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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. 2 hours ago, catrox14 said:


    With Lucifer for the first go round yes it took them a couple of years. But they did it the second time in a matter of hours and actually like 30 seconds with the Magic Egg and the spell from Rowena.   They did defeat the Darkness in a matter of hours. As soon as Chuck started dying the sun started burning out. Once Chuck was dead, the world was dead. I think that whole thing happened in a matter of hours. Maybe a day. That's why they had to do things so quickly. That didn't happen over the course of a week or even years. And it literally didn't take the power of God to defeat the Darkness.  That's the line that really confounded me. WHY IS IT THERE??   

    Sure, they defeated her within hours "as soon as" Chuck started dying, they defeated Lucifer the second time "as soon as" they got the spell from Rowena.  They did not defeat either threat, or pretty much anything within hours of knowing that the threat exists.

  2. 1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

    I think he would have been relieved and could then say "Okay, I believe you guys. How can I help". 

    And then when they said "you can't" he might have gone off on his own anyway.  I just think it's a bit of a stretch to put his death on Sam.  And, if it is Sam's fault, then it's equally Dean's for not overriding him. Sam didn't gag him.  But, I feel it's neither of their faults.  It's mostly the shifter's fault.

    • Love 1
  3. 1 hour ago, sarthaz said:

    I've never been a Sam vs. Dean kind of person, and I've forgiven Sam for his future mistakes that would be spoilerific in this thread ... but I hold him directly responsible for Ronald's death, and I don't know if I'll ever get over that.

    How is sam responsible for Ronald's death?  Do you mean because he didn't tell him what was going on?  Who would have thought he would have ended up at the exact right bank at the exact right time?  Or even that he was going to take things into his own hands.  Or, was it because he wasn't able to stop him from chasing after the shifter?  I don't really see how he would have.  Ronald's death was pretty much all on him.  He didn't know what he was doing and he went in with guns blazing.  Literally.  What was he planning to do if he found the mandroid?  Did he really think that the mandroid would let him shoot it and be done with it? 

    • Love 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    Either way Crowley was full of shit on that point but NO other character corrected him. So what was Perez going for there?

    I think they didn't bother correcting him, because the point still stood.  Cas was dying in a matter of hours, probably less.  They did not defeat Lucifer or the Darkness in a matter of hours.

    19 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

      I had the same problem with the editing in Regarding Dean with Dean's talk to himself in the mirror.  They could have put the Sam/Rowena conversation about Dean at the beginning, let the Dean mirror scene run through and end with Sam and Rowena fighting about who will stay with Dean. I've seen that reedited by a fan and it is far better to see it in one piece.

    That's been one thing that has bothered me about this series for a while.  Unless the two things have something to do with each other, just show one scene and then show the other thing as a separate scene.  Stop cutting it all together, unless there's a good reason, such as Sam's fighting a ghost and Dean's trying to burn it or something.

  5. 21 hours ago, Diane said:

    Way to much Gordon and Ava got on my last nerve.

    You can never have too much Gordon.  And Ava's awesome.  She said so herself. 

    • Love 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Hanahope said:

    100% yes.  Seriously, how would they know to get into the Winchester's trunk?  

    And just when I was bitching about how one person could do all that, they introduced a second wall-kid (or adult I guess, since apparently the bro-sis would have to be near 30).  And if Dean 'just found out' about this case, or perhaps it was a week old, how did the house get all cleaned up, put on the market, and go through escrow in such a short time?

    So the story/plot was crappy, but yeah the guest stars were decent enough.

    And how did they know how to write?  And apparently the girl had a whole conversation with Danny, but we never saw her doing anything more than grunt?  And why wouldn't Sam and Dean have had a gun on them?  They were all in the trunk?  Unless they're somewhere they don't want to be caught with a gun, like in the bank at Nightshifter, they always have one on them.  It would be stupid not to.  Especially Dean. Have we ever seen Dean not have a gun when he needed one?  And why did the housekeeper have a picture of a girl she'd never met before? I can kind of accept that one just for the sake of expediency since they could have gotten a pic somewhere else and this just saved time, but everything else was pure plot hole.

    This is the first epi of SPN I hated.  I did like the family.  But, I hated everything else. 

    • Love 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Aeryn13 said:

    In that case, they needed to go either with more than one episode or time jumps over the course of the episode. But obviously there was supposed to be an urgency factor in how fast the spell progressed. I had no problem with this approach.

    The episode was so much better than Yellow Fever and IMO the best of Season 12. Though Asa Fox and Lily Sunder at least were enjoyable episode with IMO strong guest star presences.

    American Nightmare and Stuck in the middle were both episodes I hated because Perez really manages to take everything I hate and put in in episodes. Mary was especially obnoxiously bitchy. Dean is either a non-entity or a dumb carricature who is just wrong. Sam is pimped. So those go on the "worse" list for me.

    The rest of the Season was a lot of boring filler. Like the Crowley family episode. So. boring. It wasn`t offensive by any means and the I have no problem with the actors, even an episode featured on Crowley, Rowena and Gavin in and of itself isn`t a deal breaker but the story itself was like watching paint dry. Rock star and president Lucifer? Yawn.    

    I'll agree Mary was bitchy in Stuck in the Middle.  But, I'm not sure how I feel about the epi as a whole. I'm not sure if the fact that I've never seen a Tarantino film has an effect on my viewing of this episode.

    I liked American Nightmare a lot, though. And, while I thought the mom was crazy and wrong, I still kind of felt for her.  What do you do with a kid like Magda?  Not torture her obviously, and certainly don't kill your whole family, but it does raise a dilemma.

    I also loved Family Feud and Rock Never Dies.  I hated Lotus because all the characters, and I mean every last one of them were making the stupidest decisions it was possible to make.  One stupid decision?  OK, we all have those.  But a whole episode filled with them?  From people (and others) who should know better?  Worst episode of the season.

    • Love 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, glorie said:

    Why did they choose to make Mary a "bad girl"?

    I've always expected one of the Camden children would have had to become "bad child", there were plenty of candidates. But I would never suspect, that Mary could have such a trouble. I mean, she practiced  sport, she helped Lucy etc. And she was Jessica Biel. I would have expected a different plot line for popular Biel.

    Maybe they made her bad because she would be the last one you would suspect.  Did they make her bad before or after JB posed for Playboy?

  9. 18 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    Right, or why not show Rebecca having a long-running friendship with Shelly (or anyone), like Jack and Miguel have?  Shelly and her kids dropped off the earth.  Rebecca's own mother did, too, though we got somewhat of a reason, at least.  And of course Jack and Rebecca are both only children so there are no aunts and uncles or cousins around.  

    I thought Rebecca had a sister.

    • Love 2
  10. 17 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    To be fair, all storytelling is emotional manipulation, but if it's done well, the audience won't notice they're being manipulated.

    IMO, they didn't develop the story enough in Regarding Dean for the emotional beats to actually be emotional. Basically, in lieu of showing us Dean's progression and allowing us to feel it, they threw in a few scenes of Dean and Sam being emotional as a short cut. So, the emotional beats just didn't feel earned to me.

    It's pretty much the same thing they do with the sit 'n' chats, they're short cuts to tell the audience something because they don't have the time or money or want to actually show us those things. 

    I don't know if I felt emotionally manipulated, but I did feel like the pacing was totally off and we just needed more gradual decline.  I kind of felt like it needed to be two episodes, but I guess I should just feel lucky that they didn't throw Heaven and Hell stuff in there, too, to take time away from the story.

    • Love 1
  11. I love Bruce McGill, but even he couldn't save this episode for me.  I think I'm officially done.  I don't care if Torres and Quinn had sex a million years ago.  For two reasons.  One, I don't care about them in general.  And two, who cares what happened that long ago, unless of course murder or something else horrific was involved.  I'm usually a sucker for sob stories involving parents dying when someone is young.  Even that did nothing for me other than think "get over it."  Please, understand, I don't usually think that.  That and kids dying are my two sympathy getters.  But, geeze, it just came off as an excuse for Gibbs to father someone again.  And, yes, McGee and Ellie were acting like they were in high school.  I might have expected that from Tony, but not McGee.  Don't destroy my fave character, peoples.

    • Love 2
  12. When I was a kid my mom had a couple of fire drills for us.  We jumped out our bedroom windows.  It was actually kind of fun.  I don't have a bathroom window where I am now, but I've had to break into my apartment via windows twice.  Once because there was something wrong with the lock and the key just would NOT turn in it, and once because I dropped my keys at work and didn't know where they were.  That one was kind of funny, because I got the trash can, stood on it out front and was trying to jimmy the screen out.  A police car was going by. As I'm right next to a four way stop, he had to stop.  It was 2 in the morning and all I wanted to do was hop in the shower and get in bed, but I was all like, argh, it probably won't take long, I have my license with my address on it, showing I live here.  But, apparently cop didn't care about the person obviously breaking into an apartment in the middle of the night.  I have felt oh so safe since then.

    • Love 4
  13. 56 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    and at least they were showing an aspect of Kate's life that isn't about cake or Toby.

    Or Kevin.  The first couple of episodes, it seemed like her life revolved around Kevin.

    57 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    And I think it's just kind of silly to suggest either of them could ever achieve much more than maybe a lounge or wedding singer job.  But maybe that's all they plan to do with it.  Eh.  I'd like more real jobs, please.

    Actually, probably percentage-wise, the number of professional singers who do things such as sing in bars, clubs, weddings, etc, probably outnumbers the stars.  So, I would call that more of a "real" job, and it might be nice to see that on TV for once.  Usually when characters on TV are singers or actors, or whatever, they are total failures or they hit it big. But, on the other hand, with Kate being so self-conscious of her looks, it could be very painful to watch.  Unless they suddenly drop that also because singing makes her realize that she loves her body.  Now, if that happens, I will be upset.

    • Love 3
  14. 7 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

    She no longer works for Jamie Gertz.  In this episode, right before Kate said she wanted to pursue singing, Toby made a comment about her calling her boss and getting her old job back (and I'm assuming he wasn't talking about Kevin).  Now, as to why she is no longer working for her--I guess we can only assume that took too much time off at Christmas?

    Kevin told her he wanted her to stay in New York for him.  So, I'm assuming at that point she called and quit.  I think if it weren't for Toby, she'd still be in New York. But, yeah, if she didn't quit, but was gone from Thanksgiving until well after Christmas, I'd say it's a safe bet she was fired.  And it didn't look like the character was running some big business that had lots of (or even one other) employee to cover for Kate.  I'm sure she replaced her by now.

    2 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

    Which really makes one wonder, it seems weird to cast Jamie Gertz and someone to play her daughter and for just a one episode, particularly when theyou were showing the similarities between Kate and the daughter and then just drop the whole thing. It seems like poor season planning on behalf of the writers.

    Personally, I don't think everything has to be a big long arc.  I think you can have characters like that for just one episode.  And, sometimes it makes it more like real life.

  15. 40 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    But is there really anything in this show that is not understood enough to interfere with the stories?  Even if you missed that it was the teen actors in that funeral scene (which I think you'd have to have not been watching, in which case you probably don't care about the 'when'), it doesn't change the story or make anything confusing.  I think in shows like Lost or whodunits where you're analyzing tiny details, it's important to clarify when a detail is misunderstood.   But this show is done in such broad strokes, there aren't a lot of details that are crucial to not miss, are there?  

    I don't think there is really.  I've never watched any of the aftershows, or pay attention to anything the actors say, and I know what is going on just fine.  The funeral scene was quick and maybe a little blurred due to artistic reasons or whatever, but I never thought the kids were supposed to be in their 20s.  18 tops.  But, I also think that since we haven't been told exactly when he died, it's OK to speculate either way.  Speculation is half the fun.

    • Love 2
  16. 31 minutes ago, Diane said:

    Just finished this is the re-watch.  I love this episode.  Enjoy how it shows that the boys are working together even when they are separated.  Loved how they find each other. All the other references, to Steve McQueen and the Great Escape, love it! Really wish they could get Linda Blair again, she was perfect. This is a favorite.

    I also love how they figure out it's an anagram at the same time even though in different rooms.  And they both call the lawyer Mattlock.  This was just overall a fun episode.

    • Love 1
  17. 11 minutes ago, deaja said:

    Doyle, as I don't think Marty had any standing to.  Doyle could rightly tell him off for slacking on paper assignments.

    Which of Rory's parties would you have rather attended? Her 16th birthday, the male Yale party, or her 21st?

    Her 16th at Lorelei's. Not fancy.  Just a bunch of friends hanging out.  Besides, if it were to happen when I was college age, Emily and Richard may have thrown me out of the male Yale party, but probably not, I'd be no competition for Rory.

    Which mismatched couple would you rather got a happily ever after: Dean and Lindsey or Lorelei and Max?

  18. 8 hours ago, SlovakPrincess said:

    I love Randall, but how are they going to adopt a child when they already have two kids and he just quit his job and Beth isn't back to working full time yet?   

    Are you suggesting that having time to spend with adopted children is a bad thing?

  19. 4 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

    This doesn't work for me because while I can believe that Dean doesn't mind getting dirty on hunts, I don't believe he'd wouldn't shower in the hotel rooms, or even on the off chance he they couldn't get a hotel room and he had a blanket to cover Baby's seats, I don't believe he wouldn't have headed right for the shower when they got back to the bunker.  Since all indications are that Dean cleans it, I don't see him flinging monster guys around.

    I could almost buy he knew Sam was lying him and doing it to irritate Sam, but the show didn't go in that direction.

    I don't think it was anyhting other than Perez trying to be funny and that for me it wasn't.  I found that scene full of contempt toward Dean.  

    I pretty much agree.  I don't have a problem that he got dirty.  I don't even have a problem that they would drive all the way back to the bunker dirty, because I don't recall them saying how far away they were.  I would probably rather drive a couple of hours than have people stare at me while checking into a hotel.  I don't really even have that much of a problem with him sitting down.  Sometimes you just need a minute before the shower. 

    What I do have a problem with is the apparent going through 4 hunts without a shower and that Dean was willing to head out on another hunt without a shower.  That's ridiculous.  I also have a problem with Dean being THAT dirty with Sam being perfectly clean.  It just kind of made it look like Dean was doing all the work while Sam was texting and yelling "good job, watch out, are you done yet?"

    • Love 2
  20. On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 4:31 AM, junienmomo said:

    Erase yelling at Jess. We could have gotten LL together earlier and had a high-quality five season show, with tied bows at the end, maybe even some form of full circle. (”Uncle Luke." "What?" "Rory's pregnant and I'm the father." LOL)

    WYR Luke see Luke go camping with Lorelai or Jess?

    Jess.  They would both complain the entire time, but Jess isn't as high-pitched.

    You're spending the night at the Dragonfly the night it catches fire.  Would you rather spend the night with Kirk and his night terrors or Miss Patty who will keep you up all night "entertaining" you.

  21. 8 hours ago, Raspberry Streusel said:

    LOLOL! They look at you like you were supposed to do something. In my 20's that happened to me. The secretary isn't a bodyguard. 

    Yeah, I know right.  If your job is to keep people out of the office, they ought to give you a gun or something with the job.  I mean, I was kind of kidding before.  I don't ALWAYS say go on back.  Like, if he's on the phone or something, or if I the person is clearly a salesperson or something. But, we're a small company in a small town.  My boss is most likely going to want to see someone who pops in.

    • Love 1
  22. 49 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    I like it when they clarify things in the media, though.  Sometimes they think something was clear within the show but some viewers didn't get it.  Why not clarify it?  It helps solve the debates that occur here and elsewhere.  Like some people thought the teen actors might've been portraying the triplets over age 21, which I think would've been kind of ridiculous.  

    Plus it encourages fans to read the interviews and watch the after-show and all, if they're dying for more info.  It gives TV an interactive nature it didn't used to have.  You can choose your anvil weight.  Heh.  I'd rather that than even more anvils included in the show itself.  

    Clarifying an age, or something that the writers thought should have been clear, and they meant it to be clear, in the first place is one thing. But, we really ought to be able to understand the entire show, just by watching the show.

    • Love 5
  23. 8 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Not to mention how 99 Problems was set in Blue Earth, Minnesota where Pastor Jim had his church with the basement full of supernatural weapons. Seriously, how was it he wasn't even mentioned in that episode? ;)

    Yeah, Pastor Jim had only been dead about 5 years at that time.  It was a fairly small town.  The whole thing was revolving around a minister and his daughter.  Pastor Jim's replacement, perhaps?  It bugged me that he wasn't mentioned, too.  If they didn't want to mention him, set it in a different town.  They have entire states they haven't been too yet.

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