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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. 1 hour ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Perhaps Gavin not only saved the people in the present, but he and Fiona in the past while still keeping the timeline intact.

    Impossible. What if they had had children?  Or even one child.  That would mess up everything, because if that child (or children) got married, it would probably be to someone who would have married someone else.  The whole population would be different.  We need only watch My Heart Will Go On (and don't even get me started on that epi) to see how this would be a bad idea.  One of the few parts I did like of that episode was what Atropos said.  I'm going to use quotes, but I'm probably paraphrasing a bit.  "You changed the future.  You can not change the past.  That is going too far."

  2. 1 minute ago, Aeryn13 said:

    They can`t seriously be stupid enough to think the BMOL as an organization are gonna change things to fit the Winchesters liking.

    Of course they can.  Sam was offended that Metatron had never heard of them (or at least said as much) because they're "the freaking Winchesters."  Demons ask for their autographs (Dean's anyway, and that was probably more sarcastic than anything else, but I'm on a roll here), and random hunters they meet say "I've heard of you."  They are clearly hunting royalty and can therefore expect the BMOLs to bow down to their way of doing things.

    • Love 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

    Did Eileen identify herself as BMOL? I don`t remember that. I don`t think she is really part of the organization.

    She said her father was in the Men of Letters, and then I think she said they didn't exist any more.

  4. 1 hour ago, DittyDotDot said:

    I hope you continue to play with us, @Katy M--more players makes it more fun!

    Here's a short one as I'm still at work and don't have time to go looking one up tonight...


    _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ !



  5. 48 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Heh, you're doing fine! We all miss letters from time to time and the longer the quote the easier it is to do that. But, I'll put you out of your misery...


    You wanna know the truth? I got this brother, right? And he's always telling me how he's going to watch out for me, how everything's gonna be OK. You, kind of like I've been telling them.


    Aww, Sammy needs his Dean! ;)

    Thank goodness it's over:)

    • Love 2
  6. Y-- w-nn- -n-w th- tr-th? I g-t this -r-th-r, right? -nd h-’s -lw-ys t-lling -- h-w h-’s g-ing t- w-t-h --t --r --, h-w ---rything’s g-nn- -- -K. Y-- kn-w, kind -- lik- I’-- ---n -t-lling th--.

    yes: S, D, N, H, K, R, I, L, T, G, Y, W


    Just now, Katy M said:

    Y-- w-nn- kn-w th- tr-th? I g-t this -r-th-r, right? -nd h-’s -lw-ys t-lling -- h-w h-’s g-ing t- w-t-h --t --r --, h-w ---rything’s g-nn- -- -K. Y-- kn-w, kind -- lik- I’-- ---n -t-lling th--.

    yes: S, D, N, H, K, R, I, L, T, G, Y, W


    I forgot a very important k earlier.  I need a board like Vanna has. Where the letters light up for me.

  7. 35 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

    IMO when the boys encountered her in their trips back in time she was certainly a competent hunter but she was also reluctant to embrace the life as her father had done. Also her stating that she never wanted the same for her children leads the viewer to believe that she had shunned the life after she had married a non-hunter and started a family of her own. We've been given much backstory of John being the laser focused obsessed hunter but nothing to suggest that Mary was even remotely the same. Sure she may be still retain some of the skills that were drilled into her but these facts would lead one to believe that they would be more than a little bit rusty. How could she be the "best Winchester" after over 30 years out of practice outside of the writers wanting to build her up?

    I would add to that, that Sam and Dean are much better hunters now than they were in season 1.  Especially Sam.  Sam WAS rusty at the beginning of Season 1.  Not overly so, but you could definitely tell that Dean was the superior hunter back then.  So, it doesn't make much sense to me that Mary after a 10 year break from hunting in which she apparently did hunt, yet was able to not ever get hurt beyond what she could explain by being a SAHM, oh wait never mind, I guess she is the best hunter ever.

    IMO, it doesn't help that the actress is hovering around 50 when Mary was 29 when she died.  I'm not trying to be ageist, as I'm in my 40s myself, but I could probably more easily believe her being a better hunter than her sons if she were actually younger than them and still had 20s or 30s reflexes and stamina. 

    • Love 1
  8. Y-- --nn- -n-- th- tr-th? I g-t this -r-th-r, right? -nd h-’s -l--ys t-lling -- h-- h-’s g-ing t- --t-h --t --r --, h-- ---rything’s g-nn- -- -K. Y-- kn--, kind -- lik- I’-- ---n -t-lling th--.

    yes: S, D, N, H, K, R, I, L, T, G, Y


  9. --- --nn- -n-- th- tr-th? I g-t this -r-th-r, right? -nd h-’s -l---s t-lling -- h-- h-’s g-ing t- --t-h --t --r --, h-- ---r-thing’s g-nn- -- -K. --- kn--, kind -- lik- I’-- ---n -t-lling th--.

    yes: S, D, N, H, K, R, I, L, T, G


  10. --- --nn- -n-- th- tr-th? I --t this -r-th-r, ri-ht? -nd h-’s -l---s t-llin- -- h-- h-’s --in- t- --t-h --t --r --, h-- ---r-thin-’s --nn- -- -K. --- kn--, kind -- lik- I’-- ---n -t-llin- th--.

    yes: S, D, N, H, K, R, I, L, T


    Sorry, I forgot an H earlier.

  11. --- --nn- -n-- -h- -r--h? I --- -his -r--h-r, ri-h-? -nd h-’s -----s ----in- -- h-- h-’s --in- -- ----h --- --r --, h-- ---r--hin-’s --nn- -- -K. --- kn--, kind -- -ik- I’-- ---n ----in- ----.

    yes: S, D, N, H, K, R, I


    I find this ridiculously hard.  Not sure why.

  12. 34 minutes ago, Katy M said:

    --- --nn- -n-- -h- ----h? - --- -h-s ----h--, ---h-? -nd h-’s -----s -----n- -- h-- h-’s ---n- -- ----h --- --- --, h-- ------h-n-’s --nn- -- -K. --- kn--, k-nd -- --k- -’-- ---n -----n- ----.

    yes: S, D, N, H, K



  13. --- --nn- -n-- --- -----? - --- ---s -------, -----? -nd --’s -----s -----n- -- --- --’s ---n- -- ----- --- --- --, --- --------n-’s --nn- -- --. --- -n--, --nd -- ---- -’-- ---n -----n- ----.

    yes: S, D, N


  14. --- ----- ---- --- -----? - --- ---s -------, -----? --- --’s -----s ------- -- --- --’s ----- -- ----- --- --- --, --- ----------’s ----- -- --. --- ----, ---d -- ---- -’-- ---- ------- ----.

    yes: S, D


  15. --- ----- ---- --- -----? - --- ---- -------, -----? --- --’- ------ ------- -- --- --’- ----- -- ----- --- --- --, --- ----------’- ----- -- --. --- ----, ---- -- ---- -’-- ---- ------- ----.

    I did not go back through 178 pages (or any of them) to see which quotes have already done, so apologies if this one has been used.  And I will try not to mess this up, but no guarantees.

  16. 3 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:



    I  / enj _ _ e _  / t _ e  / t _ ste  / _ _  / _ _ _ _  / … / _ _ rti _ _ l _ rl _  / _ e _ n _ t  / b _ tter  / _ it _  / _ _ _ _ e  / jell _ , / n _ t  / j _ m. / J _ m  / I  / _ _ _ n _  / _ nsettlin _ .

    Yes: S, M, R, B. T, N, E, I, J

    I enjoyed the taste of food...particularly peanut butter with grape jelly, not jam.  Jam I find unsettling.

    Cas was wrong by the way.  Jam is better.

    • Love 1
  17. 47 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

    Dean should be able to handle a werewolf. 

    This is kind of where I disagree.  No, he shouldn't.  A werewolf should be tougher and stronger than Sam or Dean.  They shouldn't be able to take out entire nests of vampires and werewolves single-handedly.  And the episodes where they struggle are the ones I enjoy more and find more "realistic."

    • Love 7
  18. 1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

    Bible Camp just sounds like a nightmare. 

    I went to Bible Camp when I was a kid.  You also do other things.  You don't just sit there and read the Bible 24/7.  It's basically regular camp with Churchlike activities mixed in.  Some of those people at Richard's club seemed like a nightmare.  When 2 separate people call someone "the most odious woman alive" she either has problems or the people calling her that do.

    • Love 1
  19. 4 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    Yes, it's the same car, Chevrolet Chevelle. She didn't will it to him though. When he was talking to Rebecca about the events of the day they met, he mentioned having been set up on a blind date by "the lady who sold me the Chevelle". Which, now that I think of it, doesn't sound entirely plausible, since (a) she must have been mad at him for standing up the blind date she arranged, and (b) the poker sharks had taken all of Jack's money.

    She didn't necessarily sell it to him the next day.  she was obviously very fond of him, so I'm sure she forgave him the stand up.  And he had been fixing her car for what $5 or $10 for years.  If she had gotten to the point where she couldn't drive any more, she probably sold it to him very cheaply as a payback.

    • Love 4
  20. 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I'd rather listen to April nerding out over science. I may not be a science person, but at least I wouldn't have the responsibility of having to look after Kirk. That would be a lot of work and if I wasn't being rewarded in some way, then I'd rather pass. 

    A big name franchise opens up in Stars Hollow, right across the street from Luke's Diner (and Taylor's Ice Cream Shop). What would you rather it be: Starbucks, or Dairy Queen? 

    That's a good one.  I'm going to say Starbucks because I think Luke's customers are loyal enough that Starbucks will be sent scurrying with their tail between their legs.

    If Rory had decided to change her major at Huntzberger told her she didn't have it would you rather she changed her major to education or pre-law?

  21. 57 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    A character gets to come into the real world, into your home, and film a day of your personal life. WYR it was Kirk or Mrs. Kim?

    Mrs. Kim.  Kirk would want total authenticity and would follow you into the bathroom and the shower.  Mrs. Kim would give you your privacy at such moments, although she would probably yell at you if you sat down to watch TV.

    Babies were switched in the hospital. Who would you rather was Rory's biological parent--Taylor or Miss Patty, or both?

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