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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. The person I mentioned does the same thing. Doing something she wants to do for which she gets lots of attention? No episodes. Going to work after whining about how many shifts she'd have to take? OMG, emergency, must take time off work now. Someone else getting attention? OMG, emergency. Topic: A thought just crossed my mind that Alyssa and Katie are getting lots of attention for being pregnant, and Erin is getting attention for moving to Floriduh. I'd bet Carlin is jealous. Also topic: When I was still having seizures, I had mostly tonic-clonic, what used to be called grand mal. For a few days or a week after, I would feel like I went nine rounds with a heavyweight champ who was mad at the world. I missed school, work, and meeting birth relatives because of it. I certainly wasn't out "partying" all night, or going shopping, or visiting my long-suffering in-laws (whom I see every two weeks), after a seizure.
  2. I think she's intelligent enough to manipulate. Or maybe that's instinctive.
  3. I've had EEGs before without going off anti-seizure meds. But I'm not a super-duper special snowflake.
  4. I think they're dragging their feet on the five-day EEG because the episodes are fake. I've said it before -- factitious disorder. I just hope she keeps it to herself and doesn't develop factitious disorder imposed on another. Evan must be a world-class enabler at this point. I've also said before that I know someone in real life whom I believe has FD. She does the same thing -- talks about expensive, time-consuming tests that the doctors told her to have. But she never ends up having them. They're dropped just like the five-day EEG has been, only to be brought up again when she needs attention. She's frigging exhausting to be around, just like Carlin must be.
  5. Definitely not cute -- disturbing, at this point. Layla and Zade will be the malnourished adults who think McDonald's is fine cuisine and refuse to eat green vegetables. And can't live without sugary Starbucks drinks and pop. Have Dumb and Dumber said whether they plan to "homeschool" their props kids? If they homeschool, dog help the kids -- they might end up the worst off of all the Bates spawn. I can't see Carlin being willing to take the time away from Starbucks and shopping to educate the kids, plus she'd be posing the entire time instead of teaching.
  6. Who took the first picture, Carlin? The dog? The last picture is Carlin in a nutshell. Claims to still be in her pajamas, but has a full face of makeup, perfectly tousled and parted hair, and a no-doubt carefully posed, curated facial expression. But her son's belly is showing, his shirt almost up to his armpits, because his dumbfuck mother won't stop posing long enough to pull his shirt down. The self-absorbed are making my bad mood worse.
  7. My guess is they said it was for Katey, but it was actually something the "boys" wanted.
  8. I'll reserve a cell for you next to mine in the convent. The Sisters of St. Odran of Jed-and-Nate-Please-Don't-Touch-Me. Save you a search: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oran_of_Iona
  9. Not to mention it's complicated and confusing for "normal" people, let alone a fundie who is probably lightly educated and barely literate. It's going to be damn scary when the second- and third-generation fundies -- the ones "educated" by their sister-moms solely at the SotDRT -- get to that season of life. They won't have the slightest clue how to deal.
  10. Seriously. I didn't even know what to say about that. What fucking idiots Dumb and Dumber are.
  11. I'm seriously bummed for Kaylee. Didn't she get married like six weeks ago? If she weren't a fundie, people would totally be counting backwards and snickering at her. She and Nuri can be pregnant together because I'm sure Nuri will be pregnant again by August.
  12. Dumb and Dumber spent $145 on shoes for a toddler who will outgrow them before they're even slightly worn out?! Good gawd. They remind me of my idiot sister and slightly less stupid brother-in-law, who spent $100 on Air Jordans for a toddler at a time when neither of them was working. Hmm. Sounds familiar.
  13. Titles for her future ghostwritten bio: Carlin and a mirror: a love story. Performative: the life of Carlin (Bates) Stewart.
  14. Well, they don't believe in science unless it suits their beliefs (see: Kelly and her progesterone treatments). And they grew up like they lived in a sty, so no, they don't care about cleanliness. I'm surprised their houses aren't visibly cluttered, although they are carefully curated for social media so who knows.
  15. I have to say, Eff Kelly. It's not Tori's or anyone else's job to make Kelly happy, not to mention Kelly and her idiot husband pimped out their children for cash and fame. Kelly should have been working to make Tori happy.
  16. Not to mention Josie's long hair in the cookies. Duggar-style. I see the Balkas' house is almost as neutral and boring as the Stewarts'. What is that thing above their range that is not a vent hood nor a microwave?
  17. That's a damn shame. The Smith grandparents are those kids' only chance to see how normal people live. Is the Kelly/Gil house really that bad? Like "white socks instantaneously turn brown" bad? Now I need to go clean something.
  18. Likely the same reason Josie and Co. got one. It's the new fundie must-have. I hope those mirrors are anchored by a professional lest a child or pet get squashed. Adults would be fine.
  19. I didn't really follow the Bateses when the Smiths were courting. Was Tori as over-the-top, attention-whoring, irritating as Carlin? What changed besides kids? I don't understand why Bobby doesn't go the vocational route like Kelton. It would give him something else in common with Kelton, plus his office pay isn't going to support 16 kids, or however many Tori ends up having. Unless Kelton overpays him to keep the Smith kids from living in Bates-style poverty. It did stop Erin. She had three miscarriages in short order before Carson. 🙄
  20. It hasn't slowed her rate of reproducing, though.
  21. I think some of Bobby's aging is his long, thin face. He looks like Randy Travis to me, and RT looked older even when he was in his twenties. But yeah, four kids in less than four years would do me in.
  22. It's the counterpoint to Carlin's slicked-flat, center-part non-style. I kind of hope Zade has a diaper blowout on her white dress. Wherever could they find one?!
  23. Everything in their lives is performative, except for actually raising their children. I feel sorry for Layla and Zade.
  24. Holy crap, does IV look like III. They look happy -- happier than a lot of fundie families, and the kids look clean and fed.
  25. "Irish twins" are siblings born less than a year apart. Jeds 1 and 2 won't be. I guess Jed has found his role in life -- trying to catch up to his parents. I wonder if there's some unspoken Jed/Jeb rivalry going on, too. If so, Jim Bob and Mullet might be up to 39 in a few years. Better or worse than openly being pregnant by Nathan Bates? Let's debate!
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