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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 20 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    However, Todd and Tal make brief appearances in the Gluteus Maximus video: at 1.16 minutes in, you see Todd, in green shorts and top do a split jump and a spin of some kind, then at 3:17, Tal, wearing a headband, is on the floor in a semi-split and Todd is behind him (same outfit) making a shocked face. Both moments go by in seconds, but at least you can tell Whitney fixed her buddies up. :-D

    Wow. It goes by so fact that I'm amazed you caught it.

  2. 55 minutes ago, AZChristian said:


    I can't get the picture to load on this post.  But it's the girl with brown hair on the right side of the picture.  (I didn't watch the video.)

    That's not Heather. If you watch the whole video, you won't see her in it.

  3. 35 minutes ago, LivinLovinLife said:

    Check out the latest IG workout clips. This is all I will say and will wait for comments

    OMG! Twit doing exercises in fast motion is even more amusing than in real time! But what was the purpose -- to keep us from realizing she wasn't actually doing burpees? (Didn't work.)

    • Love 7
  4. 2 hours ago, AZChristian said:



    Just scrolled back up to show hubby the dwarf/corset picture.  Is that Heather on the right side?

    I don't recall seeing any of the barnacles in this soft porn video.

    2 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    This really sums it up. This forum has given more thought to the best way to respect Babs feelings in this whole situation than Whitney did. Her only consideration when dealing with someone else’s sadness or tragedy is how she can be right in the middle of it. 

    And how it can be manipulated for her TV show.

    • Love 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Irate Panda said:



    On a side note, I do think TLC has stepped in and told Whitney she has to at least attempt to lose weight . . .


    That's what I also believe. Using S-4 as a model, this must be about the time that PMG & TLC are finishing up their dickering over the details for a S-6 contract. Twit has dropped enuf SM hints to indicate she is confident another season is in the works.And why not? She's mostly sustained a viewership of a million+ each episode this season, up about 200,000 viewers per episode last year. 

    But I think TLC also saw what we saw, esp in HI on the beach & in the race. Twit is in no shape to be minimally entertaining in another season. For all her claims to the contrary, she is in the gym to drop some pounds. (And there's no way she's currently at her S-1 wgt of 380 #s.)

    • Love 7
  6. Twit has some interesting replies about the cruise to some of her fans. One of them commented about it costing more than most cruises since she needed to make money off it & Twit replied:

    "It’s not really about me making money, it’s about everything that’s offered. If you were to book a regular cruise for the same ship/dates/etc, you would have no access to all the exclusive events we offer. I have to sell A LOT of cabins to even get ours for free, much less make any money on top of that!"

    The poor fan immediately began groveling & stating she meant no harm.

    Another asked, as many do with every cruise, about awarding a free cabin to one of her many loyal fans. Twit replied:

    "This will be our third consecutive year! If we sell out I will be able to offer a freebie, but as it stands, I am still paying for my friends and fam!"

    • Love 5
  7. Well, we finally know how many cabins Twit has to sell to get freebies for herself, "family, friends and special guests."

    Since the answer is 150, I assume that means she'll have 14 people besides her. I count 8 F&F, leaving room for 6 "special guests."

    So, instead of all those freebies going to guests, she actually could give away 1 or 2 in a raffle or similar, like her fans always beg her to.

    So, Twit or Heather, whichever one of you is reading the forum today, why not take my suggestion to heart?

    • Love 7
  8. 1 hour ago, LordOfLotion said:

    It could partially be a matter of taking dozens of pictures until you get just the right angle and light.


    What I found interesting about Ugly Crying Face is how fat her face appears to be. And how many extra chins she has. She certainly manages to obscure that in most of her posted photos, esp the glam ones. How many times have one or another of us commented about how much smaller her head seems, in proportion to the rest of her body? Yet this is a photo of a typical head on a 500-# body.

    • Love 6
  9. 2 hours ago, Me from ME said:

    Actually quite a while ago Dot asked about the where abouts of the original Steve Purrwin. I do recall there having been a cat by that name a few seasons ago. Since I usually listen to this freak show rather than give it my full attention I have no idea what the other Steve looked like but I am sure there was one.


    People acted like it was a clever name because they know that they have to treat her like an overgrown 3 year old. Bribe her, coddle her, and reward her no matter how little she deserves it.

    I think I've caused the confusion by conflating Twit's FB mutterings with MBFFL episodes.

    There is only ONE Steve Purrwin. She talked about him last year on FB. She was also filming segments for THIS year's season. So, it's the same cat. 

    I don't understand why TLC permits her to give away much of a season's plot arcs on her FB page about year before airing. We knew about Avi. About Nada's visit. About Ashley's baby. About the HI visit. About Steve Purrwin.

    • Love 7
  10. 15 hours ago, mybuddyspence said:

    I can't blame the farm. The article said the symptoms come on rapidly and that sometimes, death is the only symptom. Sort of like swine flu? (I'm not making light of Piggy's death, BTW).

    I'm retracting the kudos I gave Twit for placing Piggy at this farm. I understood her to say it was a rescue farm; such a farm would have been experts in integrating a new animal into the herd.

    Twit obviously lied to me & you & especially Babs. The farm is obvously just a plain ol' farm with a swine herd with its typical diseases. Placing an animal there, raised as Piggy was, with no immunity to those diseases -- well, it was a placement in a death camp, as far as I'm concerned.

    • Love 14
  11. 2 hours ago, princelina said:



    also for @Dot - didn't you say before that she already had a cat named Steve Purrwin?  or was that another name and I'm confused?

    Having not seen the episode, I gather Steve Purrwin is in it. He's the orange cat she picked up in a park that I've been wondering about since she always talks about 3 cats -- Henchi, Wanda & Ollie -- but never Steve ( or does she call him Purrwin?)

    Surely, if she kept him, she's had him neutered by now.

    • Love 1
  12. 1 hour ago, WillowG said:

    OMG THEY SLAUGHTERED THE PIG.  I don't like the way she talked to Whitney on the phone about it and kept him in a place with Group A Streptococcus bacteria.  

    Is this what killed Piggy? (I haven't seen the episode.) Did the farm explain how he cotracted it?

  13. 21 minutes ago, Dr. Acula said:

    I wonder how the lovely town of Greensboro feels about being portrayed on this show as the freak show capital of the south.  As someone who lives near Greensboro, I think they deserve better.

    In the Social Media thread, @ClareWalks pointed us to this comment from a Greensboro city councilman on Twit's FB page:

    "We’re hooked on this reality show filmed in Greensboro. I think it’s called something like “My Big Fat Butt Life”. Lots of Greensboro in the show. Tuesday’s at 8:00 on Channel 44. Greensboro’s own Whitney Way Thore is an economic impact engine for our city! I think she’s beautiful. And we just love Babs and Glenn Thore."

    So, at least one guy in Greensboro sees her as an asset even tho he doesn't know the name of the show! (Butt he's far more accurate than the actual name.)

    • Love 14
  14. 2 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

    Whitney will take attention in absolutely ANY form. If there is something important to say, she has to be the one to say it. 

    She has to be the one to say it when it is totally unimportant, which it usually is.

    She has published photos dating all the way back to h.s. of herself with friends. It's fascinating to notice that most, if not all, of the photos show her with a wide open mouth, either yakking or braying.

    • Love 11
  15. 49 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Happy to help!!  I’m really new at this but I am loving MFP. It’s really helping me get a handle on my eating. 15 lbs in 50 days!!  Long way to go but I put pants on this morning that didn’t fit at Christmas. 

    Congrats on those lost 15 lbs! 

    I 've been basically just making sure I never weigh 380+ #s again which means I'm still using all 3 tools -- food mgmt, exercise & journaling -- to maintain. Some people get bored with the latter tool, but I've been doing it since Apr 2004. It continues to keep me honest. In fact, when I watched that segment where Twit refused to let Will know what she's eating daily, I knew she'd never get anywhere with managing her food intake & exercise regime.

    • Love 4
  16. 19 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Ok. I enter stuff on my phone most of the time and that’s what I have in my hands right now so I’ll give you those instructions first. . . .

    Does that help at all?  When I am near my computer later I’ll tell you how to do it there. 

    Got it! Many thanks, @3girlsforus. I use a Kindle Fire tablet, but could interpret your instructions to fit my tablet's setup. I really appreciate your taking the time to help me with this.

  17. 3 hours ago, Brooks said:



    Appalachian State U is in Boone, NC.  It's where Whitney went.  I still don't see a connection with Buddy except that it's generally in his neighborhood as opposed to across the country.  Even if not Buddy's sober coach, it does seem more than coincidence that someone with an ASU shirt would show up.  He perhaps recognized Whitney.


    I think what @cherenkov's great catch in noticing the ASU tee means is that the so-called Army guy was not some random individual who wandered up to give encouragement to Twit. It is beyond the realm of coincidence that someone who also attended a relatively small college such as ASU, as Twit did, would turn up 5,000 miles away at the exact time she needed help.

    He could have been a part of the PMG prod. crew. He also could have been Buddy's sober coach who let himself get enlisted into this hot mess. (All his palaver sounded very sober-coachy.) Either way, he was NOT just some guy out for a leisurely jog in HI.

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