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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. This is my all-time favorite episode of any show ever.  I love pretty much every minute of it.  From Dean freaking out about Sam suddenly missing, and I think when he first walks in the diner he wonders if SAm did all that, but I've never been quite sure.  I love Andy. Who doesn't love Andy?  Did not see the Ava twist coming.  I liked her in Hunted also.  And it really made you see how Sam could possibly become evil since Ava was so likeable before.  Loved the scene with Jake and Sam talking. The dream with Yellow Eyes explaining his plans and Sam's pure horror at the whole idea.  And, the best scene ever is Sam's death.  Jensen was so  heartbreaking in that episode.  And that final SAM yell.

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  2. I don't like vampires either.  But, I'll put up with them for SPN's sake.  What kind of bugged me about the "scent for life" and "mating for life" thing is that you would think Kate would be super-pissed that they killed her mate.  And, she has their scent for life. Yet 11 years later and nothing?  I suppose we could assume that some other hunter got her. 

  3. On ‎3‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 8:14 PM, cattykit said:

    I see this topic is no spoilers.  I don't think it's a spoiler to suggest that 99% of the time MM rules in favor of the little dog over the big dog, the dog off the leash over the dog on the leash, and the bitee over the biter.  I do remember one case where she found that a pit bull owner was actually in the right, but that was the day hell froze over, too.

    Well, there are leash laws, so of course, most of the time the unleashed dog is going to be the one in the wrong, and why would you side with the biter over the bitee?  well, I guess if the biter is leashed on his own property and an unleashed dog wanders onto the property, then I could see it, but in most cases, the biter is going to be 100% at fault, or at least the owners are.

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  4. Yes, the twins were not particularly good actresses.  But, the thing is, it's not really their fault.  They were 4 years old when they were cast, and I'm of the opinion that no 4 year old can really act all that well. I'm also of the opinion that 4 year olds do not say "I want to go audition for a TV show", that's on the parents.  Michael Landon should have replaced them when they were a bit older (like 6 or 7) and it was obvious they weren't that good.  Not that I think many 6 or 7 year olds are Oscar worthy either, but, there are at least some varying degrees of talent in that pool.

    On ‎1‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 10:23 PM, Maherjunkie said:

    Did Mary actually have blindness?

    Yes, and the real Mary also had seizures and headaches.  She never married and from most accounts became quite bitter.  Whether that was a neurological side effect of the seizures, or just general bitterness over the sudden blindness and end of her life plans is anyone's guess.

  5. Your favorite and least favorite male character:  My favorite: Bobby, My least favorite Alistair

    Favorite and least favorite female character: My favorite: Ruby, My Least favorite: Bela

    Favorite and Lest favorite episode: My favorite, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1, My Least Favorite; Bloodlines

    Favorite and Least favorite Season: My favorite: Season 2 and 4, My Least Favorite, Season 9

    Favorite and least favorite season premiere: Favorite, In My Time of Dying, Least favorite, The Magnfiicent Seven, or Keep Calm and Carry On

    Favorite and least favorite season finale: Favorite, Lucifer Rising, least favorite, Survival of the Fittest or Alpha and Omega

  6. My unpopular opinions:

    1. I like Season 4 Ruby better than Season 3 Ruby and I love both of them.  She's my fave demon.

    2. I don't think the alpha vampire is all that great.  HE's fine, but nothing to get excited over.

    3. I was fine with Sam not looking for Dean.  I never look for people after they die and it's high time they started learning from their mistakes.  Too bad it didn't stick.

    4. I hate it when either of the boys are possessed or turned into demons or whatever.  I like the boys being the boys.

    5.  I think it was equally as stupid for Dean to take the mark of cain as it was for Sam to drink demon blood.  Possibly more so because it was 4 (?) seasons later.  Again, learn from your mistakes.

    6. I wish Cas would just leave already.  Nothing against Misha, but he's only as powerful as they need him to be for any given epi and he could technically just solve all their problems and bring them back to life every day, so where's the sense of urgency or danger?

    7.  I don't think Mary is a terrible, horrible awful person for wanting to get off on her own.  She spent a few weeks with them, she calls and texts.  I get that they didn't have her growing up, but most guys their age don't get to be with their mom much more than that.

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