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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 2 hours ago, Maggienolia said:

    It may well be photoshop or similar app - or it could just be angle and lighting. This was an interesting article on the topic and the difference in how she looks in the pictures is pretty amazing. https://www.bustle.com/articles/147097-27-photos-of-my-fat-face-that-prove-camera-angle-is-everything-photos 

    This is a really interesting article; thanks for sharing it. I have 2 thoughts about it:

    (1) Why didn't the woman take the comparison photos at the same time to prove her point? (From hair & similar, it's obvious the photos are not taken together.)

    (2) Even if Twit & her photog used lighting, angles, etc., to distort her photos, it doesn't change the fact that she is so unhappy with her full, fat face that she feels compelled to use artifce to change it. (Frankly, I still suspect some kind of photoshopping was going on.)

    • Love 4
  2. 58 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    More from crossfit world: it's an all-rubber ball in varying weights  (1 to 100 Kilograms, which is about 11 to 220 pounds) and because it's all rubber, it's basically dead weight when you lift it. Hence D-Ball.

    Thanks for the info, @Ketzel.

    It occurs to me that Cross Fit includes lots & lots of toys.

    • Love 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Snafu said:

    Looks like twit has sunk to an all time low, pasting a grossly retouched photo of her head on a male body.  Check out the Adams apple.

    Surely not. I, too, noticed the peculiar creases where an Adam's apple would be, but I think it was just a glitch in her facial-sculpting software that caused it. You don't see it in the other 2 photos in this "glam" set that she has posted so far.

    • Love 5
  4. 'I wonder how many more of those photoshoped, so-called glam shots from April 25 she still has -- this is #3 by my count.

    She always refers to filming MBFFL as her "work." Which I suppose it is since that's all she does. That being the case, wouldn't it be more honest if we saw a film crew following her around all day long?

    I love the several fans who asked, "Where do you work?"

    • Love 9
  5. 1 hour ago, SevenCostanza said:

    Latest gym video.   I'm just curious why she only lifts weights, doesn't she even dance anymore?

    Good point. Of course, she never really "danced" & she doesn't really have a dance class. Once in a while a fan who hasn't caught on yet comments that she's moving to Greensboro soon & looking forward to joining BGDC.

    Other than Twit & Tal playing house as wifey & hubby, she hasn't given away much about what S-6 will include. Of course, it's early yet in the filming. I am thinking we may see yet another dance battle & yet another 5K since she never completed either.

    • Love 4
  6. Twit is forcing Garrett, one of the production crew, to cuddle her on IG today. I hope PMG has its sexual harrassment insurance policy paid up to date.

    ETA: I've noticed a pattern in fan comments since Twit made her big production of going back to the gym. About half tell her how great she looks now that she's losing wgt. The other half points out that she has said she is not trying to lose wgt & people should quit ignoring that & realize she is beautiful at all her sizes.

    I wonder what happened to the NoBodyShame store that was supposed to reopen in late Jan with all new items?

    • Love 6
  7. Twit has had a couple of gym videos & a live video since she posted those photos of her slim face on Apr 25. The videos show her actual full face & double chins. I thumbed thru a few fan comments. No one that I saw commented on the obvious fiction. How is that possible?

    • Love 5
  8. @Deena52, you commented that Twit seems to take the stance that " 'if you even mention dieting or weight loss around me, you are fat-shaming me' stuff that I became really perplexed. And I wondered it this was just something she had come up with or if she was being influenced or pushed by TLC to do this. So I decided to go and do some investigating about the fat acceptance/body positivity movement..."
    I have seen comments here in this forum that Twit has been denounced by HAES & perhaps other body-positivity groups, but I have never been able to find evidence of that. Has your research turned up any written statement from HAES, et al, about what a phony & disaster Twit is for body-positivity? If so, would you provide a link to that statement?

    • Love 5
  9. Quote

    And as a precautionary measure, make sure you're drinking enough water to prevent phantom hunger pangs, says Horstmann. Aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces each day. For example, a 140-pound woman should aim for a minimum of 70 ounces of water. 


    Drinking calorie free beverages like black coffee, unsweetened tea, and water can help you feel less hungry less often, but the idea that it is necessary to drink "half your body weight in ounces each day" doesn't come from any sort of science and it isn't necessary to drink that much water in addition to other beverages like coffee or teabecause you're actually getting water from those things as well.

    If I drank that much water, I'd be drinking more than 16 8-oz glasses daily, a physical impossibility. In fact, I recall a radio shock jocks' stunt that went horribly wrong when they challenged listeners to drink water to win a TV or something. A woman died & was determined to have essentially drowned herself from drinking too much water.

    And my doc does not allow me to count either tea or coffee in my daily water count, saying they have the opposite effect of hydration. So I have basically quit drinking tea. (I gave up coffee many years ago.)

    I manage to drink 16 oz of water at lunch & at supper & 8 oz of skim milk at breakfast. That supposedly leaves me 3 8-oz glasses short daily. I hope most of that gets made up with fruits & vegetables bc I just can't manage more.

  10. 20 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Soooooo..... did she answer? Or delete your question? 

    Oh, my Qs never get chosen for that great therapist, Dr. W. Way Thore, to answer. But since it's the MBFFL FB page, not Twit's, I don't think they get deleted either.

    That page is where all we trolls can make honest comments about what a hypocrite Twit is. None of those comments, however, become an item in her advice column.

    She used to give "relationship" advice, but I don't see much of that any more. I guess someone pointed out how ludicrous that is to whoever runs the MBFFL FB page. That would be like me, a lesbian, giving advice to young women on How to Keep Your Man Happy in Bed.

    • Love 14
  11. 1 hour ago, AZChristian said:


    Yep, we did the zipline in Haiti.  Beyond AWESOME!!!!  There is a 250 (or 275) pound weight limit, although if Twit lies and gets on it and the cable snaps, she'll land in the water.  And drown people on the beach from the resulting tidal wave.

    ETA:  The looks on our faces tells you why I will NEVER allow myself to get to a weight where I can't do ziplines.  Sheer joy!  More wonderful than ice cream, pizza, Starbucks drinks . . . anything edible!!!!

    Very cool! ?

    • Love 3
  12. 1 hour ago, AZChristian said:



    Great cruise on the Allure of the Seas to Haiti, Jamaica, and Cozumel. 


    That's the same itinerary Twit is advertising for her Nov cruise. I think you mentioned you would be zip-lining -- did you? And what's the wgt limit? (If less than 400 #s, I declare fat-shaming.)

    • Love 1
  13. 1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

    Okay guys... I just got off of a cruise ship so I've been away from the internet for a week. I have been having lunch at the Fort Lauderdale Airport reading this thread and laughing my head off. I have missed you so much!

    Did you wear a sports bra & long skirt with huge flowers patterned on it for the last dance? I understand it's all the rage on cruises. (That, and weighing 400 #s.)

    • Love 11
  14. 24 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

    She has an extra forehead in that photo too.

    Actually, I think she's balding in front. There's a photo from a couple of weeks ago where she's commenting about not wearing extensions where she appears to be really bald. I don't know how extensions work: would they hide frontal baldness or was I just seeing a shadow in that aforementioned photo?

    • Love 3
  15. 2 hours ago, amacmom said:

    I'm a graphic designer and sometimes use a program called Portrait Pro to quickly retouch faces (but dial way back on the default contouring/corrections). Here's a before and after from an internet pic not taken from way above. Took less than 30 seconds to process, but couldn't do the "neck sculpt" function because it couldn't find her neck. They now have a body editing version. Don't believe anything you see on the interwebs....


    Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 4.11.51 PM.png

    Fascinating. Thanks, @amacmom. That explains how the small mole on her neck remained in the doctored photo Twit posted since I think it would have disappeared with PhotoShop.

    Can you do anything with her two rodent front teeth?

    BTW, I had a good laugh over your software being unable to find her neck! ?

    ETA: I like to go to the "Ask Whitney" column on the MBFFL FB page to ask a question each month. This is the one I posted for this month: "What facial-sculpting software did you use to 'photoshop' the 2 selfies you posted Apr 25 on FB?"

    • Love 19
  16. 3 hours ago, Pachengala said:

    I had to go check this out; oh my god what a disproportionately hostile response! Even for her! The number one reason I have always disliked Whitney is because of how awful she is to fans and detractors alike, but she appears to be upping her game and even some fans are starting to notice. 

    I think this goes along with the smugness I noticed several months ago which made me pretty sure MBFFL had been renewed. She was a lot nicer on her SM pages at the same time last year when there seemed to be a possibility that TLC would not renew. Since she knows there will be a S-6, she can let her true, ugly, histrionic self shine thru.

    "So beautiful and such an inspiration," my ass.

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