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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Yes, he's ugly, but he can't help his teeth or ears. Now, the jelly belly while his kids are emaciated and wearing 1940s homeliness, that's a different story.
  2. That's in no way exclusive to fundie dingbats. I see it all the time. I find it amusing when people use apostrophes correctly in one sentence, and incorrectly in the next. People don't understand the proper usage of commas and periods, either. Back on topic: I think that photo is the last time Jill R washed her face. That's the only logical explanation for the eyeliner crust. She did have "closer to god" 1980s hair, though.
  3. Nathan kind of reminds me of one of the KKK members/redneck scum in Mississippi Burning. Not saying Nathan is a racist! but the resemblance to those characters is very real, especially with that shirt.
  4. At least the casual follower (me) can still tell them apart, because the younger brother is marginally less fugly than Nathan. Yes, I said it.
  5. No twins yet for Ofsmuggar, either. She better not be counting on (HA) being the next Mullet.
  6. I remember them. The sons are all court reporters. The daughter is the youngest and must be in her twenties by now. I'm guessing she's either a SAHD or a court reporter. The entire family comes across as level-10 weird.
  7. She's only 33 years old. 34 in April. A damn shame no matter their shitty beliefs.
  8. "Ski skirts" aren't about modesty at all! It's "look at me, I'm such a righteous Christchun!" Kelly Bates is so full of shit, she squeaks.
  9. Boring name, but not my kid. I think the greasy look is from using poor quality shampoos and soaps along with eating a mediocre diet.
  10. I don't think his hands are in fists, just curled inward. I do the same thing. I give Ben credit because I think he enjoys his kids.
  11. Maybe Abbie had another shower with her own family and hometown friends. It's common around here to have a big shower with one's own family, and a smaller shower with the father's family, especially if the two sides don't live that close to one another.
  12. Judging by the threads here and the fact that the Duggars and adjacents are frequently on Yahoo and MSN, yes, people do care about them that much.
  13. Perhaps the answer is as easy as the Dullards wanting to draw public attention away from where they actually live, for whatever reason. The nonprofit I volunteer with has its PO box in a different city from where it's actually based for that purpose, even though the president's home address is on easily accessible IRS documents.
  14. It's also a myth that you only get shingles on one side of your body. My birth grandmother had it across the bridge of her nose. My grandmother had it across her chest and back. Guess who got to help her put her prescribed cream on it twice a day? With gloves on. She had scarring from it, too. Back on topic: I hope Random Caldwell Kid recovers quickly and his parents buy an effing clue and have their kids vaccinated. And that Joe and Kendra have theirs vaccinated.
  15. There are a lot of people who think the chicken pox vaccine is unnecessary because generations of children have had chicken pox without lasting harm. Those people don't realize what chicken pox can do to an adult. I'm guessing that's why the Duggar kids weren't vaccinated for CP. I know of a "doctor" (she's a homeopath, so it's offensive that she calls herself a doctor) who is antivax. There was a massive measles outbreak IN HER CITY last year, but of course she thinks she knows everything. That's a topic for a different day. (I know someone who works for her -- the "doctor" and her kids don't do a damn thing for themselves.) Back on topic: Mumps and measles can both render men sterile. I'm guessing that risk would be enough for the Duggars and their ilk to vaccinate.
  16. Better to resemble Jim Bob than Michelle the crone. At least Jim Bob is aging reasonably well and doesn't make one think "and your little dog, too!"
  17. I did not think you realized until told that your Tom and chifforobe Tom were the same character. Back on topic: What will the Smuggars name #7, in two years? Martin or Marilyn/Madelyn/Madylyne are my guesses.
  18. I'm sure they were instructed to do so, overtly or covertly.
  19. That's called hypervigilance. As I'm sure you know, it's common in abuse victims.
  20. I have a vague memory that Smuggar had his own bedroom at the TTH (they called it the audio-visual room or some such). I'm wondering if there were two reasons why Smuggar and only Smuggar had his own bedroom: 1. They didn't want him teaching his brothers anything; 2. They were afraid he might molest his own brothers.
  21. I suspect that the girls would have said Santa Claus molested them, if Jim Bob ordered them to say so. I've never believed that their accounts to Megyn Kelly even closely resembled what really happened.
  22. I have a feeling I'm blocking something out -- what about Jinger and the laundry room? Did the SOB molest her there?
  23. I think that's Garrett. It must be hell at the TTH on holidays when all the grandkids start needing naps.
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