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Everything posted by dirtydi

  1. I thought he didn't do the mass murdering after all. He wasn't really the witness.
  2. Rewatched. I liked it better now than when I originally saw it in the theatre.
  3. I loved episode 5, I laughed out loud a few times. My favorite out of the 7, so far. Number 7 made me anxious for the rest. Wondering what Deacon's destiny is, just like him.
  4. On afterbuzztv, one of the producers (Vaun) said the kidnapping of Mike was Michael's dream.
  5. When I saw they did not know who she was, it perturbed me.
  6. I won't watch the kids version. I stopped watching SYTYCD after they pulled that crap.
  7. I liked this episode better than the last. The team was on point, no mistakes. The villain was formidable. I thought it was faster paced. That shot off hand was gross. I wasn't expecting that close-up of the hand being blown off, on this show. Yay for that proposal. I was smiling the entire time. They both looked beautiful in that scene too.
  8. I am ready to roll too. Saw the first season 3 episodes listed on my dvr queue. Won't be able to watch all of the episodes of the season, but I intend to get the first four watched.
  9. I hated season 3 and I liked season 4 more than most people. Nothing matches season 1 though.
  10. Yup. I guess you can blame them all. Sam being too frantic to think straight, Eric not detecting the video footage was tampered with, Hetty, who knows everything, not figuring out the proximity trick (right under your nose), Nell for not analyzing all outcomes, Callen who was too worried about Sam to figure it out, and Kensi and Deeks for not being suspicious sooner (and no Deeks didn't poo poo the guard's 3 phones he said, yeah, me [I noticed] too). But really you should blame the bad guys or get meta and blame the writers. As for it affecting people. It should affect Kensi and Deeks. And Sam, and Callen, and..... They are a team and a family, they loved Michelle, spent holidays with her. It also may make them think about their lives, taking it and others for granted. That's human nature.
  11. I love the humor. But a serious episode dramatic episode like this is welcome once in a while.
  12. Not surprised they killed her off. I always had a feeling they would, even way back when they first let us meet her.
  13. Yeah, I think that random lady didn't know what she was talking about. No way she was showing.
  14. I don't think that was supposed to be Sofia (never cared for her)or Linc at the barbecue, just randoms. I assume Michael and Sara had friends before all the prison break crap went down. I think she wanted to tell Michael she was showing, not that she was pregnant. Yes poor Sid. I can't re-watch him getting killed, just like I can't watch the scene of Tweener getting killed.
  15. Plus I got the impression that the female killer was new to Poseidon because the male one said she would get used to his game. (Sorry can't remember their names at the moment.)
  16. Their first time is off screen. You see before (kissing upright in bed) and they hint at after (Michael putting on his shirt, Sara with no pants LOL). I assume their first time created Mike Jr.
  17. Question is: Why has Whip helped Michael all these years? What is Poseidon holding over him?
  18. Kellerman is not dead. I love his snarky ass. He and T-Bag were funny. I am in love Lincoln this season. He got on my last nerve in season 4. Whip's reactions are priceless. The dude is a loose cannon. This was my favorite episode (as a whole), this season, so far.
  19. Pictures aside, the package of the dance was telling. I said to myself that Heather looked perturbed and stone faced with Maks and his "Call me Mary" quip. I really think last week did her in. I didn't vote for her and I had the previous weeks.
  20. As to Linc's money, I assume he kept the money from the goons, in the first episode. Ness is so the villain. Kellerman is the red herring. I also wonder how Whip, is his ace in the hole. Perhaps he can confirm Poseiden's identity. Is Whip (the actor) using a New York accent? I know the actor, Augustus P, is British in real life. I also gathered that the hit lady does not know who Poseidon is, but her male partner does.
  21. I think Heather is on the show to get back on the entertainment radar. I don't think she will be majorly upset when she doesn't win.
  22. Me too, well, except for the high school thing.
  23. I wonder who the pizza man was? Tbag? Don't trust Ness. He was trying to vilify Michael and when he mentioned the government men visiting him (in the past), I became even more suspicious.
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