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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. I WAS EATING!!! I have a hard time imagining his O face as anything besides his standard slack-jawed expression. 😮
  2. Or he's got a really funny-shaped head! Maybe he's got a ten-head instead of a forehead.
  3. As if these fundie shits ever think about anything beyond the next vacation, next photo shoot, or current pregnancy. It seriously blows my mind that two people with no consistent income, profligate spending habits, and four kids and counting, bought a high-end vehicle that cost six figures. JHC.
  4. Google shows lots of triple bunk beds for sale, from Wayfair and other retailers. They're a bad idea whether they're bought or homemade. I might be biased -- I fell off a top bunk at a friend/cousin's house when I was a little kid. Why am I not surprised that a Bates put the only son in the bigger room and put four girls in one smaller room? It would still need to be changed at some point, though. (Unless you are Gil and Kelly Jo, and don't mind the filth.) It would be hard enough to change the sheets on a second bunk, let alone a third. Good luck, Chad.
  5. I see a knee-length skirt, too. Look, Josie finally has visible eyebrows. It's about time -- the eyebrow-free look creeps me out.
  6. They're not even pretending to "homeschool" anymore. Imagine how dumb those youngest kids will turn out to be. Then imagine how dumb their kids will be. It's a race to the bottom.
  7. There aren't any studios in New York or New Jersey? Or do the Clarks' "band" just plunk themselves down to record their caterwauling wherever they find an excuse to travel? I am very salty today. I am tired of working hard and not even being able to pay all my bills while these fundie shits travel anywhere and everywhere at the drop of a hat, with their Starbucks clutched in their well-manicured paws. I'd be grateful if I could afford Starbucks once a week. Or a manicure once a year. It's not fair.
  8. A typical fundie, then. Holy shit. That is Kardashian-level filtering and Photoshopping. She even "fixed" her teeth! Holy St. Jill of the Righteous Motherhood looks like a stripper.
  9. Baffling. More fundies with no actual jobs traveling to places most working people only dream about. How was McDonald's in Hawaii, fundies? Any better than McD's in Italy?
  10. Travis is looking at the other three like "how did I get mixed up with these doofuses?" I'll spare you my thoughts about the bottom photo. FF.
  11. I'll say it. Attention. And it's not like most of these bozos have jobs. My post above was supposed to say multistate, not multistage. My bad. That'll teach me to pay attention when I'm writing.
  12. Alyssa took a newborn on a multistate trip for a funeral? During an ongoing pandemic. Idiot.
  13. Yep. They're the human version of a shirt that is poorly made, too thin, doesn't fit properly, and has threads puckering and coming loose after its first trip through the washer. And it probably makes your skin itch, too.
  14. "Tiny" people have babies all the time, the world over. It's not like they're spending their money on anything like books or improving their minds! They're the human version of fast fashion that falls apart after one washing.
  15. But she has to openly be married to Trace FF Bates. Is it worth it? I'd rather work!
  16. She had her first miscarriage like three months, or less, after her wedding, then two more miscarriages in pretty quick succession. Carson was born in May of the following year, so about eighteen months after his parents' wedding.
  17. Evan deserves his half of the blame for that BS, too. It's not like he's at, you know, work all day while Carlin shovels junk food into the kids' mouths. It's not all Carlin's doing.
  18. Kylie Jenner has had major plastic surgery, too. So have Kim and Khloe. Back to topic (and I hate the constant baby speculation) -- has any Bates or in-law gone so long after the wedding without a pregnancy announcement? Other than Michael/a, of course.
  19. Spermbrows! Yikes, the woman on Jill's right has some seriously scary ones.
  20. The "missionaries" I knew growing up in Kansas (Assembly of God, mostly) always seemed to go on "missions" to Las Vegas or Kansas City. Topic: Tiffany could put someone's eye out with her engagement ring. It sits awfully high.
  21. Josie's too. I gotta say, and I'll do penance for it later. I like Carlin's sunglasses.
  22. Law & Order, season 2! The episode is "Aria," and it has a two-fer: Maura Tierney and Lisa Nicole Carson. I didn't recognize Carson until I heard her voice, and then I looked twice. I'm watching very old episodes of L&O because my library system ordered them on DVD, and the shows are still good and mostly still relevant. For fellow fans, Jerry Orbach was in the last episode as a defense attorney.
  23. He'll always be Ferret Face to me! I hope the impending Golden Penis takes some attention away from Alyssa and her...Golden Penis. 😄
  24. In all fairness, Christmas is a baked-good/candy holiday. Christmas cookies, pastries, cake, rolls, buns, candy, breads, all things that people tend to eat only at the holiday. My great-grandmother made divinity every Christmas and only at Christmas; my grandmother made cinnamon rolls. First birthdays aren't a food holiday in that sense. But I wholeheartedly believe that the Bates and Duggar adult kids don't have any idea what a normal amount of food is for a party, because they never had enough to eat as kids and aren't bright enough to realize their parents screwed them.
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