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Everything posted by dirtydi

  1. http://tvline.com/2016/03/20/the-walking-dead-denise-dies-merritt-wever-interview-season-6/ I think Merrit W. is very shy. I have never really seen her give many interviews for Nurse Jackie either and she didn't say much when she got an Emmy. Also in an interview she said she only signed on for a year and seemed cool about going.
  2. I will be the dissenter, I thought JB was hilarious. Didn't really answer questions, well he kinda did, but with a comedy set. Hardwick was so thrown off, but Marquand seemed to go with it. I felt bad for Alanna with her voice, but she was more subdued than usual. She seemed calm next to Smoove.
  3. I was bored by this episode, until the end. Just no to Nick and Adalind. I rolled my eyes so much, I still have a headache.
  4. Enjoyed the Taxi cast talk the most. The cast of Mike and Molly seemed genuine too.
  5. Well, the ratings are staying low so maybe the writers will get that whiteout ready.
  6. I can't help it, I want Adalind and Meisner together. No to Nick and Adalind, I looked away from their special moment. Eve/Juliette, eh whatever, although I liked the end scene.
  7. I am just happy Wick got his happy ending and Tip was the hero. Everyone else, I could care less about. I liked Billy better with the girl he kissed last week. Delroy Lindo and Scott Michael Foster deserve better.
  8. I thought Wick was a better character than Billy, but they always promoted CC and his character more, before the show came out.
  9. I loved Jason Alexander and Tovah! I don't like Kirkman, but he didn't bother me as much as he usually does. Plus I loved Tovah giving him lip.
  10. Bindi deserved to win (she rarely made a misstep), but I have to say she is one of my least favorite winners. I didn't rewind one of her dances or save any on YouTube, to watch days later. And I don't know why.
  11. Just skimmed Leah Remini's book. Wow! She said that Tony was a great support to her and that he was followed by those cultists. Also he and Cheryl were defriended by Kirstie Alley for becoming friends with her. Maks was shunned too.
  12. I never had an opinion of Leah R, but I like her now and will read her book. All of these Tom Cruise stories make me feel validated for never liking him, since I was young. When Top Gun came out, I liked all the guys, except him. He always game across as smarmy to me.
  13. I really liked Andy, knew he was going home (like someone else said) just by the judge's comments. Alek and Tamar have to go next. I see no joy or improvement in them anymore. I hated that they has the Samba in there for the dance off. I think it should be what all of the dancers have had. Who did Samba already, this year?
  14. Wow Louis is not an Alek fan. I liked him as a guest.
  15. I thought Alexa was the best! And I'm not even a fan. Alek has to go home. He was so out of sync in the team dance (which blew) and that attitude of his (also blew). I haven't seen effort by him in the last few weeks.
  16. When he mentioned Charlie, I moaned. I actually stopped watching Lost after they killed Charlie off. I don't know if I have a "stop watching" character for TWD. I actually was touched when I saw the audience footage of that big guy's eyes welling up with tears.
  17. If I recall correctly, Louis choreographed that. Still one of my fave DWTS pro performances.
  18. I didn't know Tamar from before this show, but from what has been presented, I am not a fan. I could see her as a surprise boot.
  19. I actually liked Sam, never liked Brooke (even in her season), so I was happy to see Erin. But now I am meh on her. The revolving guest hosts sounds good. Tom could probably do it alone, but he can't be two places at once.
  20. I feel I feel this was directed at me. Why the attitude? I stated what I thought. It is quite possible she knew she was pregnant 2 months ago. She is four months now. I had a hunch, I even said it to a friend (we were SYTYCD fans). I have a second sense about this in real life. (And no I don't go up to the woman and ask if she is pregnant.) Now, I can't guess the sex of the baby, I leave that to my friend Roxie, who is able to call that one, most of the time.  
  21. I had a feeling Alison was pregnant. I saw her in a pic a few months back and said she is pregnant, but when I saw her throwing herself around when dancing I was thrown off by that. I don't want Carlos to go home, but his wife is a bore. And I thougt Alek was just not into it, tonight. I also noticed that camera would pan away from Sharna's sexy moves in close up.
  22. I liked the show, will continue. I liked Emma Roberts in the role, mainly because I have a feeling that she is a playing a magnified version of herself. I think Pete is the tub baby. Favorite lines" Why do you have a knife in your throat? and I'm gonna slap you so hard your tampon is gonna fall out. Plus Chad was a hilarious douchebag.
  23. There was good dancing (Nick, Bindi, Tamar, and Alek), passable (Andy, Chaka, the married couple, Hayes), and the others were so bad, I fast forwarded because of second hand embarrassment.
  24. I cried at Master Chief's reunion with his in-laws and the toast to the fallen. They had me me at Chung and Cosetti. I even remember Smith. I am torn with Rachel, Tex, and Chandler, all rootable characters. I liked that cliffhanger, not expected.
  25. I am kinda bored with this season. I still root for Jakes and Johnny, but everyone and everything is so scattered. Edited because I put an actor's name and not a character.
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