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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I think most agree it’s the pig. I am a little confused as to why the place would call Whitney when it died. Why wouldn’t they call Babs. It was her pig. 

    Not only that -- but since Whit was the one with the knowledge, why didn't she keep it to herself? She could have waited until such time as Babs asked her to drive her to the rescue farm to visit with Piggy. If Babs never asked for that, Twit could have held her tongue forever.

    I agree with whomever said Twit loves to deliver bad news -- to Nada, to Buddy's parents, to Heather.

    • Love 20
  2. 59 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I’m a little confused about what you want to do. Are you asking where to enter your weight? 

    I entered my current wgt when I opened up the app. What I want to do now is record my wgt each week.

    In the menu, there is a choice called Progress which is a graph with dates at the bottom. The line on the graph is now at my current wgt & I haven't figured out a way to change it each week. Or the dates.

    If this is not the place to record my weekly wgt, is there one? (It seems to me an app like this should have such a place.)

  3. Qs for those of you who use the MyFitnessPal app:

    After 14 yrs, I've had to give up using my favored food/exercise journal since Calorie King quit publishing it.

    I've been using MFP for a couple days & mostly has been able to figure it out. All except the "Progress" graph.

    ? How do I change the dates at the bottom?

    ? How do I cause the weight line to change for a given date?

    Or, are these things I can't do without buying the $50 version? If so, is there any other way besides the Progress chart where I can chart my weight weekly?

  4. 1 hour ago, Brooks said:

    I don't buy the landlord/tenant possibility.  The shots of the front of the house have only ever said it is Whitney's and Buddy's house.  Donna is a live in sex slave.

    How do we know someone with an Appalachian State U shirt could be the sober coach?

    Donna is definitely a tenant in that house; she has the other first floor bedroom.

    I suppose the reason she isn't mentioned is that she kinda ghosts thru MBFFL. We've seen more of her in this season than any other, possibly becuz she needs to be close by during filming in case Twit needs some sort of personal service now that her weight has made her so disabled.

    • Love 3
  5. 1 hour ago, alabetser said:



    I hope to heaven she never gets pregnant unless she has a major lifestyle/personality change.

    My layperson's understanding of personality disorders is that they can be mitigated to some degree, with a lot of hard work with a competent therapist, but cannot be cured. If Twit has a personality disorder, which many of us believe, she ain't changing her ways.



    2 hours ago, WaterSpirit said:

    can you share where you can view ratings?



    • Love 3
  6. 1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

    . . .when the show is taping [Twit] looks like a homeless woman who was fished out of a sewer grate. . . .


    I'm not sure if "Glenn is gross" is the popular or unpopular opinion. I am so skewed around here.

    Good one, @ClareWalks! ?

    I also have that problem with Babs -- is she a tired caricature of a Southern Belle or an adorable senior citizen full of choice witticisms? I've seen her described both ways. Which is the unpopular opinion?

    • Love 5
  7. 4 hours ago, Me from ME said:



    There is a selfie she posted on her FB just prior to a press junket. She is in full makeup, her hair is done and artfully tousled on the left side of her face and part of the right side of her face isn't fully in view and her top chin is elevated so the rest can't be seen.


    And, in full makeup, she claims she's getting ready to take a nap. *snort*

    For someone who earns her income claiming someone's appearance isn't important, she sure posts a lot of glam photos of herself.



    • Love 7
  8. On 3/8/2018 at 10:23 AM, LordOfLotion said:

    Does anyone know what the ratings were for this episode?

    Ratings for this episode:

    #19 of Tue Top 50 cable shows

    0.29 share, losing 0.02 points from last week

    947,000 viewers, first time under a million-plus

    • Love 6
  9. 1 hour ago, Me from ME said:

    Dot, she might very well be doing something in Charlotte but it was on her FB on October 11 where she talked about Charleston. Perhaps the one in Charleston was so poorly attended that they needed to do another one to get some better footage.

    No, I'm sure you're right & I just confused the 2 cities.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

    I would be willing to wager that the genesis of the idea to take BGDC on the road is nothing more than a plot point. Months ago someone shared the ad for a "Whitney Thore Pop Up Dance Class" in Charleston. I can't remember if one of our sleuths checked it out or, if there was a photo on her FB or insty of a rather sparse turn out. BGDC in Charleston, Buddy living in Charleston not a coincidence in my opinion. It makes sense that it was producer driven to make filming Buddy in SC more cost effective by having two storylines in one trip.

    Wasn't it Charlotte, NC, not Charleston, SC, where the off-site BGDC was held?

  11. 4 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

    I just keep coming back to this 9 PM thing.  We've seen her car filled with food wrappers and giant cookies and the remains of frappucinos.  Am I supposed to believe she's sitting in her car, eating all that crap at 9 PM? 

    I think she chose the 9 p.m. number becuz that's usually when delivery is made of whatever crap she ordered by phone that night.

    • Love 6
  12. 3 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    Will does a lot of workshops and boot camps aimed at obese people wanting a jumpstart towards returning to fitness. I wonder if he's including Whitney to demonstrate that at his gym, people in her state are treated respectfully. He's also gotten at least one other long-term client who found him through the show, although she appears to be seriously committed to weigh loss, unlike Whitney.

    Of course, Miranda had already lost more than 120 #s & had bariactic surgery BEFORE she joined Will's gym.

    Anyway, she's obviously a success story. Why wouldn't Will put her on his panel rather than a fraud like Twit, who bobs & weaves, distracts & deflects, almost every Q asked? Unless, of course, she chooses to lie: "My challenge is that I don't eat regularly and I don't eat enough."

    • Love 8
  13. 12 minutes ago, WaterSpirit said:



    Responsible ownership. I will  give her full credit for not giving the last two up, where chances are they would be on borrowed time in a shelter.


    My Q is: what happened to Steve Purrwin, the orange male she picked up in a park & brought home.

    The last heard about him was before some trip -- NYC, I think, but could have been cruise before last. She was writing in FB that she was gonna have to put one of her cats in a kennel becuz he wasn't getting along well with the others. She asked fans near Greensboro for kennel suggestions; many offered to pet-sit the cat.

    And that's it. Twit has now introduced 2 other cats, Ollie & the stray, into her household. WTF did she do with S. Purrwin, other than give him a really stupid name?

    • Love 2
  14. 24 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    I clueless what’s the difference between Tedx and Ted talks?

    This has been described in depth several times in this thread. You could look thru the posts to find that discussion or -- easier -- read about the dif in Wikipedia. Briefly TED is legit & speakers are renown experts in the fields of tech, entertainment & design. TEDx is TED for Dummies & anyone can be a speaker.

    • Love 5
  15. 7 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    You know what WOULD be fabulous?

    For the Hawaii fiasco to be a wake-up call for Whitney.  Maybe get her to actually start eating healthier/less and start REALLY getting more physically active.  Shoot, Richard Simmons made about 5 different DVDs.  She could work out with him - DANCING - and even steal choreography . . . but it would be to her benefit.

    Then, next year, she could get TLC to pay for her to go back to Hawaii and prove how FABULOUS her life is when she can actually walk a distance that most HEALTHY people can walk.

    I would actually rather see that than to continue to have them show a morbidly obese woman who is just collecting her MBFFL paycheck until they can switch her over to the M600PL payroll.

    I think something's up in that regard. We know from her SM pages that she's back in the gym, that she's hired a "culinary coach" to teach her how to cook healthy food choices. Maybe TLC took a look at how disabled she's become & said, "Get in better shape, lose the weight you've gained since S-1, or there will not be even the hope of a S-6."

    • Love 12
  16. 31 minutes ago, monagatuna said:

    I see they're still calling her TEDx bullshit a "TED Talk." :eyeroll:

    That irritated the hell out of me. Megyn referred to Twit's "TED talk" THREE times. As if Twit could be allowed anywhere near any platform except TEDx.

    • Love 4
  17. 34 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:



    Buddy reveals that he has been told to stay away from Greensboro until he recovers. That is a fuckin' great idea. And don't let Whitney visit, because she will certainly try to hold a BGDC guest class in your town.


    Great recap as usual, @ClareWalks. They get better every week.

    Of course, Twit is not going to leave Buddy alone. She took him along on her cruise & has live video'd with him on FB. And he is never going to give up that TLC paycheck, recovery goals or no.

    • Love 6
  18. 5 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    . . .she would have been a wreck after that 8K for the rest of her Hawaii trip.  No wonder we didn't see any scenes after that on their way home.  I think the scenes we saw that was supposed to be right after they came home were filmed either before or way after the trip. . . .

    . . .we really saw a whole 'nother side to Glenn in this episode . . . He is insufferable, meddling and abusive too!  

    How old is the Twit now?  

    Twit, her parents, Donna the Caretaker, possibly Hunter, stayed on for at least several days after the barnacles & film crew left. She posted a couple of videos on her FB page at the time of the trip last year: one in a beach cabana, another on an ATV ride thru a jungle wildlife refuge.

    Glenn is also creepy in his relationship with Twit. There's a HI FB photo of daddy & daughter locking lips.

    Twit will be 34 in April.

    • Love 4
  19. 1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

    OMG, I saw this comment on her FB page from a Greensboro city councilman and I almost died, then I realized he was being sincere and he actually likes the show. I had hoped he was throwing A+ shade.


    "My Big Fat BUTT Life!" And he's NOT throwin' shade?

    I saw the last 2 minutes of the interview. Megyn sez, "You seem truly joyful."

    And Twit goes, "Oh, I am!" And then goes on about her great support group, how she focuses on the positive, how gratifying to read how many are inspired by her . . .

    In just those 2 minutes, my ears were ringing from the loud guffawing; I don't see how Megyn stood it up close & personal for an entire interview.

    And Twit -- focusing on the positive? C'mon. What about the depression? The therapist? You, Twit, were just your usual Big, Fat, Lying Self.

    I'm tweeting Megyn today to let her know she was duped by a fraud.

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