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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. I think Mark and Elizabeth had a good relationship until Ella was born and Rachel came to stay. Mark and Elizabeth's pre-baby scenes seemed genuine. I still find it amusing that during Abby's caesarean, she's practically in an upright position. ER by that point was all about manufactured bullshit drama instead of anything approaching reality.
  2. I think adoptees deserve to have their birth records, including date and place of birth, and information about their ethnic origins. That's part of what makes us us. I'm the one who did the research to find my dad's birth family -- even though he's an asshole and a rotten person, I'll never forget the look on his face the first time he saw his original birth certificate and learned his birth name. It wasn't what he had been told even though he was six when he was dumped at an orphanage, went to foster care, and was finally adopted. Meetings and relationships with one's birth family -- different story. Back on topic: I both feel sorry for Cathy because being an adoptee is such a conflicted thing and no doubt influenced her in every way, and dislike her because she's a bitter old bigot who seems to think the world owes her. For me, bigot outweighs everything else.
  3. It's a very common emotion amongst adoptees. My dad has met his birth parents and had a relationship with his birthmother, and he's still bitter. Of course, my dad's an asshole, but still... Cathy just strikes me as an all-around bitter person, about her origins, losing her parents and husband, and her cancer.
  4. That isn't how I took it at all. Cathy has previously mentioned her birthmother not wanting to meet her. It always sounds like she thinks her birthmother owed her a meeting and possibly a relationship.
  5. The anti-choice crowd might be interested when they hear "birthmother." I can see them spinning an anti-abortion angle. I understand why Cathy is upset if her birthmother did in fact decline to meet her, but her birthmother owes her nothing.
  6. There is no way to know that. It works the other way, too! I know the female equivalents of your sister's ex.
  7. That's ridiculous. Look at all the loser men who have been married multiple times. There is probably some fundie SAHD, or just a leghumper, who kisses a photo of Derelict at night before tucking it under her pillow.
  8. Additionally, neither Ma nor Pa Keller is all that svelte, especially Pa. I would not be surprised if there is a genetic component to Anna's weight gain. That said, if Ofsmuggar continues her childbirthing pattern, she'll deliver #6 this fall or early winter.
  9. People on this board have been claiming Anna is pregnant, based on alleged weight gain, for months now!
  10. I wasn't referring as much to his accent as his wooden facial expressions, all of which seemed geared to reflect "handsome, moody man in deep thought."
  11. It didn't help that Goran Visnjic isn't a great actor. Even Clooney as Ross was more believable. Malucci could have been a great character, had the writers been interested in exploring his backstory and giving him decent plot lines. He was great in the episode with the molested little girl.
  12. Nobody can say for sure what a fundie would or would not allow or what a Duggar "rule" is. I remember when people said Jim Bob and Michelle wouldn't allow their daughters to marry and that the Duggarlings would be like Sarah Maxwell, stuck at home. Now there are four daughters married.
  13. Most of the female doctors I know, including my own, were married in medical school or early residency and started families in medical school or residency. Everything else is just speculation.
  14. Did anybody read the About section on the website? If I didn't already think Amy is a dumbass, I would now.
  15. The thought crossed my mind that Jim Bob and Mullet, or Grandma Duggar, are backing Amy's business as a tax loss.* The pictures look like the kind of store I'd look in and pass on my way to stores that actually look inviting. *Now that I think of it, it's probably Grandma.
  16. Good on Dna for getting custody of his kids. I always thought Emily's treatment of Dna and the kids was rooted in extreme passive-aggressiveness or maybe even hatred.
  17. That sentence took me back to soap nuts and the fact that even the washed diapers were probably disgusting. Ewwwww. I feel like I should go cook some real food or clean something, properly.
  18. Wasn't there a full-size table lamp in the bathroom, very close to water, too? FUBAR.
  19. Gluedles and homemade "yogurt" and wasn't there kombucha, too? Gross!
  20. Emily made Jilly Dully look downright mainstream. Dollar store tube meat FTW. *gags*
  21. Maybe because he appears to actually enjoy the company of his children, unlike Derick. Also, those segments are heavily scripted and edited.
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