was unhappy about something. It was a very short scene & probably hard to find.

    • Love 4
  15. On 3/25/2018 at 12:19 PM, Ketzel said:

    Create imaginary food diaries that show her as having good eating habits? Now that would be something Whitney would find impossible to do - she has no idea what that would even look like. Imagine the amount of research that would take!

    Except that we know she will spend several sleepless days & nights in front of a white board researching every woman in Avi's life. The difference is that food doesn't include men, her primary obession. If Avi had been a ham & cheese sandwich -- orthodox Jew notwithstanding -- she'd be all over counting out the calories.

    • Love 5
  16. 1 hour ago, MegD said:

    The thing is, there are fantastic apps out there to help with keeping track of what you eat. For the past 525 days (yes, I checked), I have recorded everything I ate or drank.


    Got ya beat - I've been using a food & exercise diary for almost 14 years (since Apr 2004).

    Until recently I wrote in a diary published by Calorie King. That company recently dropped its paper diary for one at its website which I started using reluctantly at first. Now I am hooked.

    I tried the My Fitness Pal app first, but somehow got locked out of my acct after a few days. Their support people finally responded to me & unlocked the acct, but by now I'm pretty much hooked on Calorie King.

    Anyway, both CK & MFP are great and are as important as food mgmt & exercise to making healthy choices daily.

    • Love 5
  17. 1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

    Have you seen the video where  youtube guy All Hat No Cattle calls her out on this? It's called "Whitney Thore Professional Victim".


    In this video All Hat takes apart the YouTube video Twit filmed about her NoBs campaign. I agree with @TurtlePower; if you haven't seen it, do! Just search at YouTube for All Hat Whitney Thore & you'll find it along with 2 other videos that are also fun to watch.

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