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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Just watch -- when the EEG shows no seizures, they'll blame the absence of a treadmill, or the doctors and medical staff not listening to Giggle Boy. Assuming she even has the EEG. I wouldn't be surprised if they just have to go to Florida for pre-wedding nonsense and thus she has to miss her "appointment."
  2. These are fundies, though. They quit jobs -- decent jobs with health insurance -- to become "tree surgeons" when they decide they don't like having bosses. And that was with many children at home and no intention to ever prevent having more. In other words, fundies aren't known for thinking. I have always concluded that Tori couldn't handle being away from her idiot parents, and she talked Bobby into leaving Nashville. Bobby didn't study finance. He studied "Bible and youth ministry," which sounds like the fundie version of underwater basket weaving to me. Attempting any real job sounds like a big course correction for someone with Bobby's degree. For fundies, that could be anything from "talked to her alone after church" to "had a torrid years-long affair." This all needs to come with a boulder-sized grain of salt.
  3. Scoot over in that hand basket, will you? By the time of Abby's relapse, not only did I have no sympathy for her, I despised her so much that I wished she were in the ambulance.
  4. I didn't even think about kid expenses like diapers and wipes. Another two hundred a month for that?
  5. I thought Sam was fun at first. Remember when she was at the triage desk, and the security guard tackled the guy who was being an ass? "Are you going to get off your ass and do something?!" "No, but he will." (This is not counting her showing up for her first day of work wearing jeans and heels, and letting her jailbait son run around the ER while she worked.) Then the writers decided to make Sam another ER vixen around the same time loser ex-boyfriend (they were never married -- she was fifteen) Steve showed up. Cue drama drama drama, and then some more dumbass drama. Trying too hard was always ER's downfall.
  6. I'd like to see the Stews' monthly expenses -- the necessary expenses, not the Starbucks runs, nail salons, professional hair color, custom golf clubs, and so on. I mean just the mortgage, insurance, car payment, electric, water, natural gas, trash, cell phones, cable (you know they gotta have it), and food. Ten thousand a month? I wouldn't be surprised.
  7. My library co-op doesn't even have it listed already. I emailed my library to see if they were planning to order it.
  8. What do you expect from an adult woman who poses with her tongue out like she's Gene Simmons? I would bet that she hit a tanning booth or professional spray tan at least before the last cash-and-carry, or whenever that photo with her hand on Whitney's abdomen was taken. Carlin's tan was suspiciously, uniformly dark and even, and that doesn't happen from just "playing outside." It's either a pro spray tan or a tanning booth.
  9. There are bobcats, coyotes, and probably bears in Tennessee as well. Erin should know, too. I realize she's a head-in-the-clouds hobby farmer, but still.
  10. What, you DON'T like having long-ass hair in your food? Picky, picky, picky.
  11. I always giggle at Malucci asking Mark about the "Australian boys." Funny. And the interns giving him side-eye as he scratches.
  12. Gee whiz, here I've been getting IV iron infusions for anemia for three years and counting, and all I needed to do was drink some Plexus! Damn those hematologists! So anyway, is Heidi going to take over bleaching Timmy's hair after her marriage and righteous deflowering, or will Jill come over and do it for her baby boy?
  13. We give people the benefit of the doubt until they demonstrate that they are lying. Carlin is lying. The EEG will never happen because there is no reason to have one. Mental illness in the form of factitious disorder may be the reason for the lying, but it's still lying.
  14. Fortunately, her uterus has packed it in. Lousy mother indeed. Too bad Gil's swimmers didn't stop swimming about thirty years ago.
  15. Kelly received specialized treatment during her later pregnancies -- the progesterone that allowed her to maintain pregnancies. "Gawd's will" only applies if it's something they want, of course. I'd be surprised if Uwe and Hannelore "we were persecuted in Germany!!!" Romeike carry that evil American health insurance. Gawd will provide.
  16. Wasn't Gil and Kelly's old house rather ramshackle? It was my impression that before TLC money, they were quite far below the poverty line. Erin and Chad are falling victim to rising home costs just like so many other people are, but unlike people who actually work and still can't afford a house, I don't feel sorry for the Paines. Stop reproducing, you dolts!
  17. I think we should give him a little slack about his wife, whom he clearly loves, passing out in labor. He lost his mother in childbirth, for crying out loud, and he's young and ignorant. It would be shocking if he DIDN'T associate losing his mother with what Josie was going through at that moment. It isn't as if he was the only person in the room, or even one of two people and the other had to help him. There were other people in the room to focus on Josie.
  18. His given name is Charles, so they wouldn't have to change his birth certificate. Charles Something Paine IV, I believe.
  19. I kind of like Erin's kid names. It's the only thing I like about her, actually. I'd rather have a Holland or Everly than the misspelled, cutesy monstrosities Alyssa inflicts on her daughters.
  20. I would bet a $5 Starbucks gift card that Layla didn't color that herself. That doesn't look like the work of a three-year-old. I think Carlin or Evan did that.
  21. Surprisingly not trendee and uneek, especially for those two.
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