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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. I think it might come down to the Bates family competition for attention. Alyssa's not getting any attention for stopping at three kids or even four. She's getting attention and fundie brownie points for continuing to have kids, especially since it's a boy! and after her heart issues! she's so obedient to gawd! The family competition is what I think is at the root of Carlin's fake health issues, too. How different their lives would be if they'd ever gotten adequate attention from their worthless parents. If useless Gil and Kelly hadn't joined a fertility cult and kept having more kids at the expense of the ones they already had, Alyssa might have been the youngest of a big, normal-sized family instead of just one of way too many.
  2. Rhetorical question -- then why the hell is she having her fifth kid?! Kids bring chaos no matter what! Not to mention, they bring noise and mess and crumbs.
  3. Or Jim Bob doesn't know how to count to 30. It's always a possibility. IF the persistent(ly annoying) rumors about Joe and Kendra, and Josiah and Lauren, having another one are true, then I have the count at 29. Maybe they're counting Annabelle to make it 30? Smuggar 7 John 2 Jill 3 Jessa 4 Jinger 2 Joe 4 Josiah 2 Joy 3 plus Annabel Jed 1 Jeremiah 1
  4. I have a feeling that for the girls at least, life at Chez Webster isn't all as peachy and happy as it's portrayed. Alyssa strikes me as the type who has a mean streak and a tendency to fly off the handle if things aren't perfect. I hope I'm wrong.
  5. My first thought was that Evan isn't a macho manly man, and maybe that's why he doesn't act like Layla is less than Zade. Evan also doesn't have a macho manly man business to pass on to a golden penis, like Kelton does. I don't know what Zach's problem is, except he's the #1 golden penis in his family of origin. None of these bozos are masculine.
  6. Did Princess Erin and PW Chad actually do that? Take the oldest child, who just happens to be the golden penis, and leave all the others at home? That's fucking low. I hate all these people. I hope all their uteri and testicles pack it in and none of them, except Michaela, ever have another child. They're all misogynist trash and have no business having children. I hope Little Lord Webster turns out to be a total hellion.
  7. She's clearly a graduate of the SotDRT. How embarrassing to post a second-grade error for all to see.
  8. I saw a still from the video on Reddit, and the girls -- especially the older two -- looked sad. I know how they feel. I really do feel bad for them. The girls will end up wearing hand-me-downs and/or sharing clothes, and the golden penis will look like Little Lord Fauntleroy. How long after he's born until the girls get crammed into one bedroom, and Little Lord gets all new furniture, bedding, and his own room? Alyssa may be cleaner than her parents, but she obviously didn't learn shit from their mistakes. Of course, the leghumpers on Reddit are all spewing congratulations to people who don't know them and don't care about them except for the clicks. 🙄🤢
  9. I feel sorry for the girls. They just became less-thans, and it will never change.
  10. Further proof that the Bateses are just more self-serving, con artist trash, wrapped in slightly more aesthetic packaging.
  11. More photo opportunities for some, keeping up with the Joneses for others? For graduates of the Kitchen Table Academy, that would be keeping up with the Jones.
  12. Isn't yoga un-Christian, or sinful, or satanic or something? Or did Carlin give it a different name? @BitterApple, I really did lol at "Basic Bitch Fall Checklist." The Basic Bitches are so predictable.
  13. JHC. That's into just plain stupid territory. Will the lighter melt or combust first? It's a wonder to me how people so stupid manage to stay alive into old age. Dumb luck?
  14. Not to mention that his "work" now involves parking his butt in a chair to edit videos, instead of working at his chosen trade.
  15. Seriously. Dude needs to stop wearing sweatpants in public. They're not flattering.
  16. I'd like to point out that much like their TV show, Evan and Carlin's videos are staged and edited. I would not be surprised if they've reenacted some of her "episodes" that weren't originally caught on camera.
  17. I have mentioned here the cat hoarder I know IRL whom I believe has factitious disorder, as well as its sister, factitious disorder imposed on another (in this case, her dozens of pets). I am not the only person who is convinced that she has this disease. When I first started to become aware that she is mentally ill, it was because she had similar responses as Carlin to medical/veterinary professionals. Doctors/vets = sources of attention, completely wonderful people, so wise and caring, her new best friends. Doctors/vets who won't give her the unnecessary medications and/or treatments that she wants = total idiots who don't know what they're doing and selfishly don't give a damn about their patients. I have seen her do it time and time again, to the extent that she's burned through most of the vets and emergency clinics in this metropolitan area. There are not many people, other than total fools and people who don't know her well, who still believe her dramatics. I think that's what Carlin is doing. I suspect that most of her family also sees through her, and so do her friends, if she has any.
  18. Next thing you know, Dumb and Dumber will be posting that one of her doctors made a house call since it's just SOOOOOO stressful for her to leave the house because she's afraid she'll have a "spell." Well, she goes to Starbucks and Target and to family events, but apparently those things just aren't as stressful as going to the doctor. How much longer is she going to perpetuate this lie? Until she comes up with something else to milk for attention/money/clicks?
  19. I think Carlin's lying about her doctor texting Evan and talking to Evan about her health. A doctor gave a patient's husband his personal cell phone number and is texting the patient's husband about medical issues? Bullshit, unless the doctor is personal friends with Evan and got Carlin's permission. And if that's the case, why is he treating her instead of the specialist she clearly wants to see?
  20. There are snarkers there. *waves* We tend to get downvoted when we do comment. The leghumpers can't stand any criticism, or truth-telling, directed at their BFFs. There is a Bates snarkers sub that doesn't have much activity. I just read this comment on the BUB sub: "Honestly of all of the subs this is probably one of the better ones to visit. This sub is pretty balanced and not as hurtful as full out snark subs can be." (bolding mine) LOL
  21. Yep. It's like they think Carlin is just waiting to be their bestie even though she's never heard of them and probably wouldn't give a shit if she had. I found it pretty damn funny that she got caught. I wonder how many Bateses read this forum.
  22. Grow up? Stop holding her son with his face always facing the camera for clicks? Stop lying about her health?
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