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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 40 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    He definitely hasn't lost weight but I think people often gain weight in rehab. Food is one of the mood altering substances that is still available to addicts who give up alcohol and drugs. Casual smokers may also smoke more because it's a coping mechanism they still have.

    Buddy's been clean & sober for more than a year. It's time for him to lose some wgt.

    • Love 2
  2. 4 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    Speaking of photoshopping, here's a picture Whitney has posted on instagram, waving a gay pride flag in Chicago yesterday.



    I continue to be so freakin' annoyed with Twit's gay appropriation antics. In my day she was known as a "fag hag," not PC now & not complimentary then. It was thrown out at a woman who hung around with gay men -- often not at their invitation -- bc she was too nontrusting of her own sexuality & attrativeness to dip her toes in the heterosexual dating pool.

    Speaking of unattractive, those Spandex shorts over fire engine red tights in the middle of Chi heat & humidity: what was she thinking? And, BTW, whatever happened to the grand opening of a No Body Shame store under new management? You go to the site now & it looks totally unmaintained.

    ETA: That birthday photo is Babs. Twit doesn't own a cat like that nor does she part her hair down the middle.

    • Love 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    I graduated from hs in the mid 60s at 15. 

    I don't understand putting marshmallows on sweet potatoes. My mother always topped hers with lemon slices so thin you could read a newspaper through them. 

    It's a Southern thang, like flavoring a mess of greens with a slab of pork fat. If a dish is over sweetened, over fried, or over fat added, you can bet the recipe is in a Southern cookbook.

    • Love 1
  4. We're getting into a real "is it gold or blue?" or "Yanny or Laurel?" morass here.

    I guess I think it's Babs bc one of the barnacles would surely call Twit on it if she were trying to pass off a Babs photo as herself (Remember Chief Barnacle Glenn reads every one of her posts & its fan comments.) I think the reason she posts it so often is that it is the ONLY photo where Babs looks like her. (Witness the photo @AZChristian provided. Babs looks nothing like Twit is that one.)

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  5. 55 minutes ago, cherenkov said:

    They'd have to. Based on her Facebook, and the Rex Theater's Instagram, that's the place they used. The place is well over a hundred years old and not very big. There is not space there for 500 people to do any sort of dancing. This is and interior crowd shot and probably as many people as you could pack in:




    Now imagine 500 people trying to do Whitney-style Zumba in that space. Standing room only capacity is 587, but that's not "with six feet of space between people" as you would have in a dance class. That's packed in as above. The capacity for a BGDC type event would be significantly lower than 500.

    Are there side rooms in the facility where the overflow could watch/particpate by looking at a TV screen?

    It's peculiar that no one has complained about the venue switch if they had been prohibited from participating.

    • Love 1
  6. Twit posted her annual birthday tribute to Babs along with the photo she always re-posts of a young Babs. And, as usual, her fans are squealing about how similar in facial features Twit & Babs are.

    I have to concede that the fans are right. But why does Twit re-post this photo so often?

    • Love 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Pachengala said:


    I tend to agree with @connieinnc: of all the things that bug about Whitney, this one doesn’t bug me.

    OTOH, I agree with @Haleybug, who said above: "The fact that Twit kissed Glenn on the lips isn't what weirded me out - it was the fact that it was probably a lingering kiss since it was for a photo.  That's a bit awkward more than anything.  To sexualized a peck is a bit much in my opinion as well."

    If you look at their extended lips, you can see the kiss was not a quick peck. And that's what's creepy about this photo.

    • Love 4
  8. On 6/20/2018 at 9:08 AM, Ketzel said:

    So Whitney, accompanied by Todd and Buddy and the MBFFL production crew, landed in Pittsburgh last night to teach a free class . . .

    Surprised Buddy is included - is he one of the roadies? And also surprised that the parents aren't tagging along . . .

    I'm sure the parents were around somewhere in Pittsburgh. Remember, it was only 2 days before that Twit stated on FB that Glenn never missed one of her events.

    • Love 3
  9. 3 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    From what others are saying on her fb feed, it's a "southern thang." One woman said that at age 39, she still kisses her father... oops, "daddy" ... on the lips. 

    Ick. Just.....ick.

    I'm Southern. I did not kiss my father on the lips post-puberty.

    • Love 7
  10. 1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

    That picture.


    Whitney's arms.


    And, remember, she's lifting weights -- with a goal of 100 #s -- to INCREASE her arm size! what is she thinking? What is Will thinking?

    In her most recent MBFFL Q&A column -- not much "advice" any more; maybe TLC realized its legal liabilities -- she is asked if she likes to lifts wgts. She says she really. really likes it, but goes on to claim she also does cardio 3X/week.

    I doubt the latter but can believe the former. Wasn't it Clare, a pro trainer, who said many overweight folks like to lift wgts bc it gives them a sense of accomplishment they don't get by doing the work they should, such as climbing on a stationary bike.

    • Love 6
  11. Twit has her long, annual Father's Day encomium to Glenn on her FB page today. Within it, she states:

    "My dad has never (literally never) missed a game, a play, an award ceremony, or dance performance—in the 38 years he’s had children."

    She neglects to mention Glenn has never (literally never) said the word "no" to her.

    Here's her whole post -- including creepy photo -- if you want to read it.


    • Love 5
  12. 4 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Well, generally that kind of challenge makes me a little grumpy, but since it's you, Dot . . . . :-)

    I haven't seen a still picture as you describe, but I did manage a close-second screen capture from a TLC video of coming attractions for that season. (Click on it for a larger size.)


    Aw, I KNEW you'd come thru, @Ketzel! ?

    I ask any of you: is this just not the BEST costumed Twit over 5 seasons?

    • Love 5
  13. 43 minutes ago, Ketzel said:



    Also, that costume is hilarious . . .


    Speaking of which: my favorite cheesy Twit costume remains the one with the cheap, tiny cowboy hat & shirt tied around her belly that she wore at the phony folk festival event.

    I looked everywhere I could think of for a photo of that -- maybe with a Life & Style mag article? -- when I posted above about the festival but couldn't find it.

    So, here's a challenge, @Ketzel: can you find that photo? Twit is standing in front of the BGDC in her costume, arms outstretched & a goofy smile on her face.

    • Love 3
  14. 29 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Yep - or like the restaurant where she "belly danced" and pretended it was a paying gig arranged after she took one class in belly dancing. Where the "performance" took place on a Sunday afternoon (when the restaurant was closed?) and the only visible audience consisted of Whitney's family and the film crew. Or like the ballroom dance competition, which was a legit competition, but one which Whitney and Todd were not eligible to compete in (and certainly wouldn't have placed in.) So MBFFL rented the competition set-up and faked their entry, and their second place finish.  Or like the National Museum of Dance, where she claimed to have been invited to receive an award, but the Museum's press releases simply said she would be coming to give a talk and a meet 'n greet, free to the public. No mention of an award. (Local media reported she was coming to give a free performance and class at the School for the Arts, an adjunct nonprofit that is not the same as the National Museum of Dance, and which rents out its studio space. Again, no mention of an award). Although I must admit that a nervous young woman handed her a plastic plaque at some point in the episode. To me, she looked remarkably like one of the production crew.

    Not to mention the speech at ASU which Jeffro, the college's debate coach, revealed here on the forum as a total film crew setup.

    • Love 4
  15. 4 hours ago, Ketzel said:



    Why do I have the feeling that is another attempt by MBFFL to make it seem as if Whitney is some celebrity graciously lending her presence to a cultural center. . .


    I assume you mean like the folk festival that Twit & MBFFL pretended they were invited to perform at. Then the festival organizers made it very, very clear that she had simply been given permission to use the stage before the event actually began.

    • Love 6
  16. Twit's IG page today includes a video of some guy "dancing." (I use the quote marks bc his moves don't appeal to me as real dancing.)

    If Twit is calling attention to a fat, male dancer, you'd think she would post one of Steven Assanti's "fatboygetdown" YouTube videos. Like Twit, he only moves his arms & hips while standing in place.

    If you've never seen Assanti to compare with Twit's moves -- or lack thereof -- I recommend "fatboygetdown chicken dance."

    • Love 3
  17. 1 hour ago, cherenkov said:



    what are they going to fill the other two hours and twenty eight minutes of "BGDC" with?


    I'm guessing it takes a lot of extra time to set up all the various takes it requires to make it appear Twit is able to "dance" continuously. You'll recall TFM's video is the only time we have ever seen Twit go a whole 2 minutes without a break. She barely made it.

    • Love 4
  18. Twit just announced on SM a BGDC tour with Todd to Pittsburgh (6/19), Columbus (6/21) & Chicago (6/24). This is obviously the "big change" in BGDC she mentioned a couple of weeks ago: instead of a fake class solely in Greensboro, she is holding fake classes in the Midwest.

    • Love 6
  19. 6 hours ago, tdanaher said:

    Todd has a social-media account through a service called Strava....What’s interesting to see is that Buddy also has a Strava account. 

    He initially used it to track his miles either walking or biking way back in 2013, then he stopped using it, but he’s reactivated it as of February this year, where we find he has been living in Maryland, and he just moved back to the Greensboro area in May.


    Thanks for the info about Strava, esp. relative to Todd & Buddy.  I'd never heard about it before.

    Buddy's return to Greensboro coincides with the resumption of MBFFL filming. I hope it's just a temporary move. I don't believe he can sustain his sobriety if he spends any amount of time around Twit. His Strava account indicates he is sincere. But it also shows he was sincere several years ago when he started working out with Will & that didn't last long. It has to be exhausting to be a "friend" of someone as needy & demanding as Twit. At least Buddy has escaped her house & is no longer so constantly under her thumb & mood swings. (Poor, dumb Tal.)

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