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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Alyssa's hustling makes me think the Websters aren't as well off as some people think.
  2. I took that as second-generation born again, which is a whole 'nother animal.
  3. Jilly gives him the leftover bleach when she dyes her own hair. That R'girl looks like she's grimacing.
  4. Her feet don't look level with those of others around here. And Jim Bob looks taller than Smuggar even though Smuggar was an inch taller at the time of the first special -- makes me think there is a step or riser in the back.
  5. According to that first, long-ago special, she's 5'4". Jill was the tallest J'slave at 5'7", and why on earth do I remember this nonsense. Smuggar was 6'.
  6. Continuing the SVU/ER theme, earlier today I had David Greene as a defense attorney, and now I have Abby's ex-husband, Richard, as the employer of a murdered nanny. He's just found out that his son isn't his.
  7. Snakes. I think we were too far upstate for gators, but there were definitely snakes around.
  8. There's some serious Photoshopping going on. For one, Ofsmuggar isn't that much taller than Jana. For two, the entire background looks warped. The Kartrashians taught me that's a sure sign of Photoshopping.
  9. And speaking of hair salons, it looks like Kendra is not a stranger to one, either. She may also be acquainted with shampoo, conditioner, and a brush. She's light years ahead of her sisters-in-law Jill, Jessa, and Joy as well as her mother-in-law, Mullet.
  10. Same in South Carolina. They call them palmetto bugs, but a cockroach is a cockroach. We lived in the country, so we had biting ladybugs, flying biting things, fire ants, and lumps on the sidewalk after dark that slithered toward you. And the people were pretty creepy, too. I was happy to move back to the north, where it's cold but at least the wildlife usually stays outside.
  11. I'm watching an episode of Law & Order: SVU (season eight, episode 11, "Burned") in which Michael Michele plays a woman who accuses her estranged husband of rape. She's slightly less wooden than she was on ER. It's amusing how many minor characters from ER show up on various Law & Order episodes. The other day, I saw an episode in which the AIDS patient whom Carter tries to get medication for oral thrush plays a lawyer (he's played a lot of lawyers), and the judge looked familiar too. It took me awhile because his accent is different, but he's the patient who is paralyzed after Corday botches his disc surgery.
  12. She just grows them, while Nurie and the other R'slaves raise them. Jilly R looks stupid in every way, but especially her eyebrows.
  13. Jilly R is trying pretty hard to find an angle and/or filter that makes her look thinner.
  14. Garrett was born last June, and his aunt or uncle in November or December. So yes, Kendra and her mother were pregnant at the same time.
  15. She needs to lay off the filters and the overly exaggerated brows. Good grief, she looks old and awful. If the border between the solid color and stripes were even all around, it really would look like a maternity dress. Queue the rumors! JANA DUGGAR IS PREGNANT!
  16. Nobody can guarantee what would happen in someone else's home. I see a lot of Jim Bob in Sam's face. Those Duggar genes are strong.
  17. That's pretty heavily filtered, but all three of them still look happy. I have nothing in common with Kendra except we're both females with long hair, but you know what? I'm kind of envious of her innate happiness.
  18. Yeah, I very much doubt she's even aware that she's doing it. I would bet money against her sitting down and thinking, "How do I piss off my mother today."
  19. I wouldn't call it bad posture as much as trying to hide.
  20. I didn't say it was passive-aggressive evidence of her rebellion. It's passive-aggressiveness directed at her parents. Any official blowback about the pants may be directed at Derelict, but that doesn't mean Jill won't get stinkeye and snotty comments about it.
  21. Doesn't Michael ever get to be a matron of honor? Or the other married sisters? Erin annoys me (honestly, they all do).
  22. "Pastor" as a verb is hardly exclusive to Jeremy. I've heard that since I was little, and I was nominally ELCA Lutheran. That AMA strikes me as BS.
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