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Posts posted by Dot

  1. @Ketzel, II think there will also be a Buddy-centered story arc in S-6. He sure is around a lot for someone who lives in either Charleston or Baltimore.

    1 minute ago, SevenCostanza said:

    What about her endless promotion for her cruise?  Think that will feature on the show? 

    No, bc it would be too hard to get releases signed by a boatload of people & it takes place well after filming for MBFFL ends. Every year fans ask her if the cruise will be filmed; Twit always replies, "No."

    • Love 5
  2. 3 hours ago, SenshusWoman said:



    I really hope she chose to be active within the beautiful scenery. . .

    I'm sure she will -- when the PMG camera is rolling. I am convinced she has been told to keep her mouth shut on SM about what's being included in S-6 of MBFFL since she gave away almost all of the story arcs in S-5 on SM a year before they were shown on TLC.

    • Love 3
  3. On 7/26/2018 at 10:13 PM, The Tex Kitten said:

    Could be an old photo from her weave days

    No, this is new. Someone in Discovery's PR Dept sends her Shark Week promotional crap every year.

    On another subject, guessing from the multiplicity of photos on IG today, I think the S-6 vacay is in the Blue Ridge Mtns.

    • Love 1
  4. 5 hours ago, The Tex Kitten said:

    Wasn't a real job. It was one of those TLC set ups. 

    Like her being a 30+ yr old intern at a Charlotte radio station when she had held a identical real radio station job a few yrs earlier.

    Or, for that matter, that she is an owner of a dance class business.

    Aside from "starring" on a reality show on a two-bit TV channel & being a "celebrity" fat lady, her job history the past 5 years is pretty sketchy. She doesn't seem to be getting speaking gigs any more, so emoyment as a fat activist hasn't really worked out. Her clothing & tchotchkes business has apparently gone out of biz. And her ownership of an exercise enterprise isn't even real. So, if she can't parlay her MBFFL visability into something profitable, how is she going to do it without MBFFL? Lord knows, with her personality, she'll never be able to work for someone else.Yet she shows no signs of being able to be successful as her own boss.

    And, yes, @Irate Panda, Twit is now listed as a producer of MBBFL. I only noticed it in S-5, but don't actually know if it started earlier.

    • Love 8
  5. 2 hours ago, Irate Panda said:



    Granted, I don’t know a lot about her past but has she ever held a real job besides this show (if you want to deem it a real job).  I know they said she was a producer but for how long and weight wise/health wise was she a lot better?


    Twit acknowledges having had 2 jobs after college. She taught English for almost 4 years in So.Korea. She returned home to Greensboro, moved in with the parents & at some point thereafter took a job as "Producer Whitney" at a local radio show hosted by Heather's then-husband. As a lark the radio show sponsored Twit's "fat girl dancing" YouTube video, it went viral & TLC came a'callin'.

    In a recent IG Q&A, Twit described the radio job as minimum wage & hated by her. So she doesn't have much of a job history to fall back on when MBFFL ends. She has said, variously, she would like to teach (and claims to have been trained in the Montessori Method), to live in the Smokey Mtns, to continue to write (now calling her "memoir" her "first book.") She was asked in an MBFFL FB Q&A where she sees herself in 5 years & she had no real answer to that. I can believe that she may think Babs & Glenn will be leaving her & Hunter a nice piece of change when they go. But, then, I am a very crass person.

    • Love 6
  6. Ah, it's that time of year when Twit goes full-throttle on her pitch to sign up dopes fans for her latest cruise. This always opens up pleas from several for her to hold a contest & give away 2-3 freebie cruise packages.

    So, we once again see that some fans think Twit is not only beautiful & inspiring, but also generous & charitable. This, even tho she was so cheap that she asked her fans to pay for her cousin's FL vacay. 'Tis a mystery.

    • Love 11
  7. 1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

    Not to mention the story about the police showing up in the middle of the night because someone threatened to knife her. I think Whitney would be absolutely incapable of keeping events like these a secret. She would never pass up an opportunity to dramatize her victimhood, and the risks she runs for the sake of her No BS mission.  Just think of all the noise she made when some mean alleged doctor allegedly sent her an insulting letter!

    Count me as doubtful that any of these events ever happened - at least, not as she is presently describing them.

    ITA. No way would Twit not have gone on & on about these supposed incidents on SM if they had actually happened.

    • Love 9
  8. 57 minutes ago, KSH said:

    So did she and the Boo have a sexual relationship or not? I’m watching season one and she certainly implies they did.

    Twit claimed they crossed the "fleshhold," as she so adorably put it; however, Buddy has indicated they never were intimate. Many of us believe this probably means she assaulted him when he was drunk, so he doesn't remember the encounter. (Or pretends he doesn't.) He certainly has shown no interest in Twit on camera.

    • Love 7
  9. Buddy sure has been spending a lot of time with Twit lately. The road trip (which makes no sense since he's not in BGDC, so I suspect he's the designated RV driver). His presence at Twit's vandalism unveiling. Today, running errands with Twit. A recovering addict is taking a big risk hanging out with someone as emotionally unstable as she is.

    And where is Heather? I cannot recall one photo or mention of her since filming for the new season began. It's all Buddy, Buddy, Buddy.

    Twit noted in her IG Q&A she hasn't had a date since Feb 2017 after her Ari affair exploded. Is she after Boo Bear again?

    • Love 3
  10. Having learned from @tdanaher how to see IG videos, I tapped Twit's pic to watch the "vandalism" reveal video again. It was gone -- I guess these videos only last 24 hrs -- replaced by a really peculiar Q&A. Within it, Twit claimed that plantar fasciitis was still very painful for her. So, she is still pretending that a problem with her feet has nothing to do with the fact that those tiny feet are carrying some 400 #s around 24/7.

    She also said she was diagnosed with depression at age 18 & anxiety more recently. Gee, Megyn Kelly: wanna rethink your comment about how "joyful" Twit is?

    She promised to continue these Q&A videos.I recommend them to all of you who want to see Twit at her most peculiar.

    • Love 5
  11. In my salad days -- and in the heat of what is now known as 2nd wave feminism -- pals of mine used to go forth in the wee hours & spray paint objectionable ads. (I never went, not becuz of virtuousness but the hour.)

    The first time out, as they readied their spray cans, one of the group pulled out a paint can  & brush. The rest of the women thought, "What the fuck is wrong with her?"

    As it turned out, however, she was able to paint faster & neater than those with spray cans.

    The moral of this story is that I think the paint was applied by the film crew, with Twit's full knowledge & collusion, with a brush. It's simply too carefully applied to have been a spray paint job. 

    • Love 11
  12. It looks like we now have an explanation for Buddy's being on the tour. He wasn't dancing; he was driving the RV as they explored middle America.

    1 hour ago, tdanaher said:

    On Instagram, if you click on her face in the circle, you get her video stories. Otherwise, you just get the regular posts in that area below her profile text.



    Thanks for this info. I'm not very conversant in SM & never knew this.

    • Love 1
  13. 2 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

    OK - this not cool. However, with her personality? I'm wondering if it was someone who was familiar with what a miserable bitch she is instead of simply targeting an obese person's picture. I mean, I definitely would've used the b-word driving by if I'd seen the RV!

    ETA: apparently this happened while the RV was sitting in her driveway, so probably a 'fan' or maybe a neighbor who's had it up to here with her shit.

    Actually, she wrote that she parked it IN FRONT of her house which is illegal in most cities. Even if she parked it in the driveway, if it wasn't out of sight, it was probably illegal unless Greensboro is more forgiving of RVs than most cities.

    • Love 5
  14. Twit has been manipulating SM for 5 years to keep fans loving her so that her show is renewed annually & she's unhappy that they show up on her doorstep? She films in her hometown at her home & her parents' &  thinks she deserves privacy? Puh-leeeze. She's getting just what she invited: an unhealthy relationship with random people, some of whom statistically are bound to be unstable or unpleasant. You wanna film in your own home & not be bothered by the very people you yourself cultivated? Then go live in a gated community.

    I agree that this may well have been done by Twit & PMG to further a story arc. But it's also possibly a neighbor who is not happy about an RV parked on the street, esp. one featuring a giant billboard ad. In fact, in most communities that is illegal. I'm surprised Twit didn't get ticketed by the cops. (But she'd probably never admit that.)

    • Love 7
  15. Another vacay suggestion:

    The Gang travels to Salem, MA & visits the House of 7 Gables. Fat activist Twit demands her right to ascend the secret staircase & becomes wedged halfway up. After much discussion it is decided to feed her a liquid diet for 6 months until she slims down enuf to emerge from the staircase. After requests from a majority of the residents, the Salem Town Council passes a resolution banning Twit from the town henchforth.

    • Love 6
  16. 6 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    Seems obvious to me that she's not working out at the gym . . . so filming must have ended for next season.  No pay, no sweat.  No gym, no instagram.

    SUCH a fabulous life????

    Twit gave away all the story lines for S-5 on her SM pages a year before, so I think she's been instructed not to do that for S-6, hence the silence.

    Some fan asked her what's in store for S-6 & she made a vague comment that included the possibility of another vacation. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's going on now.

    On another site, I suggested The Gang could vacation at a dude ranch where Twit could injure several horses by riding them & sexually assault cowboys. Any other suggestions?

    • Love 10
  17. 4 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    Looks like she deleted that q. I didn't see it.

    It's there -- in the top position currently. Maybe you were looking at the MBFFL FB page before I posted it.

    So far, none of my monthly Qs have been deleted, presumably bc the page is not owned by Twit herself. But they are never selected to be answered, of course.

    • Love 3
  18. 1 hour ago, Haleybug said:

    And today someone asked if she is still converting to Judaism!  Yassss...I hope she has some crazy hair-brained excuse considering we all know she was only doing it for a guy she barely knew.  

    I "Ask Whitney" a question each month. My Q this month is: have you ever realized your gay appropriation antics are really annoying to the gay community?

    • Love 10
  19. 15 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    Did everyone see My Big Fat Summer, listed on the TLC schedule tonight, 6/27?
    Not much detail on my cable guide, but here's what's on TLC's Facebook page.

    "Welcome to plus size paradise! ? Watch as a group of vacationers work together to find confidence and transform their lives tonight at 10/9c on #MyBigFatSummer!"
    They include a video clip too.

    Interesting. Sounds like TLC stole Twit's cruise idea. (Or maybe it filmed her 2017 cruise secretly.)

    • Love 1
  20. 4 hours ago, spankydoll said:

    She really focuses on her social media and I don't know why. She's had a show for years and hasn't scored any major endorsement deals. 

    I'll grudgingly give her credit: she is a master of SM & has worked it to keep her on TV for 5, going on 6, seasons. Not a bad return for someone with absolutely no talents or skills.

    One of the Qs this month in her MBFFL column asked, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" She had no answer, except something about cats & friends. As @Ketzel pointed out above, she has failed at everything but her MBFFL show, primarily, I believe, bc she is too lazy to work at anything for too long.

    Posting a photo or video on FB or IG every few days is not a lot of work. And it keeps her fans happily believing she loves them -- and they give her plenty of love back. But no TV show goes on forever. Those SM fans aren't gonna hang around long after the show is cancelled. Unless Babs & Glenn are richer than I believe & Twit is counting on a huge inheritance to keep her in pizza & Cheetos the rest of her life, she's got a rude awakening a'comin'.

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