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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Tim is the current favorite. I don't see him staying away much unless he's replaced as Mama's golden child. Timmy barely managed a year at Moody, and that was with at least one visit from Mama.
  2. Let's hope the prodigal son learns how to write properly, and then he can teach his idiot mother. Tim is an arrogant, know-nothing fool just like his mother. The prodigal still reminds me of Kiefer Sutherland in Lost Boys, and like Kiefer Sutherland in just about every role I've seen him in, the prodigal gives me the creeps.
  3. That's nauseating. Daniel P seems like a total asshole.
  4. In the Zillion Duggars on the Road special, Jana was shown on the bus using a Motorola Razr phone. That was the elite (read $$$) phone at the time. I suspect that was product placement, too.
  5. County On. People, you embarrass yourself. The dumbing down of America!
  6. Well, what the anal rapist likes doesn't make babies. Their abhorrent beliefs aside, I hope Tabitha is okay and that he does not hurt her. I still can't believe a fundie family basically sold their daughter to someone with his record.
  7. He probably couldn't figure out how. ewwwwww Damn you, N, I can never look at a muffin of ANY type ever again. You've spoiled blueberry muffins for me for life!
  8. It's not the quantity, it's the quality...ew.
  9. It wasn't only Ofsmuggar who had that plan. The media did too -- "first Grandduggar," "first grandson," and playing up the leave-it-up-to-god angle. The media kind of gave it up even before the scandals. Maybe they realized Smuggar isn't visually appealing and was way over having kid after kid (seriously, Mackynzie and Michael are the only kids Smuggar seemed genuinely excited about), or the whole thing just didn't sell.
  10. Good points, but it probably still feels spacious to Jessa, who spent her early years crammed into a small house with her parents and many more siblings than she has children.
  11. I wish it were a Heathen company! Student loans? What student loans?!
  12. I think you're right. Speaking of weight, Carlin looks to have lost too much. She looks like a bobblehead. And her husband looks about forty.
  13. My guesses are that she got a bra that fits properly, and her chest looks bigger now when it's not competing with a pregnant belly. Bustiness isn't a new thing to Duggars -- just look at Joy. Ofsmuggar looks about fourteen in that photo. Hard to believe it was ten years ago.
  14. I like the beard and the photo. For one thing, Ben's beard looks clean, which is more than can be said for his Smuggar-in-law, the grease king.
  15. To the extent that nobody in snark life knows what really happened. Guesses range from complications on Samuel's part to an emergency hysterectomy on Jill's.
  16. I predict they'll forget all about their first pregnancy as soon as their child is born, unless it suits their agenda to remember the miscarriage. Remember J'Caleb? Neither does Mullet, unless she's using it for her own purposes.
  17. Jill must be pissed that Jessa is the first Duggar daughter (Dauggar!) to make it to three kids. I hereby propose that Dauggar be made an official snark term. It'll save me three seconds of typing per use. I'm an evil Heathen and have to work, y'all -- my time is valuable!
  18. The Bateses have the same awful beliefs as the Duggars, but have more mainstream, prettier packaging. That makes them more dangerous.
  19. It doesn't matter how much more money or notoriety fame the Duggars have than the Bateses. You can't teach taste.
  20. Michael/a is a clone of her mother. Good grief.
  21. I always thought of her as solid, not plump. Maybe she's been hiding it under fundie wear all along. It could still be the angle, but...I doubt it. Big calves don't mean much. I'm a small petite size with big calves. Damn big leg genes.
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