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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 48 minutes ago, connieinnc said:

    It is part of the UNC system, and is highly respected. It is ~20 miles form Greensboro, in Winston-Salem NC. I took a quick look at the site and listed as notable alums are: Jada Pinkett Smith, Judge Reinhold, Mary Louise Parker, and Missi Pyle - just a few of the names I recognized right away. I won't speak to Tal's talent, but it is reputable. Remember there is a lot of filming done in NC (or at least there used to be a few years back).

    This appears to be a college, not the h.s. Twit & gang attended. Or am I confused?

    ETA: Nope, not confused. I checked & it is a college, but one which also has a h.s. component. I don't think this is the h.s. that Twit endlessly talks about. Also, she was a sr. when Tal a soph, so that explains how he transferred to the college as a jr. in h.s., yet knew Twit who had already graduated.

  2. I was curious as to who Spence Spence ( guy who posted the Twit Sex Kitten photo) is, so I went to his FB page.

    He states he is the owner of Thicker the Better Ent. & he promotes full figure fashion shows in NYC & VA. His FB page is filled with photos of BBWs, mostly in provocative poses. Twit's photo is there, one among many.

    Twit is such an inspiration to her fans. How do they ignore her soft porn inclinations? That is one of her characteristics I find so disturbing: she lacks any sensibility about what is appropriate & what is not. It's all an aspect of her desperate need to be senshus, but really. . . Are there no limits?

    • Love 9
  3. 45 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Oh. I don't remember ever seeing it before. And I have no clue who or what Fitty whatever is.

    If you want to see the videos, search YouTube for: Fitty Smallz Whitney Thore. You can choose either "Gluteus Maximus" or "Muffin Top." Or, if you're a glutton for punishment, watch both.

    • Love 2
  4. I have been fascinated that a relatvely small town in NC has a performing arts h.s. It just seems so implausible. I guess Twit & gang have succeeded beyond their -- and the school's -- wildest dreams. A cable TV show on one of the world's cheesiest cable channels.

    BTW, the only time I've heard Tal sing was in one of his IG posts. His voice was terrible; his guitar playing, worse.

    • Love 3
  5. 14 hours ago, Ketzel said:


    And now she's added a "provocative" picture of her kissing a guy. It, of course, turns out to be from 2009, and when she coyly asks if anyone can ID him, there is an immediate (and apparently correct) chorus of "It's Todd" in response.

    Kinda pathetic that Twit has to keep digging out 10 or so year old photos to remind her fans how senshus she is. Especially when it's a photo of her kissing a GAY guy.

    • Love 8
  6. 25 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    Translation (I speak fluent Twitnamese):  "When I go to Starbucks just for myself, I am unable to get out of my car and walk inside for my calorie-laden drink and massive cookies, so I use the drive-through.  But when I had a fake job as an intern at a radio station, I totally perfectly waddled walked all the way across the street to get coffee for the people who pretended I worked for them."

    You're welcome.

    Twitnamese? Whitipotomus? I'm sore from laughing.You folks are on a tear this week. ?

    • Love 5
  7. Twit's visit to the gym today led her to muse, saying: "I've spent a lot of time feeling guilty that I think I'm unable to do much of anything JUST for myself. It makes me a great employee -- if I'm working for someone else, I'm a total perfectionist.""

    How lacking in self-awareness is this woman any how? She does nothing for herself? Good grief, everything she does is in service to herself. Furthermore, all her friends are expected to bend to her desires or they are no longer friends. (Mattie? And where's Donna now?) Doesn't Twit watch her own show where both her parents have frequently commented on her neediness?

    • Love 10
  8. 2 hours ago, alabetser said:

    Wouldn't there still be an issue getting out of the car? You'd have to host yourself up once either way. 

    I don't see why: wouldn't she just swing her left leg out, swivel on her butt & put the right leg out? 

    Even so, a step down from a sedan to get out of a sedan is much easier than a climb up to get into an SUV.

  9. 1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

    She *can't* weigh herself. At home scales mostly have a max of 300# (although there's a more expensive brand that goes up to 400#). And I have no idea how much the weight limit on a normal doctor's scale is. It used to be 350. 

    Most hospitals & clinics have one of those digital scales that seem to weigh up to infinity. (Ref: the scale seen in M600#L.) I doubt Twit has a GP that she sees on a regular basis bc s/he would tell Twit to lose 200 #s. But even the doc-in-a-box she consults in "emergengies" would probably have a digital scale.

    • Love 1
  10. Will Powell wrote this in his Fitness Zone blog:

    "It’s a fact: you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Nutrition is a critical component to seeing results in any exercise regimen. Whether you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle, there is a balance of caloric needs you must meet in order to make those results a reality. Eating at ideal times can make or break the results from a workout. Likewise, skipping meals or eating an unbalanced diet can sabotage your progress."

    How does he justify his work with Twit if he believes that?

    • Love 3
  11. 29 minutes ago, Ray Adverb said:

    But a small car presents other challenges for really big people.  It seems like it would be difficult to squeeze in to a seat that size.  I always kind of have to fold myself into the driver's seat.

    That model of Kia is advertised as an SUV, so it is probably roomier than a standard sedan. The advantage for Twit is that she climbs in stepping down as you do to get into a sedan rather than having to climb up into a regulation SUV.

    ETA: WTF does Twit mean by gaining "authentic relationships" thru her current exercise routine? The only relationships she has are with those who birthed her or those she met in h.s. Or is she speaking of Will Powell & his daughter whose relationship with her depends on whether or not she can come up with their fee for each session.

    • Love 3
  12. 53 minutes ago, Brooks said:

    Dot, thanks for the handicapped parking context. 

    There may be places where she can only get out of the car if it is a wider than normal parking spot, such as may be the case for a handicapped space.  The people who lined those tiny spaces are all hating fat shamers!  I never understood that before.  Whitney is obviously entitled!

    It's these monster trucks & SUVs that are the problem, IMO. And, remember, Twit owned one for about 2 years. Then she was next seen in a white Kia. I am quite sure that's bc she had a great deal of difficulty climbing into her monster SUV. It would also have been difficult to open the door, in tight parking spaces, far enuf to get in or out.  (I speak from personal experience.)

    • Love 2
  13. 21 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    She should at least have continued with the swimming, its a decent workout and does not strain the joints of Whitopotimus 


    WHITOPOTIMUS! I LOVE THAT! ? Best Whitticism since "Sweatney," @Mahamid Frauded Me.

    I am always fascinated with those teeny, tiny feet in photos of her swimming pool split. Imagine trying to haul around 400 #s on those. Like everyone else, I doubt her self-diagnosis of plantar fasciitis; she shows no symptoms of same. But I don't doubt how much pain her feet are causing her. She just doesn't admit to her fans -- and possibly herself -- that its HER WEIGHT causing most of her physical problems.

    Regarding her parking in a handicapped space at Dahlia's: there was no evidence of either a DP plate or placard that could be seen in what was shown on MBFFL.

    • Love 3
  14. 2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:



    I totally understand why Whitney is drawn to CrossFit. It is a workout plan designed on the philosophy that going hard for a very short amount of time is preferable to endurance work.


    And, apparently, use as many toys as you can within your workout. I've never seen so much stuff lying around as I see at the "Fatness Zone." (Thank you for that, @Mahamid Frauded Me.)

    • Love 5
  15. 1 hour ago, Maggienolia said:


    I wonder if you'd still have to pay if the celeb refuses to make the video... hmmm.... 

    Here are the paymeny terms:

    "You will submit a request for a Cameo Video to a Talent User.  The Talent User has 48 hours to accept or decline your request.  Once your request is accepted, your payment account will be charged and there will be no returns or refunds issued."

    • Love 2
  16. Twit has an IG profile story today: she is in bed with her cat & Buddy is at her door saying, "I want to take a shower. I want to take a sensual shower." Twit giggles & the story ends.

    What is her purpose in videotaping this? Is it ambiguity for those fans who continue to insist she & Boo Bear are soulmates who should be together? Is she insinuating that Buddy slept with her?

    And why is recovering addict Buddy still hanging around Greensboro? Isn't MBFFL filming finished?

    BTW, to those of you don't use IG: profile stories can't be shared -- I guess because they are intentionally ephemeral.

    • Love 3
  17. 3 hours ago, connieinnc said:

    We have gotten very light rain and minimal winds (like 10-20 mph) in the Triad (Greensboro area). There is no need here to stay home, thank goodness.

    Thanks for that info. I had tried to find out what the weather was like in Greensboro before I wrote my post & couldn't figure it out even from the local paper. At least this is one time whenTwit didn't have to decide between her own desires & what is good for others.

    Glad to hear you're safe, @connieinnc. I hope you'll comment more often about Whit-within-Triad. This forum needs a mole in Greensboro!

    2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    Everyone her age has a job.  That's why the gym never looks to be busy . . . she must go in the daytime, and the only companions available are retired or unemployed.

    Except when she goes to the gym with Glenn it's on Saturdays.

  18. Watching all the Florence hurricane info on TV, I can't help wondering why Twit & Glenn were out & about on Greensboro streets -- going to the gym, probably to Starbucks after, etc. Every time I see something on TV about Florence, they are asking people to stay in their homes & not clog the streets that rescue teams need to get thru on. Or worst: get caught in a flash flood & need rescue yourself.

    Twit has a dance studio where she could work out until the storm has passed. Instead, she leaves her house & travels to the gym. Maybe they've called an "all clear" in Greensboro. Or, maybe more likely, she's being her narcissistic, inconsiderate to others self.

    • Love 1
  19. 3 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Do leggings come in Whitney’s size? The leggings she has on are stretched so thin they are practically see-through and form fit way up the crack in her ass.  She might as well be naked. Clearly they are way too small. Do they come big enough for her or does she just prefer her pants super tight? 


    If you google "fat girl yoga pants," you'll be amazed at all the options. Even Kate Hudson's brand now includes plus-size yoga pants & leggings.

    But they ALL speak of the various ways the brands are comfortable WHILE EXERCISING AT THE GYM. Twit's wearing of Spandex leggings everywhere is what is so appalling to me.

    The woman who does the yoga exercises on the cruises has a leggings fashion line, but I can't recall its name. Twit proclaimed in Jan. that she would be including leggings in her new clothing line -- then the on-line store just disappeared without a word.

    I have been dying for the MBFFL FB page to get on with the next Q&A with Twit, which is way overdue. Then, when they wipe out all the old Qs, I can add my next one, meant to annoy:

    Do you ascribe the failure of your on-line store to your inept, indifferent management or to the frumpiness of your clothing line? Or both?

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