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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. 9 hours ago, Willowsmom said:


    I don't think so, Episcopalians have priests not ministers. It was just generic Christian.

    I'll be the first to admit that I don't know anything about Episcopalians.  But, they actually said that's what they were in one episode.  I don't remember which one, but it was one with Yasmine, the Muslim girl.

  2. On ‎5‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 2:09 PM, txhorns79 said:

    I have a vague recollection from the end of the series where Lucy was looking for her own congregation, and nearly ended up in some kind of cult town where everyone was required to either be in school or work. 

    They were going to make a spin-off.  Thank goodness it didn't happen.  Everyone in the town had to have a job and be a foster parent.  That would be so illegal to require either one just to live in a town.  And, I don't even want to know the kind of foster parent you would make if the only reason you were one was because you inherited a house and wanted to actually live in it and that was the only way. 

    • Mind Blown 1
  3. 30 minutes ago, companionenvy said:

    And while he may get a "Boo-hoo" from Bobby

    I never really got that as Bobby being dismissive of Dean's feelings as trying to smack some sense into him.  That moment was bigger than just Sam and Dean drama.  Sam was turning into a monster via the demon blood.  Dean would have said "stow your crap" Bobby said "Boo Hoo"

  4. 47 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

    I loved Leviathan George. That barista was "so lucky" that George was in a hurry? Hee. Maybe his head is still out there somewhere?

    For some reason, they've never come across a leviathan since Dick died.  Crowley implied that they were still out there, just unorganized, but it leads me to wonder if everyone was wrong about what the body floundering meant and they really all just got sucked back into Purgatory, too.   IIRC, they ran into leviathans in Purgatory in one of the flashbacks.

    48 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

    Just because, I'd love to see Sam come across that barista again if they ever go back to Oregon.

    Sam: Can I get a triple red eye please?
    Barista: It's your funeral.

    Another barista said the same thing to young Sam in The Girl Next Door.   He's still alive so apparently they were both wrong:)

  5. 7 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

    What a wonderful scene to introduce you to the show :) . I started watching back in 2006. It was the episode with Lenore and the show initially caught my attention because it guest starred Amber Benson who starred in my all time favourite show Buffy :)

    I realize that this is getting off on a tangent, but my first scene was halfway through Bedtime Stories, when they're walking down the hall with the doctor and then they say something about burning bones and Dean has to go fight the big bad wolf, and I was like WTH am I watching?  LOL.  But, the first epi I saw the whole thing was A Very Supernatural Christmas and that was the one that got me.

    • Love 2
  6. 22 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

    I know a lot of people really liked Rory and Dean's scene in the revival and thought Rory's spiel about Dean making her feel safe and wishing she'd met him later in life sweet, but I sort of rolled my eyes at that. I doubt Dean's comfortable, family oriented life in Scranton would ever appeal to Rory. You know, she might have to cut some coupons! Or forgo designer threads for target, Walmart or ,even worse, Goodwill cloths! The horror! LOL sorry couldn't resist. In my mind revival Dean, who is closer to season 1 Dean, was thinking the same thing. Like "Damn girl, you weren't happy all those times we were together, what changed? Umkay, I'm gonna' have to go back to my great wife and kids now, buh bye!"

    I think Rory suffers from Nostalgia Envy.  I don't think there's much doubt that she was happy in Season 1 with Dean.  They were sophomores in high school so nothing had to be overly complicated and they had no responsibilities.  So, every time Rory is unhappy, she remembers Season 1 and how happy Dean made her feel and thinks that she should be able to go back to that.  Not realizing that they were too different, so as they got older they would want different things and different lifestyles and it would never work.  So, what she really wants, is to not meet him now when they are older, but to somehow freeze time forever at 16, when nothing really mattered.

    And, I think we all have that perfect time in our life.  Mine is college.  I would love to just go be in college forever.  But, I know that I would be horribly out of place and old.  You can't go back, and you're smart if you just hold on to the happy memories and don't try.  But, Rory kept trying.

    • Love 17
  7. 24 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    Sorry, I don't know about rules and I welcome any back and forth.  I just feel like since I said I didn't think Duke was 'rapey' half the things I post get challenged as if I'm stating facts or something.  It's just an opinion.  I thought you might be defending the show as not being tone deaf.  I feel like in the UO thread you can criticize the show without worrying about hurting the feelings of anyone who loves the show and having your opinion refuted as 'wrong'.  I don't think you're one to do that, though.

    I feel like you ought to be able to criticize a show anywhere without hurting anyone's feelings (OK, maybe the actual people involved with the show might have hurting feelings).  I mean, it's just a TV show.  I do think it's fun to debate back and forth.  I've even had my mind changed on a thing or two.  I don't think Duke is 'rapey'.  I do think he's a jerk:)

    • Love 5
  8. I'm not really sure what they would have her do in more episodes, but I loved Hayley from Wendigo, She was kind of like a female Dean, taking care of her family and protecting everyone.   And seeing as how they were neighbors, I would have liked to see Marcy from Weekend at Bobby's in at least one more episode, just so we could see her either finding out that Bobby wasn't nuts, or just seeing her reaction to the fact that Bobby woodchippered someone who was trying to attack her.  Seriously?  We know that she filed a home invasion report, but we don't know if she thought Bobby was some kind of weird serial killer, he just got to aggressive in protecting her, or if she thought he was totally wrong to kill someone so gruesomely.  I'm probably completely overthinking her character, but that's what I do.

    13 hours ago, DeeDee79 said:

    Season 4: The pregnant wife of the Rugaru in Metamorphosis. Has her child become a Rugaru as well?

    I think they turn when they're 30, so season 34.

    • Love 1
  9. 19 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    The bluntness I mean is when it goes into rudeness, like telling William, "You are overstaying your welcome" and asking Kevin, "When are you leaving?"  

    William was invited by Randall, so I would agree Beth was being rude to him, if she wanted him gone that was a discussion she should have had with Randall.  However, Kevin just showed up, announced he was staying with them for an indefinite period of time when he's never been close to his brother, so I think asking him when he was leaving was perfectly justified.  Kevin was the rude one in that situation.  Especially when he saw they already had a houseguest when he arrived.  I don't know how late it was, but at that point it should have been at most spend the night and then leave in the morning.

    • Love 1
  10. 13 hours ago, Wayward Son said:

    Without focusing on whether Sam and Dean were right on specific issues I believe fans are justified to point out when a character is being written poorly and OOC.

    Of course.   But, if a character starts consistently doing something, then the character has changed.  You are, of course, free to not like that change, and complain about it.  But, IRL people change.  So, I guess what I'm saying, is if a character does a one-off and it's OOC, you can say it's bad writing.  If they have a pattern of doing things, it's silly to defend the character by saying the writer had him do it.  And, speaking of defending characters, yes, have your favorites, and discuss motivations and plot points, but it's crazy to start defending and attacking the characters as if they are real people with feelings who need or want defending.

    Sorry, if I didn't phrase that well, or if it came across wrong, but I'm just migrating over from the IMDB board where anytime you say something positive about Sam you get accused of attacking Dean, when I feel you ought to be able to speak of them in their own right and not everything has to be a competition between them.

    • Love 1
  11. 15 minutes ago, Anela said:

    I wasn't upset. It all seemed pointless. I don't know why the creators felt the need to push them together again. Dean was just as much to blame for all of it. 

    Yes.  100%.  It was pointless.  Since this isn't real life, we can sit back and say, why did this happen?  Why have Rory do something so heinous as sleep with a married man (and before someone jumps on me, no, I'm not giving Dean a pass or saying it was more Rory's fault, but Dean isn't a main character, and I'm discussing TV show not real life) just to have that relationship fizzle also a few episodes later.  Was an affair supposed to make her more grown up and worldly.  All it did in my eyes was destroy a character that I really liked up to that point.

    • Love 4
  12. 47 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    That said, Dean said all that under the influence of the haunted coin, so how much of what he said is really how he truly felt and believed at all times?

    I was actually referring to the time he said it in Citizen Fang.  I might have gotten the quote wrong, but he said something similar.   I tend not to put too much blame if either brother says or does something "mean" to the other if there is hexing involved.  Such as Asylum, Sex and Violence, Southern Comfort.  I'm equally opportunity, you get a pass for jerkiness if something's taking away your filters.

  13. 32 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

    What I find to be interesting is that fans tend to blame Dean for being selfish and needy through his actions and when Sam does something distasteful it's deemed to be bad writing because it's not in his character.

    Yes, I've never understood that in any show, movie, whatever.  It's not as if these characters have a life of their own that writers sometimes come along and mess up.  What the writers have them do, is what they do.

    • Love 3
  14. 23 minutes ago, shron17 said:

    Maybe it's just me, but after Logan and Colin and Finn moved the party to the pool house Rory didn't seem miserable at all.  She was drinking and laughing and joking with them all and even got honest feedback on her article from Logan.

    Yeah, she may have been miserable for the first 10 minutes, but she was definitely having fun later.

    • Love 6
  15. 4 minutes ago, Demented Daisy said:

    And he killed a kid.  Not everyone sees it that way, but I do.  (I'm quite vocal, for want of a better word, about it in the episode thread.)

    I'm assuming you mean the Stein kid.  I felt that way when I first watched the episode, but then I figured, hey, at the end of the day, he did (against his will, I guess) kill that bully to take off his arm for his brother or cousin or whatever.  Dean just didn't know that.

    5 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

    When Dean saves Sam in s9 the entire season is framed by telling us how wrong Dean was, even with Sam calling him selfish.  But when Sam does the exact sae thing in s10 with the book of the damned, its framed as brotherly love.  Sam even admits that his reasons are entirely selfish.  he doesn't want to be alone either. 

    See, I saw them both as wrong, and I feel the show portrayed Sam as wrong also.  After all, he allowed an innocent (yet probably should be dead anyway) guy be sacrificed for the deal.  How is that not wrong?  Plus, the Darkness got let out.  Sorry, I'm just not seeing as how that was portrayed as a positive.  Unless you mean that Dean didn't get mad at him for it.  For that, no matter what the reason, I'm eternally grateful, because I just don't know if I could take another season of them angsting at each other.

    • Love 1
  16. 1 minute ago, Wayward Son said:

    It's a bitterness of mine that the show has a tendency to make Dean the "right" one during disputes and rarely offers Sams perspective. Seasons 8 and 9 being the worst for that.

    I feel that way also, but I'm not all that bitter about it, because I love Dean.  But, it seems like he always gets off easy.  Sam drinks demon blood and he ends up drinking a nurse and starting the apocalypse.  DEan takes the mark of Cain and turns into a demon and all he does is make some girl feel bad, sing bad karaoke, and kill some guy who wanted to kill his wife.

    Dean sacrifices himself and goes to hell and he tortures a few souls who would have been tortured anyway.  Sam sacrifices himself and goes to hell, loses his soul and does all kind of bad crap.

    And, on a different note, Dean goes to Hell and comes back the first time and yells at Sam when he thinks he sold his soul for him and told him that he was supposed to let it go.  But, when Sam does exactly that between 7 and 8 Dean reams him for that, for like two whole seasons.  I feel like the poor guy can't catch a break.

  17. I think the thing that really, really, really bugged me about the whole Benny situation was Dean saying that Benny was the one person who had never let him down.  Really?  You've known him a year and a half.  Sam didn't really let you down at all seasons 1 through 3 that I could see.  and he was probably pretty good ages 8-12.  It just seems unfair to compare someone you've known for a relatively short time to someone who you've known all your life. Especially when he's not perfect himself.  I actually can't really see how Bobby ever let him down either, or Jodie, probably others. 

    Ruby was less annoying to me as someone coming between the brothers because she did turn out to be evil.  I was one of the idiots who thought she was a good demon, up until On the Head of a pin.  So, maybe that's why I couldn't trust Benny, a once bitten, twice shy thing.  But, anyway, Ruby being evil, made Sam making a mistake by trusting a supernatural being who kept saving his life and not letting him down and Dean being right that she was evil, so it made sense. 

    Benny just made Sam look like a jerk even though it was possible he could have been right about him.

    • Love 2
  18. 1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

    To be fair, it wasn't just Rory being too busy for Dean. They were BOTH busy. He was working several jobs and having to share the car with Lindsey. There was that one scene of them trying to make plans and they were both booked for over a week straight.

    YEs, I wasn't trying to put their relationship problems all on Rory.  I was just tryin to say that I don't think Dean was wrong or a jerk to break up with Rory then and there and I didn't think it was all due to the party.  And, maybe he should have driven her back to SH to break up with her, but I think he was just done at that point and he knew he wasn't leaving her stranded.

    • Love 2
  19. 25 minutes ago, Anela said:

     After the party where Logan cheers her up (when her grandparents are trying to match-make), he blames her for that, too. Just walks away from her. 

    First of all, Rory should have left the minute she found out what her grandparents were doing, assuming she wasn't boyfriend shopping. 

    Second of all, it was her fault that she completely lost track of time and left Dean standing out in the driveway.  she knew he couldn't ring the bell.  Her grandparents hated him before he was married.

    Third of all, the party was just the last straw.  Rory was always too busy for him, wasn't all that keen on eating day old subs in the back room at Dosey's, or whatever they were doing (honestly a bit fuzzy on this).

    This relationship was not going to work and Dean was right to break it off.  Rory wasn't going to because how do you break up with someone when their marriage broke up because he cheated with you?  Actually, now that I think of it, I don't think Rory ever really broke up with anyone.  The first time she was with Dean, she didn't say I love you back and he broke up with her. IMO, that was when he was being a jerk.  Second time with Dean, she was mooning all over Jess until Dean got sick of it and broke up with her.  Jess left town without saying anything.  and, she did turn down Logan's marriage proposal, but I think she was still up for dating him, if he wanted to.

    • Love 7
  20. I haven't seen the revival so don't know what ended up happening with them, but I like Lane and Zach as a couple.  And I don't think they end up in a sexless marriage, just because it's never mentioned on the show again.

    I don't think Lindsay is horrible person.  I think she and Dean married too early without enough forethought, but that's on both of them and not an excuse to cheat.

    • Love 4
  21. 4 hours ago, ahrtee said:

    I'm not so sure Dean would like cheating.  I get the feeling he gets more pleasure from winning fair and square.  He can pretend to be a worse player than he really is in order to hustle a bet, but he's not going to cheat at the game itself.  JMO.

    Interesting.  I had never really put much thought into this before.  But, Sam and Dean do lie all the time.  And, they fraudulently get credit cards which is stealing. In my book, lying, cheating, and stealing all pretty much go hand in hand.  And, lest we think they only steal from big faceless corporations and (besides to each other) only tell "white" lies about their jobs or positions to get information to hunt, that's not exactly true. They also steal cars whenever they need one, and I can think of two occasions off the top of my head where Dean has lied to women to get them to have sex with him (Provenance and Fallen Idols).  So, I don't know that he would be above cheating in poker.

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