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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. 16 minutes ago, SueB said:

    Excellent point. That really is very, very old school. Unless it also has some magical properties that require that size to allow it to penetrate the 'only up when the plot needs them' shielding. 

    Mick was in charge of the electronics procuring. Without him they're lost and had to grab something out of storage from the fifties.  Although, it would really be funny if the bug came out of THE bunker.  We know all that stuff is old because it was unoccupied for so long.

    • Love 1
  2. 54 minutes ago, tarotx said:

    My cousin's fiance lived in a small town of about 400 people but they had a huge nymber of population on their sign. My cousin laughed about it but it turned out they listed everybody who ever lived there since the town was incorporated.

    Ah, so they're counting the cemetery inhabitants.  That's a little creepy, but OK.

    • Love 2
  3. 1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

    So yea, it doesn't bug me as much as it bugs some of you, but they're way of the mark if they think there's that many people in SH. 

    It only bugs me because they seem to be portraying some aspects as a town of 1,000 or so and some aspects as a much larger town.  At least they didn't go to the other extreme and have something that screams big city:)

  4. 1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

    I don't recall that being something that was an issue as stated in the show.

    No, because as usual, they didn't think things through.  But, if shutting the doors of Heaven left all the Heaven bound souls trapped in the veil, why wouldn't sealing the gates of Hell leave all the souls bound for Hell trapped in the veil. And since in SPN verse the only people who go to Hell are those that sell their soul or are murderers, those murderers would probably for the most part not be Caspers.

  5. 1 minute ago, Taryn74 said:

    Although a lot of our smaller schools had to consolidate in the early 90s because they didn't have enough funds to keep them all open.  The school I went to (that my parents both went to) doesn't even exist anymore.

    We had kids from one other town going to our high school also.  Plus, we were a vocational center, so anyone within about a 20 mile radius who wanted to take votech classes went to our high school, too.  I forgot about that, so that probably bumped our numbers up a bit.

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  6. 21 minutes ago, Taryn74 said:

    Yeah, it's pretty obvious the writer's have no clue what a "small town" actually is.  They write SH as though it has a population of around 200, not 10,000.

    But not entirely. The high school actually seemed about right.  They had enough students to fill out a basketball team, hockey team and marching band.  Couldn't do all that in a town with 200 people. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    because there was no negative consequence to humanity for doing so. It wasn't genocide against the demons  because it wasn't going to kill demons.

    My original point is there wouldn't be any demon hunting for the demon hunters to do.  In that regard, Mary doesn't need permission, just like they didn't need permission.  However, I highly doubt there wouldn't have been negataive consequences.  They kept assuming that if they were going to close the gates of Hell, tha all the demons would get sucked in and closed in with it.  IMO, there was just as much chance of the ones on the outside staying on the outside and then being unable to be exorcised.  Plus, all the souls destined for Hell would have turned into angry spirits.


    8 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    Dean is not a psychopath who must KILL KILL to live or to get his rocks off or contain his whatever. Dean is not Dexter Morgan. 

    I never said he was a psychopath. I said he liked killing things, or at least the second part of the family business--hunting things.  I stand by that.  Bloodlust is the best example that pops into my head.  But, you were the one who said that Mary shouldn't be trying to get rid of all the monsters so that Sam and Dean wouldn't have to hunt any more.


    9 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    And it's also possible that Mary doesn't really KNOW if she wants to go back or not. 

    I would agree with that.  Mary probably doesn't 100% know what she wants which is why she's all over the place.

    • Love 1
  8. I'm not sure if this is a "nitpick" or not, but I'm not sure the writers knew how big Stars Hollow was supposed to be or not.  I just saw elsewhere in a trivia section that the pop is supposed to be 9,900 something, I forgot the exact number.  I currently live in a town of 12,000 something and I grew up in a town of between 9 and 10,000.  OK, everyone in Star's Hollow seems to know everyone else.  I call BS on that.  You can apparently walk to everywhere.  For close to 10,000 people, it would be a lot more crowded if every place was within walking distance.   And Doosie's Market appears to be the only place to buy groceries.  that store can not support 10,000 people.  It's tiny.   And was that stoplight they put in front of Luke's the only stoplight they ever had in town?  The town I grew up in had 3 stop lights.  (I think).   

    • Love 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, SueB said:

    The issue I have with Mary is that she stated her rationale was to work with the BMoL to get rid of all the monsters so Sam and Dean can have a normal life.  So, without really getting to know them, she's decided that there is something wrong with their lives and she's going to change it for them.  If she doesn't want to be around them, then this is a weird application of parental prerogative.  And it definitely says to both Sam and Dean that she doesn't approve of their life.  

    Dean was right when he said 'You said you needed time. No, you said you needed space.  But it wasn't space you needed, it was space away from US.' 

    Mary says she wants to be 'Mom' but she's pretty clearly rejected them as individuals.  She's trying to change the world so THEY can change.  Even though both Sam and Dean have made it clear they've chosen this life and are content with that choice.  Mary has decided she knows better. And with her son making it clear that the rejection is hurting him, she continues. THAT's the issue I have   If Ketch was right (and I don't think he is) that Mary just likes killing things, then she needs to acknowledge that and stop pretending she's doing it for the boys.  More importantly, she would need to acknowledge that she respects their choice to live as hunters   She's never walked back what she said to Sam in the Raid (that she's hunting to kill all the monsters so the boys can have a different life).

    Which leaves us with the distance issue  if Mary needs time and space for HER sake only, then why stay involved in hunting at all?  Why be IN her children's profession but stay away from them?  Do they have cooties? Personally, I think she once again has decided something for the boys. IMO, she's decided that she's going to likely die (and she wants to go back to her 'heaven') and doesn't want the boys to get too attached to her now.  She may also be subconsciously protecting her 'boys' as they are in heaven   Making sure she goes back to that idyllic time (in her mind).  I'm left with one of two options: she's either uncomfortable in their presence (i.e just doesn't want to see them) or she's protecting them from having a greater hurt when/if she dies.  The former is a negative judgement towards her children, the latter is denying them any agency in the relationship  

    Bottom line: Mary has judged them and found their life something she doesn't approve.  She's keeping them distant because she either can't stand to see them as hunters or she doesn't want them upset when/if she dies.  To the boys, it feels pretty much a rejection of who they are.

    And Dean is self-aware to know he just can't walk away.   The Raid proved that to him.  For many, the healthy choice would to be to avoid a disapproving parent.  That's not how Dean is wired.  

    And IMO, Mary's choice to not get to know her boys means she doesn't really fully appreciate the active damage she's doing.  

    I'm not saying that Mary gets to make choices for Sam and Dean because she doesn't. She does get to make choices for herself, though.  And, in theory, no matter what the motivation, getting rid of all the monsters in the world would be a good thing. Did Sam and Dean check with other hunters before taking it upon themselves to close the gates of Hell?  No, they just decided to go ahead with that (until they changed their minds) and darn the consequences for everyone else.  Sam has said on more than one occasion that he doesn't want to be doing this for the rest of his life.  Yes, he wants to help people, but if the need for that help went away, IMO, he would be fine with that.  I'm not sure where that would leave Dean, though.  Because he likes helping people AND killing monsters.  I can think of at least twice when he said he was itching to kill something or itching for a hunt.

    And, yes, I agree, I think Mary does want to be back in Heaven.  She was there for 10ish years.  Dean didn't ask for her to be brought back. But, she didn't ask it either.  I think she wanted to take Billie up on her offer or whatever in Celebrating the Life, but didn't because of Sam and Dean. Then, she offered to take one of their places in First Blood.  I think there was both the motivation to go back to Heaven and to save her kids. So, I don't think she's totally apathetic.  I think she's just tired, confused, and ready to be back in Heaven where all she had were happy memories. 

    • Love 1
  10. 1 minute ago, ILoveReading said:

    If Mary doesn't want to get to know Sam and Dean because she can't see them as her sons and can't make the leap.  Again understandable because not everyone can reconnect, but then Mary owes it to her sons to be honest with them on this point and stop using her sons as an excuse for her actions and own them.  "I'm working with the British Men of Letters because I want too."

    I 100% agree with all of that.

    • Love 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

    I think Mary got called very little on her shit, unfortunately. And then she got her way entirely. Noone seems to be bothering her anymore, least of all Dean. 

    And I think besides the lying to them about the demon hunt (which don't get me wrong, was superhuge and did deserve yelling and if they never wanted to work with her again, they would be more than justified in that decision), she hasn't done any "shit."

    • Love 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, Melancholy said:

    Plus, the AP test is a national test given by College Board at the end of the school year. That applies to every American high school- it's a standard test to measure what students learned in a subject over the past year. 

    I thought it was possible that Chilton started later but ended later than the local public schools. I don't recall a clear scene indicating Rory got out at the same time. (Then again, I'm a Florida girl. I don't quite get how much sunshine is impossible in a New England later afternoon. I know the days are shorter but I think the sun is out around 3-4, right?) Many studies indicate teenagers learn better if they start their day later and finish school later. However public school administrators argue that they can't push back school start time because many students have afternoon jobs. That likely wouldn't apply to the Chilton students. My city has fancy private schools that start later than the public schools. 

    In the winter time it gets dark around 4:30.  If Rory got out of school at 3:30, I'm assuming she wouldn't get back to SH until at least 4.  However since she sometimes stayed after school to work on the paper or projects, I would think she often wouldn't get home until 4:30 or later. We never once saw her get off the bus in the dark except when she played hooky and went to NY for the day and got on the wrong bus coming back.

  13. 1 minute ago, rue721 said:

    Yeah, IMO Dean dropped some pretty heavy hints that he thought John was dead. And it was pretty reasonable for him to be worried about that, given the circumstances of their lives and John's disappearance. So I think that's a different scenario than him being upset about Sam going to school.

    I'm pretty sympathetic to Dean being upset about Sam going to school, though, too. He seems to keep framing it as Sam leaving him to carry on "the family business" and take care of John alone, which even under ordinary circumstances would be kind of fraught, but which has the added pressure of how EXTREMELY isolated their lives were/are as hunters. In the first season, Dean describes himself as a freak at least a couple times, and IMO that's a perfectly fair thing for him to do because their lives are super weird and not really that understandable to outsiders. And on top of that, they were sworn to secrecy anyway.

    I'm not unsympathetic to Dean being upset that Sam went to school.  I'm unsympathetic to the fact that he kept throwing it in Sam's face for year's afterwards.

    I'm not unsympathetic to Dean wanting Mary to spend time with them and be more like a mother.  I just think she doesn't deserve to be yelled at over it, or get snide comments like whatever he said at the end of Family Feud (before the big reveal) when she did come to visit.  Kind of reminded me how when I would visit my grandmother she would spend the whole time complaining how nobody ever visited her.  Didn't make me want to come back, although of course I did.

    Yes, I've decided the John comparison does not really hold up.  Just trying to show a pattern of how Dean expects his family to stick together forever.  Which is fine to want.  But, it's not really fine to expect or lay guilt trips over when it doesn't happen.

    • Love 4
  14. 8 minutes ago, bozodegama said:

    I was sure that when Cass looked at the books Chuck wrote about the Winchesters, he was certain that they would be known as the Winchester Gospels.  Dean even said they are like the "new new testament (which was hysterical).  I don't think the writer researched the canon for the Goat dude episode.  There would be no way that Sam and Dean would be having a whole talk about not being remembered.  I realize they probably wanted to elicit some emotional response to the writing of the initials on the table but to destroy canon for a flashback is so uncool.  This was a bad episode all the way around and I usually love most episodes.

    Then, on the other hand, those are supposed to be fictional books.  So, in a sense, nobody would be remembering them, because they wouldn't think they were real. 

    • Love 2
  15. 50 minutes ago, SueB said:

    I agree.  Mary looking young is one thing.  Mary having not aged since that photo is another.  She probably qualifies for a BMoL kill shot. 

    She actually has aged in that photo.  That photo is 12 years old.  Samantha Smith has aged like any normal person would.  I would think looking younger than Sam and Dean (which she most assuredly does not, but she's supposed to and I think we're supposed to suspend disbelief on that) should have been enough clue.

  16. OK, here's my unpopular opinion. While I do think that Mary was wrong to sneak around with the BMOL and lie to them about the purpose of the one hunt, as far as I know, she's not lying now. I don't think she's horrible for not wanting to spend a lot of time with these people who are strangers to her.  For once, we have a SPN situation that could sort of happen in real life.  Not coming back from the dead of course, but if Mary had been in a coma for 30 years.  That's a long time to be in a coma and wake up, but I think there have been some that long, or at least close to.  In the real world, nobody would be expecting Mary to just pick up where she left off. All of them would be in counsilling.  for a long time.

    And, if this were the first time Dean got upset for someone "ditching" him, I would give him a pass. But, for the first five seasons, how many times did we hear him say bitterly "ditched us for Stanford?"  Like going to college is such an evil thing.  He even had to go hunt his dad down the second he left him (at the age of 26) even though John had left him a voice message and told him not to.  I love Dean. But, face it, he's a little clingy.  It's not like Mary has cut off all contact.  She lived with them for at least a week, I would say, and gone on several hunts with them, and played Words with Friends with Dean for a while.  She just needs time and pushing her is not going to make it go faster.

    • Love 5
  17. 3 minutes ago, Commando Cody said:

    It didn't occur to me that the BMoL letters knew Mary was back from the dead. 

    They seemed to know absolutely everything about Sam and DEan's life.  I'm sure their mother burning on the ceiling was well-known to them.

    4 minutes ago, Commando Cody said:

    It would be hard to leave a steady paycheck when there are so many mouths to feed.

    I don't think there were that many mouths in season 8. 

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