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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 22 minutes ago, cherenkov said:

    She's using the ski-erg. It's a resistance-cardio exercise with a similar concept to a rower. I have never seen anyone do "sets" on one, and of course her form is horrible and she's not even remotely using it correctly - the motion should be the same as if you were propelling yourself with your arms while cross country skiing.

    Thanks, @cherenkov. I really appreciate it when those of you familiar with gym equipment provide visual instruction for those of us who aren't. ( The same used to go for you dancers who would point out what real dance steps looked like -- when Twit was still "dancing." She doesn't seem to put much effort into that phase any more.)

    Just now, AZChristian said:

    How many morbidly obese people do you think there are in 3rd world countries?

    Omar the Tentmaker could make good use of Twit's frumpwear.

    • Love 3
  2. I'm guessing the red leggings are an item in her new clothes line that she said was coming out by the end of Jan. I wonder what the delay is? Does she seriously think she has to sell every single item of old inventory -- even at 90% off -- before she can open her new "store"? (Give it away to 3rd world countries like every other retailer, Twit, and take a tax break.)

    BTW, every time Twit mentions her "store," she gets a flurry of fan queries asking about its various locations in USA & even the UK!

    • Love 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

    There are no words to describe how totally stupid and useless this workout is. I can't even say Whitney's form is terrible, because I have no idea what she is supposed to be working on. Except possibly injuries to her rotator cuffs, neck and mid-back? Carpal tunnel syndrome?

    She's got another exercise on IG & one of her fans asked the question I always have:

    "I thought your supposed to take your time doing each exercise for your body to benefit like medium speed not hyper speed ?"

    • Love 8
  4. As I had surmised from Twit's smugness & SM signals, MBFFL will be with us for another season.

    In reply to some guy who posted something on her FB page that irritated her, she replied:

    "Boot Camp Tulsa You’re an idiot. We, in fact, did get renewed. What’s your wife’s name? I’d love to ask her why she’s lying! ?"

    BTW, his post must have been deleted because I couldn't find it. From fan comments, he apparently called Twit a heifer (misspelled) & said his wife works for TLC & told him MBFFL was cancelled. That's what Twit was responding to.

  5. 38 minutes ago, LivinLovinLife said:

    I've been having the same thoughts. You probably won't see this but thanks for articulating what I think. It's time to shut off the lights and close the door on Whitney

    Yeah, I go thru this "moral crisis" at the end of each season: do I keep enabling the continuation of this woman's awful platform for her dangerous notions of good health, i.e., MBFFL, or not?

    Since she has signaled that there will be another season, I guess I'm gonna stick it out. For a while.

    Besides. I enjoy the comments in this forum too much to give them up. At least, not yet.

    • Love 9
  6. On 4/4/2018 at 7:19 AM, Maricopa said:

    I don't think so, and I just spent a lovely few days burying my mom around those parts. It's in Morrisville, which is a good 50 miles from G'boro. Online I've only seen him described as a manager of the printing shop, which sounds fairly desperate.

    I've seen him described as a VP. Also, I think he could not take as much time off as he does for MBFFL & Twit's projects if he were but a lowly employee.

    • Love 3
  7. Just now, Me from ME said:

    The day they arrived in Hawaii and took a nap Donna was cuddled up on Twit - even though Donna had her own bed in her own room in the suite. Of course, it may be part of her "duties" we've seen our girl insist that people snuggle with her so maybe Donna knows the routine and knows not to resist.

    Actually, Donna was in her bed & Twit snuggled in on top of her. Not Donna's idea.

    • Love 2
  8. 9 hours ago, Me from ME said:



    Upon reflection, it must be quite a sight to see her climb out of her new car since she can't use momentum the way she does when oozing off the couch.


    Actually, given the height & firmness of the car seat, Twit doesn't have too much trouble getting out of a standard sedan. It's climbing UP into an SUV, or a pickup truck like Lennie's, where she has a problem. And much of the reason she has to ooze off couches is that the cushions are soft.

    • Love 2
  9. 1 hour ago, LivinLovinLife said:

    Is it possible I struck a nerve? I mentioned in a previous post I'd never heard any of her cats purr. IG post has 30 seconds of Henchi purring

     I guess I was put in my place!

    Both Twit & Heather (esp.) are known to monitor this forum, so I don't doubt that yr comment caused a purr -- "Is it Memorex or is it real?" -- from Henchi.

    What I've noticed in S-5 & on SM, is that Twit no longer does the bugged-eyes-dropped-mouth look of shock or surprise. After years of our snarking about it here, I think she got the message about how foolish she looks.

    • Love 6
  10. Much about Twit's relationships & disabilities we discern from both MBFFL & Twit's SM pages. She doesn't usually TELL us things; we see them for ourselves. For example, we in the forum knew she couldn't climb stairs for a good 2 years before she just admitted it at Will's gym on IG. Another example: I pointed out several times that she was never filmed climbing into her monster SUV -- the black one -- becuz she didn't want her fans to see what a struggle it was for her. What happens? We see that she's bought a new SUV in S-5 she can climb DOWN into. Did Twit tell us anything? No. I knew becuz of my own struggles to get into an SUV when I weighed 380+ #s.

    So, @Globegrl, it's not so much that Twit has ever confessed that Donna aids her. It's what we see for ourselves.

    P.S. Super research as usual, @Ketzel. Where in the world did you find the wrestling match? And did you notice Donna's hand on Twit's breast throughout?

    • Love 9
  11. 55 minutes ago, Globegrl said:

    There is no evidence that Donna is Whitney's caretaker whatsoever.  As a matter of fact is has been mentioned several times that Donna is often away, traveling on business.  I don't understand why so many people think this.

    Not much evidence, perhaps, but some.

    • Massaging Twit's breasts on camera.
    • Jumping into the production crew van to accompany Twit back to the hotel after the 8K.
    • ALWAYS being around, esp. on vacations, etc. For example, after filming in HI ended, Donna was the only barnacle that stayed behind for several days with the family.
    • Usually rooming with Twit on trips.
    • We know Twit can't tie her own shoes or shave her legs; that's been show in MBFFL. Who else would be doing these & similar things for her?
    • Love 7
  12. 13 hours ago, auntjess said:

    I think this refers to what TLC pays to "rent" the house, and Babs & Glenn's too, as a location for filming.

    I seriously doubt that PMG (prod. co.) pays Twit or parents to film in their houses.

    • Love 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Barbara Please said:



    she has a big poster of a shirtless Glenn Thore on her bedroom ceiling. What is she actually doing with a picture of her Dad above her bed? 

    It's a photo from her Dec 2017 cruise. She ordered 5 poster-size copies of the photo. She had one put on her ceiling -- supposedly temporarily -- as a gag because the photog was to visit her & would be using Twit's bedroom over night.

    Interesting that the poster remains over her bed some 3+ months later. And she has never indicated where the other 4 copies are.

    • Love 4
  14. 5 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I’m confused. Who could she be looking for? She’s not adopted so she should know her living relatives.  

    She's doing what everyone does who gets into geneology: seeing how far back thru generations she can go & what she can learn about her ancestors. So far, she reports a great-great grandmother in Poland, but doesn't say whether she's maternal or paternal. It's a hobby for lots of folks. I don't find it strange, but since she's going at it like every other new thing in her life -- staying up researching till 5 a.m. -- I can picture the white board now in 2-3 episodes of story arc boredom in S-6.

    • Love 3
  15. Regarding the live video: Twit once again confirmed a S-6 by saying  "the season is done. But don't anyone feel too sad. We'll see you later." With a big wink.

    The most interesting thing about the 2 minutes I watched was the huge frappuccino she clutched, with its massive glob of whipped cream on top.

    ETA: Twit has a cold, so she swipes her snotty nose with her hand every 30 seconds or so. Jeez. Get a tissue, please.

    • Love 11
  16. 1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

    Just saw that Will Powell has a new video up in his series about changing your eating protocols to reach goals. It's been five weeks since the series began, with five panelists and Will. Will is eating to gain weight in a healthy way to completely recover from his fairly extensive surgery to remove a benign tumor from his lungs this past winter. Four are athletes (including Jessica) in training for an assortment of fitness/body building events coming up in a few months. And the fifth is Whitney. In the beginning of the series, Whitney's goal/challenge  was to change her eating habits to reduce her risk of diabetes, because PCOS causes insulin resistance which is a precursor to diabetes. Her challenge was that she didn't eat enough. (I'll let that lie there without comment.) Weight loss, while discussed by the body builders, was carefully avoided when Whitney spoke or anyone spoke to her. 

    The second panel, a couple of weeks after the first, was a discussion of how people were coping with their regimens. Do I need to tell you that Whitney hadn't actually begun her healthy eating regimen, because her plan involved working with a culinary coach, who she didn't meet for the first time until the day before the panel was taped? Not having done much toward her goal didn't stop Whitney from having a lot of fairly critical opinions about how the others were doing. From her lofty perch as the self-described "only normal,  average person" on the panel, (does she seriously see herself as "normal" and  "average" in the context of a discussion on eating??)  she was dismissive of their eating restrictions, saying she didn't want to "live that way anymore." (I wasn't aware that she had ever lived that way -- unless this was another pat on her own back for her famous 100 lb. weight loss of nearly a decade ago?) She condescendingly  explained to the five athletes that her problem was that she had SO much willpower, when she sets her mind to limiting her food, she ends up not eating at all and thus, starving herself. She didn't want to restrict her portion sizes, or her choices, she just wanted to eat a whole-food, mostly plant based diet and now she was going to have the resources to do it. But the real problem was that a diet that required her to pre-plan everything, or discipline her appetite, or limit her options, was like a return to "diet culture" that was "sickening" to her and she needs eating to be a joyful and pleasurable experience.

    So this was the third panel, which Will introduced as a check-in on the panel's 5-week progress. But wait, what's missing? One of the original body builders (who, judging from her instagram, has a whole lot on her plate, what with her husband's very recent cardiac surgery, family responsibilities, work and getting to the gym the minute it opened in the morning) and Whitney.

    My question is - did Whitney just ditch the panel because she wasn't doing anything, and knew she was going to be asked questions that would make it obvious she wasn't doing anything?  Or did she ditch the panel because she actually is working with the culinary coach and wanted to save it for a Season 6 storyline? I'm leaning toward Option A, unless Tal starts posting about how his wifey is making them nightly green smoothies and lean protein stir-fries over brown rice.

    I would like to think that Will has finally regained his integrity & booted Twit off the panel. (But I don't.)

    • Love 7
  17. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Oh yea - a narcissistic woman  and a gay man playing “hubby and wifey”. What could possibly go wrong!  

    I have a feeling you are right. Whitney said as much when she said “who knows. Next year Tal and I could be married” and then winked at him. I’m with those who think she knows she’s been renewed and they’ve already written the script for “Tal and the Fat Girl’. 

    Yep. Including episode after episode of "hubby and wifey" making adoption plans, visiting baby furniture stores, filling out adoption applications -- "Who shall we list as head of household, wifey?" -- & being interviewed at adoption agencies. It's going to be a long, boring story arc -- one I won't be watching.

    ETA: And now Twit is off on an ancestry quest, so add that as yet another boring story arc for S-6.

    • Love 6
  18. 2 hours ago, Ketzel said:


    Tal has posted a revealing photo of himself and Whitney during the last NoBS cruise. In the attached comment, he refers to her as "wifey."

    I am going to lie down with a cold compress, now.  :)

    (It was originally posted over a week ago, or I would be thinking it was an April Fool's Day joke. )

    I said about a year ago in this forum that I bet Twit had forced her way into Tal's pants. (And apparently this photo was taken about a year ago.) I'm thinking BJs; I can't imagine a gay guy allowing anything else. And I suppose he reciprocates manually.

    • Love 4
  19. 2 hours ago, gardendiva said:

    I just saw this link posted in another forum and started reading it just because it sounded interesting. You guys, read the descriptions for “Histrionic” and “Narcissistic” personality disorders and see if they don’t describe Whit spot on: 


    I don't know how you got past the rehab ad to read the article -- I couldn't.

    But ITA. When Twit's HPD was first pointed out a couple of years ago in this forum, it was eye-opening.

    I always wonder how her therapist handles it. (Surely he or she realizes it if we lay people can.) Does she tell Twit the problem? Does she help Twit find ways to mitigate the problem? Or does she just let Twit yammer away in ignorance of her problem? I'm guessing the last since Twit seems unchanged from S-1.

    1 hour ago, SevenCostanza said:

    She's either a compulsive liar or she's delusional.  I have YouTube on and it's playing random clips of Twit and in one she's answering viewer's questions, only the kiss ass ones of course, nothing controversial. 

    A couple of days ago, I went toTwit's advice column on the MBFFL FB page and asked: "Have you ever considered having a dentist file down your front teeth so they are more uniform with the others?" Something tells me I won't get an answer.

    BTW, that's an entertaining FB page. Most of the posters there can't stand Twit as opposed to the sycophants who comment on Twit's own FB page.

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